The Butterly Leaves the Diving Bell

A group of European researchers are developing a brain-computer interface to help disabled people walk around in virtual worlds, according to Medgadget. "The patient loved it," says Doron Friedman, a member of the UCL group, and now at the Interdisciplinary Centre Herzliya in Israel. "He said it was a great feeling to think about moving his feet and to actually 'move'."
Captain Christopher Pike, former future captain of the Starship Enterprise, would understand. He sends from his best from Talos IV.
I had one of the original, expensive Alpha-Phones decades ago, and I've seen some of their potential ever since.
What a bounty, to learn to manipulate your virtual body BY BRAINWAVES, and then after getting proficient, use that virtual body skill to control an exoskeleton in real-time in the real-world, when you've been chair-bound since that accident years ago?
We'll get there... good people are working on these problems, every day!
Let's hope we don't get here though. ;^)
Forbidden Planet
"The Krell became extinct, virtually overnight. The whole race was collectively working on a project to move themselves into the next phase of evolution when they suddenly disappeared. They were seeking a way to leave their physical bodies behind and cease relying on tools. The underground complex was intended to provide the Krell with the capability of using their mental power to control physical reality, which it did -- all too well. When the Krell fused themselves with the machine, their suppressed animal selves were amplified and destroyed everything on the planet."
When the Krell fused themselves with the machine, their suppressed animal selves were amplified and destroyed everything on the planet.
Our "suppressed animal selves" reside in the older, limbic region of the brain. The virtual body is controlled by the cortex.
Of course, it's conceivable that the virtual body will enable circumstances that would then tempt our "suppressed animal selves." But that's not exactly a new problem.
Mind over matter: Genesis. Every day. Dreams and invention. A new every day.
Using this in conjunction with SESCRC (I believe that I've gotten the right process) could be a way to speed up recovery of spinal injuries.
I'm speaking of microtubes that facilitate the regrowth of the nerves in a separation of the cord.
Why Do Cats Hang Around Us?:
Genetic Research Suggests Felines 'Domesticated Themselves'
Science: Cats Domesticated Themselves
Domestic Cats May Have Ancient Roots
...Aristocats get the fame, but look to the origins of today's furry felines and you find "lybica," a Middle Eastern wildcat.
Cats, Humans Share Ancient Bond
"Of course, it's conceivable that the virtual body will enable circumstances that would then tempt our "suppressed animal selves."
But that's not exactly a new problem."
"The patient loved it," says Doron Friedman, a member of the UCL group, and now at the Interdisciplinary Centre Herzliya in Israel."
This is what they do in Israel. You might want to ask what they do the rest of the region.
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