Monday, October 16, 2006

Nuclear world

Well, we guessed this already.

"Up to 30 new countries could have the capability to build a nuclear weapon, on top of the nine current nuclear powers, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency has warned. We need to develop a new system of international approach (or we will not) end up with nine (nuclear-)weapon states only, but with another 20 or 30 states which have the capacity to develop nuclear weapons in a short time," IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei said in Vienna.


If widespread nuclear proliferation is inevitable there ought to be a system, such as that suggested at Winds of Change of registering the fissile signatures of each country in a secure database to prevent their transfer to terrorists by assigning the responsibility of any attack using those materials to the originating country. Furthermore, if many small countries have the bomb, there is no sense in Japan, the European countries, Canada or Australia forswearing possession. In related news, John Negroponte has confirmed that the recent North Korean test did indeed involve a trial of a nuclear weapon. (Nothing follows)


Blogger Teresita said...

If widespread nuclear proliferation is inevitable there ought to be a system, such as that suggested at Winds of Change of registering the fissile signatures of each country in a secure database to prevent their transfer to terrorists by assigning the responsibility of any attack using those materials to the originating country.

And if any nation refuses to offer signatures for registration, then the system still works by allowing innocent nations to clear themselves from guilt and get off the retaliation list.

10/16/2006 03:37:00 PM  
Blogger enscout said...

How the hell we ended up with an IAEA director named Mohamed...sort of tells it all, doesn't it?

To suggest these international types have, or should have any authority is a mistake of greatest magnitude.

How I pine for the days when a sovereign power could act unilaterally to jerk a knot in the chain of those who pose such threats.

10/16/2006 03:49:00 PM  
Blogger 3Case said...

While waiting for the international community to create the signature system, we should:

1. Build numbers 19 through 24 of these; and

2. Replace the field of stars on the Stars and Stripes with the image of the "Don't Tread on Me" flag...for the time being.

10/16/2006 04:15:00 PM  
Blogger Teresita said...

It's like handgun registration: the only people that will do it are the law-abiding citizens.

It's more like this: Everyone fires a round from their handgun, digs it out of the target and turns it in to the forensics guys. Then the next time they find a stiff, they take the bullet and cross off all the negative matches from their list. Then they go out and shoot all the other handgun owners with no further ado. Miraculously, this procedure never needs to be repeated again.

10/16/2006 05:48:00 PM  
Blogger Deuce ☂ said...

C-4 has the physics and chemistry on his side of the argument. The politics are more obvious. The US can devide the world of potential nuclear adversaries into three categories.

1. The usual suspects: Iran and Korea are at the head of the class. To them, the US can give the advice that they should pray and use all possible measures to ensure that no nuclear weapon will ever be used on a US target. they will draw the correct conclusions.

2. Trust but verify: For some reason Pakistan comes to mind. Simple message, err on the side of extreme caution. Take nothing for granted. Be extremely vigilant. Submit to a program of total accountability. Those in category 2 can be shifted to category 1 with little or no notice.

3.Russia and China: Stretegic Defense Initiative. Be so advised.

10/16/2006 06:51:00 PM  
Blogger summignumi said...

Wretchard, It would be wonderful world if it could be accomplished but as stated earlier the system could (and would) be gamed by the usual deviant countries and they would simple show the proxies “how to” just like they are doing now, then what happens if after a retaliatory attack it is found to have been the wrong registered party that now radiates a hot spot? Do they get a free shot, Besides the US where the deranged left might actually go for it out of guilt, nobody else would allow it. I have always been for the give the N-Technology to our friends because when the rubber hits the road no current or future US prez will nuke any body short of it being a full scale WW. If a rad bomb goes off then you have almost as good a chance of hitting the responsible folks as you do with the Registered Database, besides what good does a Database do a small country like Japan against a country like China or Russia? Sure it might make the Japanese look the victim to the rest of the world but really, does anybody think that Japan would shoot a missile at China without a further escalation by China.

10/17/2006 01:10:00 AM  

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