Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Little Big Man

Judith Weiss details the Last Stand of Ward Churchill. There's probably more than a little irony in the phrase for the man with the Big Horn.

Churchill's advocates are making a last-ditch effort to mobilize supporters in academia, via an Open Letter calling on the U of Colorado to reverse its decision. The signatories include the usual suspects Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn, also controversial academics Rashid Khalidi and Juan Cole. Both Khalidi and Cole have recently had to defend their academic credentials in pursuit of professional advancement, and their participation in Churchill's defense gives credence to their detractors. (In a truly moronic convergence of nutty professors, Deborah Frisch (fired from U of Arizona for stalking a blogger and threatening his child) defended Churchill at CounterPunch in 2005.)

The fact the Left has to pull out all its big guns to save such small fry indicates, that in his own small way, Ward is his own one-man Dien Bien Phu. "Never in the history of all mankind have so many fought to save so little." Ok. Churchill didn't say that, I did.


Blogger Deuce ☂ said...

This is the government that we are supporting. Winning? Forget it!
Iraqi PM advices Mahdi Army leaders to hide in Iran.

2/20/2007 05:21:00 PM  
Blogger El Jefe Maximo said...

If these are the Left's "big guns," as you put it, they are indeed large bore, small caliber pops and fizzles.

2/20/2007 06:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those academics do like to flock together, don't they? This reminds me of the "Gang of 88" coming down against the Lacrosse team in the Durham Bull, and digging in their Birkenstock heels when the evidence started to disappear like a mirage.

2/20/2007 07:26:00 PM  
Blogger slimslowslider said...

ward churchill
looks like the bad guy
Omega Man

2/21/2007 05:24:00 AM  
Blogger Charles Edward Frith said...

So what is it about Churchill that makes the readers of the blog so angry? I've checked his details on Wiki. Not much to report. Why the fury?

2/21/2007 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charles Frith said, So what is it about Churchill that makes the readers of the blog so angry? I've checked his details on Wiki. Not much to report. Why the fury?

This is the guy who blamed 9-11 on the victims, calling them "Little Eichmanns". The fraudulent credentials as a academic, and even as an Original Inhabitant, are just icing on the cake of ire.

2/21/2007 06:36:00 AM  
Blogger buddy larsen said...

If anyone should hate him, it should be the actual, principled leftist--if there is such a thing anymore. Or if there ever was, to be honest. Because Churchill is actually a Nazi. Just look it up--what are the requirements to be a Nazi?

2/21/2007 09:02:00 AM  
Blogger Charles Edward Frith said...

C'mon if Churchill is the focus of the right wing's intolerance then the right wing is in pretty bad shape. Most people pay little attention to the Churchill's of this world because theoretically it's not an inaccurate assertion that a bankrupt society has only itself to blame for it's woes. How accurate that is, is not something that can be resolved on the internet.

Anyway, pleased to meet you all, I'm not so keen on binary thinking but I guess this is right wing territory right?

2/21/2007 09:24:00 AM  
Blogger buddy larsen said...

And it's not just that, not just that he's an actual Brownshirt making a living by calling others what he himself is, it's the very idea of his fight for "his" tenure (his "property rights"), tenure being one of the higher expressions--a luxury--of the very system he parades himself as hating, as wanting to revolutionize.

Who is better ensconced than a tenured professor, in the wrap-around security of our wealth-generating capitalist system?

Yes, Frith is right, the disgust is more than just the politics--it's the comprehensive pussiness of playing tough guy until you get called on it, then falling apart like a cheap suitcase. A suburban Che play-actor, wasting his student's valuable, expensive, and important time.

2/21/2007 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buddy Larson said, Yes, Frith is right, the disgust is more than just the politics--it's the comprehensive pussiness of playing tough guy until you get called on it, then falling apart like a cheap suitcase

Speaking of that, the Brits are withdrawing 1,500 troops from Iraq. But we got it covered, Bush had already bumped up his original Surge plan from 20,000 to 21,500.

2/21/2007 10:02:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

If you mention D Frisch in your blog, you may be visited by her, which would be interesting to see but would probably end up in no way related to the usual discussions here.

Lawsuits from the original Frisch event are continuing.


2/21/2007 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charles Frith: I'm not so keen on binary thinking but I guess this is right wing territory right?

Yes and no. :-P

Libertarians are left-wing on social issues and about most types of military intervention, but right-wing on taxes and regulations. But it can be said as a general rule-of-thumb that a link to the Belmont Club is not found in the blogroll of a left-winger, because they live in a pre-911 world and the topics herein have to do with the concept that the West is at war against those who have hijacked Islam and turned it into a death cult.

2/21/2007 12:07:00 PM  
Blogger tckurd said...

That which is hypostatized in biochemistry is the ideal of a social order ruled by a sort of genetic code of macromolecular calculation... irradiating the social body with it's operational circuits.

Schemes of control have become fantastically perfected to a neocapitalist cybernetic order that aims now at total control.

This is the mutation for which the biological theorization of the code prepares the ground... it remains to be seen if this operationality is not itself a myth, if DNA is not also a myth.

If people are animals, and animals are machines driven by instinct and conditioning controlled by genes, then the way things are is pretty much the way they have to be.

Consequently, trying to transform the world by human action is likely to be a futile undertaking. Those who don't much like the world the way it is today -- a group that includes most left wing academics -- naturally find this view abhorrent.

2/21/2007 07:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tckurd said: If people are animals, and animals are machines driven by instinct and conditioning controlled by genes, then the way things are is pretty much the way they have to be.

It is the very essence of being human and civilized to rise above genetic predeterminism. That's what makes us better than the animals, or the barbarians. The experiment in Iraq was to see if the tribes there could rise above their inculcated animosities and vendetta-driven traditions. And the experiment is returning a negative result.

2/21/2007 07:32:00 PM  
Blogger buddy larsen said...

ADE's link--the subheads include "...the racism of the antiracists" and something about being 'chained to your roots by multiculturalism'.

Great stuff. The likes of Churchill, amassing large gouts of capital by the sweat of 'little Eichmanns', all the while safe within the legal rights created, fought, & died for by the 'little Eichmanns', are engaged in nothing but theater.

They make no actual political argument at all. They are a palace art movement--baroque meets dada--sponsored by the court they mock.

Can you imagine Churchill and his whole troupe being offered those neat black and silver SS uniforms? A perfect dovetail with the whole performance-art, theatrical nature of their remunerative specialties. They'd dress up in a nanosec--if it was safe enough, it'd be cool enough.

I think maybe a lot of the 'little Eichmann' remark is envy--over the neat costume, and the fear that the role inspired.

2/22/2007 09:14:00 AM  
Blogger Habu said...

Slavery today.

First a question. If you ask an American Indian what tribe he/she belongs to they can tell you immediately. If you aske a Black the same question what is there response?

Continuing on our celebratory mood lets take a look at slavery today and where it still thrives. The slave trade in Africa was officially banned in the early 1880s, but forced labor continues to be practiced in West and Central Africa today. UNICEF estimates that 200,000 children from this region are sold into slavery each year. Many of these children are from Benin and Togo, and are sold into the domestic, agricultural, and sex industries of wealthier, neighboring countries such as Nigeria and Gabon.According to Anti-Slavery International, the world's oldest human rights organization, there are currently over 20 million people in bondage.

So we have IN TODAYS WORLD Blacks selling other BLACKS inot slavery..
It crys out for the question. Where is Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson et.al.? when was the last time either were in any of the countries mentioned above protesting?

Worldwide 20,000,0000 ..... TWENTY MILLION. That in my world is nothing to celebrate, but then I'm not black. Perhaps they do not care that their ancestors are still trading black flesh to blacks?
Anyway. Let's continue the Black History Month Celebration, time is running out.



2/22/2007 10:51:00 AM  
Blogger Habu said...

Slavery Lives on in Mauritania

Tradition Thrives Thanks to a Confluence of Cultures

Still, the government has a history of instituting racist policies. In 1987, black officers were purged from the army and the police force. Two years later, more than 60,000 blacks were deported at gunpoint to neighboring Senegal. At least 20,000 black
A slave works in the fields.
Photo: The American Anti-Slavery Group
Mauritanians still live in refugee camps in Senegal along Mauritania's southern frontier.

Slavery, Where's Jesse,Vernan Jordan,Al Sharpton,Maxine Waters?

2/22/2007 11:18:00 AM  
Blogger Habu said...

Black History Month

Country Report: Haiti

Young girls from poor rural families are sent to Haiti's cities for lives of domestic servitude.

A Victim's Story
......"Called restavecs ("lives with"), timoun qui rete ak moun ("little people who live with big people"), or simply "domestics," Haiti's child slaves now number from 250,000 to 300,000 - one child in every twenty. Most restavecs - an estimated 85% - are girls."

Hhaitian Slavery and Bill Clinton

Didn't Bill Clinton help perpetuate this evil? Was Hillary advising him on any of it?

2/22/2007 11:29:00 AM  
Blogger Red River said...

The only thing whiter than Ward Churchill is a bottle of Clorox Bleach with a picture of Chomsky's naked butt on it.

2/22/2007 11:34:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

C'mon if Churchill is the focus of the right wing's intolerance then the right wing is in pretty bad shape. Most people pay little attention to the Churchill's of this world because theoretically it's not an inaccurate assertion that a bankrupt society has only itself to blame for it's woes. How accurate that is, is not something that can be resolved on the internet.


But the bankruptcy in not with the entire society. The bankruptcy is specific to those that give scum like Churchill a pass. And that, Mr Frith, by your own admission, would specifically include you.

2/22/2007 11:35:00 AM  
Blogger buddy larsen said...

The Haifa Razor guts another carp.

2/22/2007 12:17:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Slippery and slimy: yes. But not a carp: a serpent.

2/22/2007 07:09:00 PM  
Blogger buddy larsen said...

yep--these brisk, friendly, open-minded folks who concentrate on the man himself ("Churchill's just another lefty prof, what's YOUR problem?"), in order to minimize the symbol and meaning, are indeed slippery.

Wouldn't be, so much, except that the Churchills themselves are deliberate symbols, feeding code to an audience chosen for its vulnerability.

2/22/2007 08:34:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...



2/22/2007 08:40:00 PM  
Blogger buddy larsen said...

that's exactly whut i wuz thinkin' as i wuz writin' it

2/22/2007 09:05:00 PM  

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