What Lies Beneath
The Politics of CP has a map showing the locations and functions of many Jamaat ul-Fuqra compounds throughout the United States, together with a table describing its criminal offenses in various localities. Most of this data has been sourced from the National White Collar Crime Center's report (published by the National Criminal Justice Reference Organization) called "Identifying the Links between White-Collar Crime and Terrorism". Happily, this report is available as a downloadable PDF here.
The Jamaat ul-Fuqra compound in Red House, Virginia was the subject of a post by the Gates of Vienna. The National White Collar Crime Center's report is itself worth reading. It persuasively argues that Jamaat ul-Fuqra provides the Jihadi movement with a powerful support capability in the United States not merely because of the compounds but because of its member's intimate knowledge of the way the dark underbelly of America works. Many of Jamaat ul-Fuqra's members were recruited in prison and know (I dare say better than most Belmont Club readers) how to commit "white collar crime" (WCC). They are the ultimate in street-smart. They used:
credit card fraud, insurance fraud, identity theft, intellectual property crime, investment fraud, money laundering, immigration fraud, computer crime, and tax evasion
Jamaat even knew how to raise "funds through fraudulent charitable organizations claiming to support a particular cause such as disaster relief or food services" and bogus Worker's Compensation claims. One of those claims was used in a multistep laundering process to buy a training property in Trout Creek Pass, Colorado. The report includes a low altitude oblique photo of a training compound in Trout Creek Pass, Colorado, which may give some indication of what Red House, Virginia (also identified as a training compound) may look like.
Dozens of Jamaat members have been indicted and convicted of crimes and they are individually listed in an appendix. The striking thing is that none of these indictments occurred prior to 9/11, though many indictments followed so closely afterward as to guarantee the crimes were committed in those halcyon days when there was 'no relationship' between organizations like these and terrorism.
Aside from the Red House, Virginia compound that Gates of Vienna mentioned, does anybody have any solid info on where these other compounds are located? Given how widespread JF seems to be and the nature of their organization, I say some cautious (yet thorough) investigation is called for. This sounds like another example of government failure forcing citizens to take matters into their own hands. Like the Minutemen on the US-Mexican border, we may have to do the hard work ourselves.
Politics of CP has maps.
If there have been arrests and convictions since 9-11 it would seem the Law Enforcement community is doing it's job.
No need for extra legal actions, as the Justice System seems to be working just fine.
If the information is in the public domain, then rest assured the Feds have it, as well.
If they do not seem to be acting on this info, it is most likely due to Public ignorance of Federal and State actions, not the lack of knowledge on Law Enforcements part.
aside from people regularly
on the Net,i imagine few Americans
are aware of Beltway sniper
John Muhammad's links(and Malvo's by association)to al Fuqra.
i have to note the comments
suggesting vigilante "inspections"
of these camps by the general public
aren't very encouraging.
look how badly Reno did with Waco.
But she sure did real well at Ruby Ridge. :(
If this is what we know is happening in the U.S., what do you suppose is happening in Canada, Mexico, Australia, and other countries with large land-masses where folks get be close enough to civilization to receive and send money, but far enough out in the boonies so that most citizens won't know they're there?
Australia, I imagine, would care, but I wonder if Canada or Mexico would lift a finger to ferret out any information on these sorts of encampments and individuals.
Wow - look at how many compounds and incidents and things there are on the map in the Detroit area.
I'm sure it's just a coincidence that that's a major area for Muslim immigrants to settle (including lots of Palestinians), since Islam is such a Religion of Peace and all.
Wretchard, thanks so much for this. I've posted on his work, too; the guy has done a great job.
Let's shine the bright lights on these people.
I have dozens of emails to go through yet; I may get some additional information from them.
In Mexico the local authorities tend to know what is what in their area. Then again they are usually easily bought, I mean bribed, I mean they'll leave you alone for cash. Usually not all that much.
Then again the Mohammedans may not be making trouble in or around Mexico, just training for ops in US.
Only 6,000 people infiltrate the southern frontier each night, the Mohammedans could never get across it, they're not as clever as the Mexicans.
We need to discount reports from Arizona ranchers of finding Mohammedan prayer rugs in the desert, discarded by the infitrators when the going got tough.
Here is Michelle Malkin's take on Domestic Terrorism
See no evil, hear no evil
"... Oklahoma University student journalist Rachael Kahne, who told me this week in a call for the media's help: "I've been working on this story since the night it happened, and have been stonewalled at every turn. ... Minutes after the explosion, police busted into a student's apartment and arrested four Muslim students who were there for a small gathering [the president of the Muslim Student Association assures me this was in no way a "party"]. Among those arrested [and later released] was Fazal Cheema, Joel Henry Hinrichs' Pakistani roommate. I was baffled when I heard this. I didn't know how police would be able to identify who Hinrichs was, where he lived, who his roommate was, and then find where his roommate was in a matter of minutes. Something isn't adding up, and I've been wracking my brain for the past week trying to figure out what happened here. OU isn't saying anything more than the typical PR spin, and the FBI won't talk."
Nothing to see here. Move along. Islam is a peaceful religion. Stop asking so many damned questions. "
I went to look at the list of "Suspected Activities by State" in Appendix B of the PDF report, and saw several references to the Detroit Metro region.
Dearborn Heights is in an area with an incredibly high Muslim population--I suspect the largest in North America. Canton and Clinton Township are within the extended Metro area.
Coldwater is several hours' drive west of Detroit, where a large Interstate cuts through on the way to Lansing, the state capital. The document claims that a training camp was near Coldwater. It makes sense, if they want to be near a decent-sized town and a major highway but away from large urban areas.
I am a little surprised to discover this--most of the big terrorist-linked arrests that make the national news seem to be on either the East Coast or the West Coast. On the other hand, Dearborn contains a huge concentration of Muslims. It would be wilful blindness to ignore the fact that a few bad guys could hide very well in that part of the States.
I'm a little slow to post on previous internet discussion but the internet analogy to GPS would be incomplete without mentioning that the Europeans are going to have their own version of GPS called Galileo--due to go operational in 2008. there has been a lot of discussion back and forth so as to make sure that the european system is interoperable and with the US gps.Also, the US has worked to insure that there are no security problems. Galileo will is slated to have a cost whereas the US GPS system is free. However, the EU insisted on the system as they feared they would become technological vassals to the US without their own system. Lots of info can be found by going to google and typing in European GPS.
I wonder if Posse Comitas applies if these guys can be linked to an external threat - and someone who has declared war on us multiple times?
Wretchard, thanks for letting me know about the maps. I didn't see the link the first time I visited Politics of CP.
And to clarify my comment from the other day, I am not encouraging any sort of violent intervention in JF by other American citizens. I do however think we need to actively work to find out more about these groups, and bring that to the public's attention. As Baron Bodissey said, "Let's shine the bright lights on these people." It would be foolish to assume that the FBI knows everything they could possibly know about JF, as the FBI has plenty of other concerns at the moment. You can only gather so much information at one time. If these people can organize themselves within this country in hopes of destroying it, we can organize ourselves to defend it against them.
This is disturbing. I didn't know Malvo was associated with al Fuqra. Futher, Rat's link to Michelle Malkin's take on the hush-up of the Hinrichs' case is unsettling: "... Minutes after the explosion, police busted into a student's apartment and arrested four Muslim students who were there for a small gathering [the president of the Muslim Student Association assures me this was in no way a "party"]. Among those arrested [and later released] was Fazal Cheema, Joel Henry Hinrichs' Pakistani roommate. I was baffled when I heard this. I didn't know how police would be able to identify who Hinrichs was, where he lived, who his roommate was, and then find where his roommate was in a matter of minutes. Something isn't adding up..."
Did not Hinrich come from Colorado? Did not Hinrichs self-explode using TATP, the same explosive used in the London train bombings? And, how could his Pakistani roommate not know about the explosives in his apartment?
Further, I do remember reading about OBL's clever little honey business that used the honey trade to smuggle opiates and cash to and from various countries and operators (the business look'd ligit and the sticky honey discouraged searches of honey containers). This indirectly leads to the Jamaat ul-Fuqra cell (or cells). And, in some instances suspects were arrested and then set free (as in Henrich's Pakistani roommate's case). To wretchard's link:
"...In New York, two Yemeni immigrants, Ali Alfatimi and Basam Nahshal, were arrested on October 16, 2001, for failing to file a monetary instrument report, i.e, financial fraud. Nahshal was apprehended a Kennedy Airport in New York for trying to smuggle $140,763 out of the country to Yemen without claiming the funds. Most of the cash was stuffed in cardboard boxes between jars of honey. The rest of the money, over $40,000, was in the form of cash and checks. Nahshal claimed to have no knowledge of the money in the cardboard boxes and stated that Alfatimi had given the boxes to transport to Yemen. Alfatimi, owner of a travel agency, claimed that the money was his, and he used passengers as couriers to transport money to Yemen. The arrests came four days after the government tried to freeze the asset of honey businesses in Yemen because investigator claimed Osama bin Laden used honey shops as fronts for al-Qaeda's weapons, drug and money smuggling operations. Charges against Nahshal and Alfatimi were abruptly dropped November 29, 2001, with no further explanation from authorities..."
see: links between White-collar Crime and terrorism
I sure hope the feds are keeping watch on these people. Another Malvo or successful Henrichs style bombing would be very unhelpful.
It would seem that the Islamists intend to re-create the Janissaries. And they have found a most able pool of dregs to indoctrinate.
Edwardo: Deep in south Texas, only several miles from the Rio Grande River, Mosques are springing up all over the place... I suppose many islamic medical practicioners are emerging along our border, purportedly to provide health care to indigent. You do see quite a few muslim doctors practicing...
That is troubling. I thought those things only happend in California. But, I guess not. I note that "doctors" tend to spring up along with mosques. My assumption is the doctors provide medical tests for ME people for immigration purposes (but, I could be wrong). Or maybe the doctors spring up for something else.
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