Wednesday, February 27, 2008

First they stage it, then they denounce it

ABC's production crew outfitted The Czech Stop, a bustling roadside bakery north of Waco, Texas, with hidden cameras and two actors. One played a female customer wearing a traditional Muslim head scarf, or hijab. The other acted as a sales clerk who refused to serve her and spouted common anti-Muslim and anti-Arab slurs.

The polarity of reactions was shocking, from support to seething disapproval. Never did we expect customers to be so passionate or candid.

"Sir, would you mind ordering me an apple strudel? That's why I am here," Sabina said.

Though visibly shaken by the hateful words, the man gave Sabina the cold shoulder, completed his purchase, and walked out of the bakery. "I really think that a person who owns his own business should be able to say who they sell to," he said after we told him about the experiment.

Couldn't ABC News find a real incident?

Today, even as ABC News manufactures their stupid scenarios, there are more than a million Filipinos working in Saudi Arabia who can't even practice their own religion openly. Some have suggested that up to half of all Filipinas employed as domestic servants in the Kingdom are raped by their employers, some even by Saudi royalty.

Strange world we live in when what is staged is then denounced; but what is real is never noticed. Here's Human Rights Watch describing the abuse of domestic helpers in Saudi Arabia.

Many low-paid women migrants in Saudi Arabia endure abysmal working conditions. Work days of at least twelve hours are typical for many of them. Overtime is at best a privilege that employers bestow, not a legal right. Other frequently mentioned complaints include being obliged to perform tasks not remotely relevant to a job description (such as massage), inadequate food, denial of vacation benefits, and prohibition of telephone contact or any other form of direct communication with family members in their home countries.

Some of the women whom we interviewed also noted that their living conditions afforded little in the way of personal privacy and security. In some cases, women did not have private, locked sleeping quarters. In other cases, women who were locked in at their places of employment around the clock and had no way to exit safely in emergency situations, such as fire, if their employers were not on site.

Pia, a beautician from the Philippines, who was a victim of sexual abuse and labor exploitation in a succession of jobs in Saudi Arabia, emphasized to us how locked and unlocked doors and exterior gates often determined the fate of women workers. For women facing intolerable working conditions or sexual violence at the hands of male employers, locked work places forced them to attempt escape from upper-story windows or balconies, at the risk of serious injury or death. In other cases, a carelessly unlocked gate presented the only opportunity to flee safely from a hellish employment situation. Describing sleeping quarters, Pia pointed out the variety of conditions that increased feelings of personal insecurity for women workers: doors that locked only from the outside, doors without locks, doors with locks but no keys, and rooms without windows. ...

There are presently nearly seven million expatriates in the Kingdom and a third of them are women — imprisoned in houses and women’s workshops. Many are abused, verbally or physically, and some are also sexually molested. They are not allowed to plead their cases, and some never leave the house where they work for two whole years or more, depending on the contract. They are not allowed to speak their own language or to talk on the telephone. They work night and day in the house without weekend breaks, annual or sick leave. When they set off on their journey home, many are not paid their wages in full.

If Americans are treated with any modicum of respect it's only because they are wealthy, powerful and armed. On the day they become as defenseless as the Bangladeshis and Filipinas, then things may change. Apple strudel, anyone?


Blogger jj mollo said...

It reminds me of the constant noise we hear about Islamophobia from organizations such as CAIR. That's pretty much contrived as well. Maybe we could take them more seriously if they ever took the trouble to denounce human rights violations in Islam-only countries. Slavery, rape, physical abuse -- crimes in the millions perhaps, totally overlooked. But if three boys were to throw a rock through the Imam's car window, that would be a hate crime. Call in the National Guard!

2/27/2008 04:37:00 PM  
Blogger Mr.Atos said...

Let's not forget that just down the road from the Czech Stop (great Kolache's, btw), Bill Clinton and Janet Reno immolated a compound full of so-called religious extremists - men, woman, and children - without due process. How soon ABC forgets some very inconvenient truths. With it's proximity to Austin and Dallas, and no end to the parade of wierdos that run that corridor daily, you'd have to look long and hard to find someone there who gives a rat's butt what someone is wearing on her head, as long as she's holding a dollar. And I was one of those wierdos for years. I know the Czech Stop well.

2/27/2008 04:54:00 PM  
Blogger Clioman said...

By chance is this the same bunch that sent trolls with cameras to NASCAR events in search of rednecks?

2/27/2008 05:12:00 PM  
Blogger wretchardthecat said...

One day the saga of overseas workers laboring in conditions of bondage in Muslim countries will be recognized as the equivalent of the slave trade of the modern age.

The principal beneficiaries of the trade are the corrupt leaders of the Third World who skim off the remittances of these poor souls and the taskmasters of those wretches prodding their staves in the name of Whoever the Merciful.

Those who believe that the Left "loves of people of color" should ask themselves this. Why should ABC hire actors to invent fictional sleights to Muslims in America while they ignore the abuse of Third World women in Muslim countries by the million? Is it some fineness of principle? Some proritization of indignation?

No. It is because countries like Saudi Arabia have the billions to hire media claques, endow chairs in universities and offer sinecures to those who will sing their praises, all while some poor Filipina cowers beneath a sink in a Saudi Arabian kitchen praying her secret rosary to Mother Mary after a rape, an incident, I'm sure that can't even be reported without a knowing reference to the superstitious nature of such poor women.

I can't read Rowan Williams's sharia proposals nor stories like this ABC travesty without concluding that these proponents are either venal or ignorant.

How could they? How could they? But they can. Oh how they can.

2/27/2008 05:18:00 PM  
Blogger RDS said...

But what if you witnessed "Islamophobia" in action and saw someone being victimized because of someone else's prejudices? What would you do?

Gee, I don't know, ABC.

But I DO know what I'd want to do if I saw a Taliban beating a woman with a stick in the street because of his "Islamophilia"-inspired prejudices.

Which is the real, more prevalent problem, ABC?

2/27/2008 05:20:00 PM  
Blogger Chavo said...

Wretchard, you forgot to mention that their Saudi employers collect their passports upon arrival and don't return them until after the contract is fulfilled. Even if they could escape a terrible household situation, they couldn't escape the country.

I've know contract respiratory therapists who hadn't been paid for a year, but had to tolerate it because they couldn't leave the country.

By the way, this practice has been going on for decades.

2/27/2008 05:38:00 PM  
Blogger Chavo said...

wretchard said: "The principal beneficiaries of the trade are the corrupt leaders of the Third World who skim off the remittances of these poor souls and the taskmasters of those wretches prodding their staves in the name of Whoever the Merciful."

Sounds alot like what's going on here, particularly California vis a vis Mexico.

2/27/2008 05:39:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The question is asked: What makes you an American?

I speak for no one but me when I say that the right answer to that question is this:

"What makes me an American (but likely not you) is not where I was born. To be an American is to acknowledge the primacy of the idea of America over all else. The day you can proudly say that your x (insert a religion or belief system or whatever here) IS and SHOULD BE subservient to the law of this land, that's when you become an American. Otherwise, you are an x first and only. Regardless of what your passport says."

I want to say that if I saw this type of behavior I would not tolerate it. I haven't before. And I won't now.

But, I will also say this, one should fully understand that bigotry is the name of the game in these cultures that one heroically strives protect.

The way to manage the crushing disappointment is to remember: you do not do this for her, you do this for you, you do this for what's right.

If she learns from it and becomes a better, more tolerant, person ...well, good for her. But that's largely irrelevant to why you do what you have to do.

2/27/2008 05:44:00 PM  
Blogger wretchardthecat said...

Where's ABC News when you need them?

American Woman Executed By Radical Islamists. Maybe it's because it's her "fault" for being a Christian missionary in Afghanistan.

Couldn't the Taliban have hired actors instead?

2/27/2008 05:49:00 PM  
Blogger Utopia Parkway said...

There is real slavery today in the muslim world in places like Sudan and others.

Among hate crimes where religion was a factor there were more anti-Jewish hate crimes than all others put together with about six times as many anti-Jewish hate crimes than anti-Muslim hate crimes in 2004.

2/27/2008 05:52:00 PM  
Blogger NahnCee said...

wealthy, powerful and armed

You forgot "smart".

And "educated".

The recent married female in Jeddah who was arrested by the Saudi religous police for having coffee with a male colleague in Starbucks is an ex-pat American. She, of course, as the backing of her Saudi husband in raising hell about it, but at least she KNOWS that she's supposed to raise hell and that the law is on her side, both in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere.

2/27/2008 06:27:00 PM  
Blogger wretchardthecat said...

You forgot "smart". And "educated".

No, I didn't forget it. Many of the Third World expatriates in Saudi Arabia have advanced qualifications. Many are medical professionals or engineers. Knowledge doesn't keep you from being treated like dirt.

An American or an Australian passport is something of incalculable value. It's hard to explain to anyone who doesn't have it just how valuable it is. If you are ever stuck in a foreign hell-hole with mobs right outside the airport door a tramp with a US passport has a better chance of exiting the country than a Bangladeshi brain surgeon.

2/27/2008 06:35:00 PM  
Blogger JacksonvillePat said...

Here is another tragedy committed by Saudi Arabia, reported by the National Review, about two young girls kidnapped from their U.S. home by their Saudi father.

With the protection of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the father has denied the mother's United States Court Awarded Custody.

2/27/2008 07:41:00 PM  
Blogger buck smith said...

I just keep reminding myself that the payback is coming. Oil is $100 right now, but not for long. Capitalists will find an aleternate source (or sources) of supply and it may turn out to be a very low-cost. It may take five years, but it won't take ten. Then our politicians won't feel obliged to kiss the Saudi's ass.

2/27/2008 08:08:00 PM  
Blogger Charles said...

Chavo said...

wretchard said: "The principal beneficiaries of the trade are the corrupt leaders of the Third World who skim off the remittances of these poor souls and the taskmasters of those wretches prodding their staves in the name of Whoever the Merciful."

Sounds alot like what's going on here, particularly California vis a vis Mexico.
sounds like the solution is to send the illegals back to mexico pronto. let them murder their fellow mexicans rather than californians.

2/27/2008 08:39:00 PM  
Blogger TmjUtah said...

This ABC abortion is yet another validation for turning your TV into a Webshots frame and forgetting about it. Unless you are in the habit of inviting strangers into your home for the express purpose of stealing your time and crapping in your living room, of course. Some people pay a lot for that...

Just forget about ordering a Danish (wonder if the pun was intentional, don't you?). I don't believe there's any place in America where you can get your (thoughtless profanity here) head cut off just for being (and here, again) Muslim, is there?

Try carrying your Holy Bible while wearing your "South Rock Creek Bible Camp Retreat" tee shirt to Mecca, and see what happens.


I wonder if the Turk's efforts will make the eventual body count any lower. I doubt it.

2/27/2008 08:46:00 PM  
Blogger Fred said...

How much money did the Saudis front ABC News for this bit of work? Personally, I would never behave like this around Muslims, but neither would I kow-tow to them. We can be civil without behaving like cretins.

The really big issues about Islam and those of us who criticize it revolve around freedom of speech: being able to, in a scholarly way, criticize this cult/ideology USING ITS OWN WRITINGS AND TRADITIONS, without repression or reprisal. Even in our own country the dhimmi elites forbid us from engaging in fair critical work.

2/27/2008 09:39:00 PM  
Blogger Fred said...

Much as I despise Islam and consider it Satan's work, I actually have more respect, on a human level, for Muslims than I do for the filthy, venal, and slothful dhimmis in our own countries who do Islam's bidding by going after those who fairly criticize Islam. Our own people are doing this!!!

Muslims are being faithful to Ummah and Qur'an. On some level I can respect that, even if I consider them my enemy. Yes, one can and should respect one's enemies.

But I consider our Western dhimmis unworthy of respect. It is they who function as the Fifth Column for the Islamic jihad.

2/27/2008 09:47:00 PM  
Blogger Mad Fiddler said...

For all the alarm and concern faked by the self-righteous ABC news crew, think about how many incidents have there been in America of Muslim residents suddenly turning on their neighbors and attempting and actually committing murder in the Name of ISLAM. Then think about how many actual incidents there have been over the same time period in which American citizens of ANY other religion than Islam have done any sort of violence whatsoever to a Muslim.

This faked story is merely one more proof that ABC is filled with idiots, liars, and arrogant smug bastards. They don't have the courage to report about actual murders by Islamic terrorists, or to even use the word "terrorist" to describe the thugs, perverts, bullies and murderers doing these atrocities. It isn't even a surprise any more, they've been pulling these pathetic little stunts that long.

We have to take a few deep breaths and remember that there have been barbarians in remote parts of the world from our "civilization" since forever.

And as long as there have been civilizations, there have been the parasites who suck the vital juices without providing any useful thing in return, and worse, traitors who use all sorts of rationalizations to justify their betrayal of the civilization that begat and protects them.

It has been long noted by military historians that for every city that fell to determined assault, another fell because a traitor accepted a bribe and opened a secret passage to the foemen.

Islamic Jihad has been around for fourteen centuries, and will continue to be a dire threat until the community of nations forcefully demonstrate to the Muslim community that they must renounce their own intolerance and aggression against their neighbors or face annihilation. That day looks to be coming sooner rather than later. If that seems unthinkable, there have been many other cultures that have been erased from history when their neighbors finally had a belly full of insults, assaults, murder, kidnapping, and other criminal acts.

But I'm afraid we will ALWAYS be plagued by rascals and traitors like the ABC shamnews crew Wretchard cited.

We labor under the illusion that we are more advanced than earlier cultures, mainly because we have more complex technologies. But in many ways it can be argued that we are actually retrogressing.

Just consider how many of the last three U.S. generations have high school diplomas, yet cannot figure out how to make change from a dollar for a thirty-three cent purchase. (I could make a long list...)

2/27/2008 10:49:00 PM  
Blogger Gary Rosen said...

FBI statistics for the past few years have consistently shown that the overwhelming majority of religiously-motivated hate crimes are perpetrated against Jews. The number of hate crimes against Muslims is not much more than those against Christians. But don't hold your breath waiting for the MSM to report that fact.

Wait, what am I saying? It is beneath them to report facts. Their mission is to spin us the narrative.

2/27/2008 11:49:00 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

The video is graphic evidence of your how morally inept US society is.

Now in order to teach Americans how to act in a morally upstanding way, we need to rerun this situation in a country of high moral values. Saudi Arabia screams out as the best example.

There were several obvious moral issues at stake during this interaction between woman and shopkeeper but absolutely none of the male participants in this docu-tragedy fulfilled their moral obligations to the highest power (peace be upon him). For example: why was this little slut unaccompanied? Where was her husband, father, or brother? Now admittedly in Saudi Arabia the shopkeeper might very well have turned out to be her first cousin but even that does not allow an unaccompanied whore to actually address a strange man IN PUBLIC! And what about her clothes. Sure her head was covered but what about her provocative facial hair? And those clinging trousers. Not only were panty lines visible but at 0:37 into the video she provocatively hikes up her trousers to show a little camel toe. And demanding to buy phallic-shaped baked goods? Where’s a concrete block when you really need one?

As if all that were not bad enough I’m pretty sure she had a red heart-shaped broche strategically placed just above and to the right of her left breast.

But in the American video not one of the men stepped up to the moral plate and straightened this satanic bitch out. Now sure one guy gave a thumbs up, and the shopkeeper rightfully refused to sell her the morally-sick Danish twist she wanted. But in Saudi Arabia, just the fact that this woman was alone meant that it was the moral duty of all the men in that shop to give her, at the very least, forty lashes right on the spot, and if they so desired, gang-”raping” her for good measure. I even hate to use that provocative term since the willing cannot in fact be raped and she was so very obviously up for whatever was on offer. And after serving her jail time, her family: father, husband, brothers, and sons would have given her the stoning she deserved the cleanse her sins from further besmirching the family‘s good name..

But in America none of that happened. We have so much to learn. No wonder our society is in the state that it is.

2/28/2008 12:08:00 AM  
Blogger gdude said...


It's just not true. They polled all the Muslims around the world, and they overwhelmingly disapproved of it all...

"What they do not want is to have Western ways forced on them, it said.

"Muslims want self-determination, but not an American-imposed and -defined democracy. They don't want secularism or theocracy. What the majority wants is democracy with religious values," said Esposito.

The poll has given voice to Islam's silent majority, said Mogahed.

"A billion Muslims should be the ones that we look to, to understand what they believe, rather than a vocal minority," she told AFP.

Democracy with religious values.


Took the words right out of our mouths...

2/28/2008 01:01:00 AM  
Blogger Cedarford said...

The joke of democracy in the Philippines has the mighty Manila ruling elite families jumping over one another to denounce US, Chinese, the hated Japanese doing investment in their country and creating jobs - while at the same time the fools tolerate horrific abuse of their expats and shut up about it.
Same problem, maybe a little worse, with overpopulated black African Muslims & Indonesia's forced silence as their Muslim expats are abused almost as badly as Filipinos by Arabs.

Why the Philippines is not full of boiling mad abused ex-workers and raped Filipinas demanding their jerks in elective office do something is a mystery. It seems that Europe, in need of decent people that work hard and avoid terrorism and criminal activity for the most part get surplus Muslims instead of nice Filipinos, and instead of those surplus N Africans, the Gulf States get Asians.

Why not have Europe select fellow CHristians who historically make little trouble and would flourish under a more decent labor system? And Europe push out it's angry and dangerous aliens to their new jobs of being raped and locked in rooms by their Muslim Saudi "brothers".

Sounds like a win-win for the Euros and the Filipinos, also perhaps the Indians.

buck smith said...
I just keep reminding myself that the payback is coming. Oil is $100 right now, but not for long. Capitalists will find an aleternate source (or sources) of supply and it may turn out to be a very low-cost. It may take five years, but it won't take ten. Then our politicians won't feel obliged to kiss the Saudi's ass.

Trite fantasy involving a magic substance also known in engineering circles as "Unobtainium". The material that makes weightlessness possible, fixes strength problems in engineering from bad structural design, and of course allowed us to power our vehicles dirt cheap.

The switching costs, even if we get "Unobtainium", are over 8 trillion globally to go from petro to the new stuff.

BUt since we do not have any variety of "Unobtainium" on the horizon, those that do have oil - from Canada to Russia to Iran to KSA are in the drive's seat, as they have been since 1973. The "miracle" of capitalism and the sacred market have not found any solution, anymore than they have a cure for cancer, AIDs, flu, or the common cold.

The rank fantasy that now, we will get real serious and Our Hero Capitalists will solve the need to kiss oil exporter's asses will not happen in 5 years, or 10. Or 20. Or possibly ever.

We may find that the long-term solution is in realization that the Earth can only sustain around 2 billion people with adequate biosphere, a Western standard of living, healthy regional ecosystems and oceans, and renewable energy use. Then the issue becomes how to best manage the surplus human dieoff down to sustainable levels.

2/28/2008 01:27:00 AM  
Blogger gdude said...


W.H.O. could manage such a thing elegantly besides the U.N.? Leave it to nation states and they'd use something crude, like war...

$8 Trillion sounds like a lot of economic opportunity to me. Let's do this conversion thingy.

2/28/2008 02:35:00 AM  
Blogger wretchardthecat said...

The joke of democracy in the Philippines has the mighty Manila ruling elite families jumping over one another to denounce US, Chinese, the hated Japanese doing investment in their country and creating jobs - while at the same time the fools tolerate horrific abuse of their expats and shut up about it.

The Philippines is the perfect example of a country in which elites have become totally unaccountable because the economy is sustained by remittances provided by nationals working abroad. Another country south of the US border also comes to mind, but I will confine my remarks to the Philippines.

Eleven percent of the entire Filipino population works overseas which is in per capita terms is one the greatest proportions of expatriation in history. Maybe Mexico's percentage approaches this. The pay packets sent home amount to 13.5% of the Philippines' GDP, but I think the percentage is much higher because many of the remittances are never reported.

This situation allows the Manila elites to almost entirely "free ride". No matter how badly they mismanage the economy, oppress the people and generally screw the pooch, things still work because Uncle Danny the roomboy in Britain or Aunt Alice the nurse in Saudi Arabia sends back enough to keep their relatives in food, shelter and clothing.

The other consequence is that a large percentage of the functioning human capital of the Philippines is actually located abroad. Doctors, nurses, engineers, sailors, truck drivers, mechanics -- you name it -- in short anyone who can cut the mustard is cutting it overseas. The next time you take an interisland vessel in the Philippines, just think. The entire vessel is manned by third-raters. Anybody sailor isn't illiterate or mentally impaired is already sailing a tramp steamer off the coast of Africa. You've got the bottom of the barrel.

Of course Filipino politicians are, by definition, the bottom of the barrel. The entire raison d' etere of Philippine independence was to provide guaranteed employment for mediocrities. And it succeeded spectacularly. But while the functioning human capital of the country was imprisoned within its borders there was always enough sense available to keep things from going totally off the wall.

Enter globalization.

Globalization allowed valuable human capital to move across borders the way desegregation allowed black professionals to leave the ghetto. After a time, the only guys left in the 'hood were the hoods. The same is true for the Philippines, and for all that I know, Mexico.

I used to receive regular emails from a women in a Mexican town who claimed that every male who wasn't physically nailed down had skipped across the border leaving her village literally left with the aged, halt, infirm and the criminally insane. You can think the same for the Philippines except that the criminally insane have all been elected into the politics.

These cretins have established diplomatic missions in all the countries where Filipino expatriates can be found in order to tax them, sell them out, assist shyters in their exploitation and otherwise make a buck out of them. The first command of an overseas Filipino is Beware the Philippine Embassy.

The Philippine elite always claims to be angry at foreign investors who come to "exploit the country". But don't be fooled. All they are really angling for is a bribe.

2/28/2008 02:36:00 AM  
Blogger PineKnot said...

For those who consistently bray about the haves vs have-nots governing the world prices of oil, please remember the USA has oil reserves equalling or exceeding the Middle East.

It's just that our politicians and the oil companies don't want to develop them, due to environmental, and cost concerns.

After all, why should oil companies bring more production on-line, which would lower price?

For the Algore worshippers, why allow more carbon sources at cheaper prices to become available?

US citizens are being screwed royally by their elected officials standing in the way of better economic conditions, i.e., lower oil prices.

2/28/2008 05:51:00 AM  
Blogger LarryD said...

I can't read Rowan Williams's sharia proposals nor stories like this ABC travesty without concluding that these proponents are either venal or ignorant.

How could they? How could they? But they can. Oh how they can.

The MSM stopped being reporters a long time ago. What they are now is propagandists, the kind that give propaganda a bad name.

2/28/2008 06:38:00 AM  
Blogger Fat Man said...

There is complete equality among believers in islam, just like this:

"Languishing at the Bottom of Yemen’s Ladder" by Robert F. Worth, in the NYTimes on February 27, 2008

"SANA, Yemen — By day, they sweep the streets of the Old City, ragged, dark-skinned men in orange jump suits. By night, they retreat to fetid slums on the edge of town.

They are known as “Al Akhdam” — the servants. Set apart by their African features, they form a kind of hereditary caste at the very bottom of Yemen’s social ladder."

2/28/2008 07:42:00 AM  
Blogger Fred said...

A bargain basement street walker has more value to society than these dhimmis at ABC, and more dignity.

We are being sold out by people with degrees from our elite institutions like Harvard, Columbia, Princeton, Stanford, Yale, etc.

I'd love to hear Prof. John Esposito's review of this ABC "expose"/"documentary" - and how many zeros are put after the digit on the checks signed over to Georgetown U. and himself, by the Saudi government.

Pathetic bottom feeders who think they are our intellectual betters.

2/28/2008 08:02:00 AM  
Blogger Fat Man said...

"The ABC's of Radical Islam" by Steven Emerson, at IPT News on
February 27, 2008

On its website Tuesday, ABC News posted a story titled, "Common Misunderstandings About Muslims," which did its level best to carry water for the radical Islamist, and jihadist, movement in America, going so far as to cite America's most notorious radical front group, the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) as the source to define the concept of "jihad."

2/28/2008 09:22:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

"The switching costs, even if we get "Unobtainium", are over 8 trillion globally to go from petro to the new stuff."

I don't think so.

A Solar Grand Plan

And then there's this:

2/28/2008 10:09:00 AM  
Blogger Ash said...

WOW, moral relativity spewed in spades "BUT BUT the Saudis are so much worser than Americans"

2/28/2008 10:50:00 AM  
Blogger Benj said...

Travesty is the word for the ABC news "story." And glad it gave Wretchard occasion to speak on the Saudis' appalling racism. But the following question seems less than logical to me...

Those who believe that the Left "loves of people of color" should ask themselves this. Why should ABC hire actors to invent fictional sleights to Muslims in America while they ignore the abuse of Third World women in Muslim countries by the million?

When did ABC News become an organ of "the Left"? Realize conservatives question the bona fides and biases of Mainstream media. But surely you're not under any illusion a massive corporate institution like ABC is on the "side" of society's underdogs or promotes, say, unionization or a fairer distribution of wealth.

Why don't you consider this - Instead of pretending the American Establishment is (somehow)on the Left. Why not try to connect the struggles of black and working class people in America with the situation of those guest workers in racist Saudi Arabia? Then you might get to a new kind of politics where Wretchards (who reject THird World criminal elites) feel in solidarity with the Wretched of the Earth ALL over the earth (and not just with the right-wing sector - or club? - of the American elite...)

2/28/2008 12:07:00 PM  
Blogger Ash said...

The 'setup' used by ABC seems very similar to the setup often used to test out the honesty of car repair places. If the cops do it it's called entrapment isn't it?

2/28/2008 12:13:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

When did ABC News become an organ of "the Left"?

What planet are you from? I'm serious.

2/28/2008 01:05:00 PM  
Blogger Giya said...

Might I suggest that some folks get together and "stage" some dramatic event in front of a journalist or reporter. An event that, should the reporter intervene in the action, they could help someone in dire straights and perhaps save someone's life. Any bets on how it would end up going down?

ABC's report smacks of serious elitism. They just "know" that lots of Americans are racist. Just like they knew GM cars should explode on impact. Just like Dan Rather knew the TNG documents were "accurate." Just like they know anthropological global warming is scientific FACT.

2/28/2008 01:07:00 PM  
Blogger Ash said...

" For the first time in the nation’s history, more than one in 100 American adults is behind bars, according to a new report.

Nationwide, the prison population grew by 25,000 last year, bringing it to almost 1.6 million. Another 723,000 people are in local jails. The number of American adults is about 230 million, meaning that one in every 99.1 adults is behind bars.

Incarceration rates are even higher for some groups. One in 36 Hispanic adults is behind bars, based on Justice Department figures for 2006. One in 15 black adults is, too, as is one in nine black men between the ages of 20 and 34.

These are extraordinary numbers.

I want you to consider, the next time you read some New York Times mouthpiece yammering about an "increasingly authoritarian Russia," or about the repressions of this or that state in the "Muslim world," that a person is more likely to be thrown in jail in the United States than in Saudi Arabia."

2/28/2008 01:18:00 PM  
Blogger HotAire said...

So, some Americans are prejudiced against Muslims? Perhaps the sequel will reveal the equally shocking fact that the reverse is also true.

BTW - for those who haven't already heard -
A proud Brit is happy to pass the news on.

2/28/2008 01:36:00 PM  
Blogger Das said...

lawsockABC: sleazy agenda journalism at its finest.

It wouldn't do for ABC to report on how well so many new east African Muslim immigrants are treated in America. One small but telling example: at our neighborhood health clinic for low income (me included) folks, Muslim women have their own Muslim nurse practitioner to help assure the Muslim menfolk that the women will not be seen by male doctors, and that, even with the female doctor, everything will be done according to their traditional cultural exegencies. I'm sure this arrangement is repeated all over the nation in urban areas where immigrant societies work closely with local social work agencies.

What is the left's mania for constantly ripping away at America in the face of all the good we do?

2/28/2008 01:42:00 PM  
Blogger HotAire said...

Sorry about that link, which should have been to the Telegraph's Prince Harry story. As I can't make it work, here's the BBC:

2/28/2008 01:43:00 PM  
Blogger Jrod said...

People that want to stay out of prison should refrain from committing crimes.

Trying to connect the troubles of blacks and working class people in the USA (who it would seem are mutually exclusive groups in the above context) to the troubles facing the diaspora of 3rd world citizens working in abusive conditions in foreign lands far from their families takes an incredible amount of mental gymnastics.

Thankfully, I was never very good at gymnastics.

2/28/2008 01:49:00 PM  
Blogger Benj said...

matsela - understand my pov ssems alien to you...But, trust me, the notion someone could think ABC is on my "side" boggles MY mind! ABC = Voices of the Working Class? ABC = Illuminators of Black Experience? Surely you can see why such equations would seem loony to me. ABC's reporters - and establishment journos in general - are habitually clueless about the everyday life of everyday people in America...On this score they share the obliviousness of other class-bound sensibilities - Whether they are "liberal" or "conservative"... Though, just because they're American amd have imbibed a bit of our democratic ethos, they usually manage to avoid overt expressions of contempt for ordinary folks. Which puts them one up on Wretchard who recently indulged when he wrote about how he "reaches the bottom of the Barrel" when he encounters his countrymen who haven't managed (like him) to get out of the Phillipines...Damn, Cat, that was Saudi-UGLY!

jrod - I was never any good at gymnastics but thinking - REALLY thinking - is all about making unobvious connections..Don't give up too soon - you can do it!!!!!111

2/28/2008 02:27:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


ABC might not be as subtle as Pravda or the BBC for your refined taste, but Commies they are nonetheless. As far as your laments about the "black experience", there's always BET to drown your tears.

2/28/2008 02:39:00 PM  
Blogger Andrewdb said...

Wretchard -

I understand the Philipines taxes citizens on world-wide income (together with only the US and Libya). Your comment above at 2:36 explains a lot.

2/28/2008 03:18:00 PM  
Blogger Garth Farkley said...

First Chavo said...

you forgot to mention that their Saudi employers collect their passports upon arrival and don't return them until after the contract is fulfilled. Even if they could escape a terrible household situation, they couldn't escape the country.

Then Chavo said...

Sounds a lot like what's going on here, particularly California vis a vis Mexico.

This juxtaposition wins the prize for most desperate attempt at moral equivalence.

But hey, maybe Chavo hit on a solution. We can get control of all our illegal immigrants by just confiscating their passports. Why didn't we think of this before?

2/28/2008 10:40:00 PM  
Blogger Gary Rosen said...

Now C-fudd is ranting (incoherently as usual) about capitalists. He must be one of them Joooish Bolsheviks.

2/28/2008 11:16:00 PM  
Blogger jj mollo said...

Might I suggest that some folks get together and "stage" some dramatic event in front of a journalist or reporter. An event that, should the reporter intervene in the action, they could help someone in dire straights and perhaps save someone's life. Any bets on how it would end up going down?

Giya, this is a great idea! I'm not convinced that the ABC does this out of leftist conviction, but I do know that they love a story. What this is about is greedy reporters and "gotcha" journalism. It reminds me how I hated the Psych majors in college who were doing this kind of crap all the time.

So would they try to save the person or keep the cameras rolling? Tough call. Would it involve personal sacrifice?

2/29/2008 07:46:00 AM  
Blogger Chavo said...

Garth - the equivalency I was trying to make was NOT between the US and SA, rather Mexico and the Phillipines.

Mexico's elite have long ignored the plight of their poor opting to let them cross the border and send remittances back to the homeland. I believe those remittances are second only to oil revenues for Mexico.

Until the Mexican power elite tackle the plight of their poor, whatever the US does on illegal immigration is only a half solution.

So next time you resort to sarcasm, make sure you get the point being made. Especially if you're going to be speaking in a public venue. It only makes you look obtuse.

2/29/2008 09:53:00 AM  
Blogger Mad Fiddler said...

The crazy thing is that, OF COURSE, there is still racism and bigotry in America. In the U.S., it is at least something we're trying to mitigate, and the conflict between the Liberals and the Conservatives is not whether racism and bigotry must be eliminated, but how this can best be accomplished.

I have no doubt that a close inspection of my statements and thoughts would reveal that I harbor insensitive attitudes despite my hours of self-flagellation and purging. Mea Maxima Culpa. It's a simple impossibility to be utterly devoid of any stereotypes or prejudices. The most we can ask of people is to try to be aware of their own biases, and resist applying them to every human transaction.

This is similar to the problem of cowardice versus bravery. We all have fear--- any man who does NOT is by definition, insane at least to some degree. So Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the mastery of the self to transcend that fear and do what one knows to be the right or necessary thing.

In other words, ABC needs to cease pontificating on the bleeding obvious. ABC News needs to actually report some damn news instead of just making stuff up.

3/01/2008 10:02:00 PM  

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