Where Have All the Flowers Gone/When Will They Ever Learn?
They've gone to making wreaths. The Iraqi Slogger reports that some Sunnis in the Iraqi government "are reconsidering their ties to insurgents" following the bomb attacking against Deputy Prime Minister Salam Al-Zobai of the Accord Front. The most ironic aspect of this attack is that the principal suspect may have already been in Coalition custody before the al-Zobai intervened to release the man who would kill his brother, blow up his guests and nearly kill him.
Iraqi authorities detained several members of his security detail following the attack after Dhafir Al-Ani, a member of Al-Zobai’s bloc in parliament, said the suicide bomber was one of the deputy prime minister’s bodyguards. The Islamic State of Iraq, an umbrella group of extremist insurgent groups including Al-Qaeda in Iraq, claimed responsibility for the attack in an Internet statement. ...
An unnamed Iraqi security official had identified the suicide bomber as Weheb Al-Sa’di, a bodyguard of Al-Zobai who was in detention by Iraqi authorities on terrorism charges last year before the deputy prime minister intervened to secure his release. The state-run Al-Iraqiya TV confirmed the identity of the bomber, while Alaa’ Al-Zobai, the deputy prime minister’s brother, denied the reports in a statement to wire agencies.
But it is apparently not only the Sunnis who are having second thoughts about the durability of the "deals" they have cut with "militants". The Shi'ites are having troubles of their own.
The Islamic Fadhila Party issued an official statement accusing “hundreds of outlaw militants” using official security vehicles of carrying out the attacks against the party’s headquarters in Basrah Thursday, the Iraq News Agency reported. The statement hinted that the attacks were in response to the party’s decision to break away from the United Iraqi Alliance, the majority Shi’ite bloc in Iraqi parliament, and act as an independent bloc. It also revealed that party branches in Samawa and Suwayra were attacked days ago. The party held security forces in the Basrah Governorate full responsibility for failing to intervene and for the involvement of some of its “partisan” elements in the attacks. “The party is extremely pessimistic about the performance of security forces when it takes over security responsibilities from British troops,” the statement concluded.
Apparently politics in the Middle East and some Islamic countries is like herding cats. But cats are cuter. I wonder how long any deal made with Iran and Syria to cover a US disengagement would last?
Cats ARE cuter. This is where we invoke the third worst insult in Islam, after pig and monkey Jews and gentiles: Islamist-thug spoilers are dirty dogs and sons of curs. I'd say mangy mongrels, but I've fostered a few of them from animal shelters and they're always dears...
An outstanding commercial. It brings to mind a number of other places in the world, like Washington for instance. Et tu George?
Those cats that were carried across the waters should be Euthanized!
Monkeys, terrorist monkey thugs works for me...
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
trust terrorist monkeys
A fundemental problem with using "Less Than Professional" Armies has always been "how to turn them off".
It is notable that Ho Chi Minh fought on the US side against the Japanese.
"Wars over, thank you for your service, here is a college scholarship and a home loan" just didn't sit with him. Noreiga down in Panama was the same.
Found a more colorful one, Wretch.
Even Better
(bad sound)
off topic
take a moment, find an arabic website to translate
amazing tool!
I know it must occur to the bloggers on this site since it occurs to me and I'm almost as normal as most of you are.
But we are not dealing with RATIONAL people, nor a culture that even remotely incorporates any western thought.
Yet we attempt to employ a "negotiator", like the trained cop trying to talk the looney from jumping off the high rise roof.
We cannot negotitate with Islam and have it mean ANYTHING. Read their own sharia and Quran. It authorizes any deception in order to beat the infidels, at anything, but especially in attempting to spread Islam. Any method is "fair"
Islams are in our language and understanding sociopaths. Do sociopaths operate within our understanding of acceptable behavior. No. But Islams believe they can stone women to death for being victims of rape...victims, not wilful partners but victims.
Women are chattel and Islams still trade in slavery. T us they are perfect examples of sociopaths.
Islam and Christianity can NEVER be reconciled. The cultural differences and religious differences are too great.
That leaves the world with a choice. One must be dominant and one must be submissive. Current demographic trends point to Islam becoming dominant within our newborns lifetimes. Do we allow this to happen? Do we allow them NBC weapons to accelerate the pace of takeover?
Or while in a position of dominance do we act to decimate their numbers and slow the trend line, and then go about reversing it?
One answer leads to submission, the other to Churchill's broad sunlit uplands. We have a choice NOW, but the window is closing.
For those who wish to argue that this is a false choice please begin by reconciling the religious and cultural differences that have existed for a thousand years. Otherwise you have no argument, for one thing we do know. Certain things are irreconcilable.
"slam and Christianity can NEVER be reconciled. The cultural differences and religious differences are too great.
That leaves the world with a choice. One must be dominant and one must be submissive."
Habu1, there IS another alternative:
Take steps to publicly, formally, concertedly LET THE Muslims KNOW, of the coming of their 'Qaim' and 'Mahdi', as promised in their holy scriptures.
He is the only One Muslims will respect, the only Person with the authority, of Almighty God, to renew the Faith of God.
When we start this process of informing Muslims in a widespread, organized manner, they will turn away from mullahs and imams and all the misery those clergy impose, and will turn TOWARD Baha'u'llah, the Glory of God and Lord of Hosts, promised by Islamic scripture to come in the Year 1260 (1844CE)...
Even Muslims can Google "May 23, 1844" without dying...
Telling them that their Mahdi will return would calm them? Rationalize them?
His return involves a cataclysmic event.
And if they believed he was coming because we were the ones doing the convincing then I believe that would send THE most definitive signal to them that we believe their religion is the true religion and that we have accepted that by ourselves believing that the Mahdi is returning.
To me your logic makes no sense and would simply embolden an irrational and aggressive segment of the world's population.
If I understand you correctly,in summary form. We (Christianity) buy into Islams faith in the coming of a Mahdi to save the world and Christians are the ones who are suppose to spread this word to the Islams. Wow.
...one other thought on the respective positions of superior and inferior.
Islam promotes Mohammad as the last messanger from God and deny's the Christian belief altogether that Christ is the Son of God.
So they have already claimed the superior position and have for a thousand plus years enforced their position with the weapon at hand. Those weapons because of the march of science are totally destructive to all life at this point in history. They have used chemical weapons and their is no resaon to believe they will not use nuclear and biological weapons.
They do not celebrate life but rather embrace death. Generally not the way we do things around here.
From a Saudi Forum:
The Cloning of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib!
"The group used "to the fans," as it calls itself, is based in Iran-based, with Dr. French (Brigitte Boissolih) Director Scientific Company (supported passage) the chemical composition of the team can reproduce Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him and Allah Karam face)
.وكشف الموقع الإلكتروني الخاص بجماعة "أحباء علي" ، أنه تم بالفعل تكوين فريق علمي يتمتع بدرجة عالية من المهارة والحرفية في عمليات الاستنساخ .. The web site of the group "to the fans", had already been composition scientific team has a high degree of professionalism in the reproduction.
وفي سبيل الحصول على الحمضي النووي لـ (علي ابن أبي طالب) ..In order to obtain nuclear told acid (Bin Abi Taleb) .. زار الفريق العلمي جميع المساجد الأثرية للشيعة في البصرة والكوفة وكربلاء وإيران ، عسى أن يجدوا أقمشة تخص الإمام علي ، مثل بردته أو جلبابه أو قميص له .The team visited all the scientific ancient mosques for the Shiites in Basra and Kufa and Karbala, and Iran, hoping to find fabrics belonging to Imam Ali, or as Brdth us with longing or a shirt.
وبالفعل استطاع الفريق أن يعثر على رداءين لـ علي بن أبي طالب في إيران والبصرة ، الأول كان يرتديه الإمام فيIndeed, the team was able to find Rdain told Ali bin Abi Talib in Iran and Basra, the first was in the forward wears
العيدين ، والثاني الذي قتل فيه وعليه آثار من دمه وعرقه ، وهو الرداء الذي أفاد كثيرا في استخراج الحمض النووي المطلوب في عملية الاستنساخ .وبدأ الفريق العلمي بالفعل في إجراء بعض التجارب البحثية بعد استخراج الحامض النووي ، حيث نقلوا نتيجة أبحاثهم هذه إلى معهد روزلين باسكتلندا .Holidays, and the second was killed when the effects of blood and race, a dress, which benefited many in the extraction of DNA required in the process of reproduction. The scientific team has already started some research experiments after DNA extraction, as a result of their research were transferred to the Roslyn Institute in Scotland.
تتلقى جماعة "أحباء علي" تمويلها من الشيعة المقيمين في مختلف أنحاء العالم , يبلغ رصيدهم ، كما يقولون ، إلى حوالي 500 مليون دولار ، وقد حددوا الأول من شهر رمضان القادم للإفصاح عن تجربتهم في استنساخ الإمام علي بن أبي طالب !!Receiving the "Lovers" the funding of the Shiite residents in various parts of the world, with a stake, as they say, to about $ 500 million, has identified the first of the month of Ramadan next to explain the experiment in cloning of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib!
بربكم هل رأيتم أسخف من هذه العقول ؟!!God Have you ever seen the most absurd of these minds?!
منقوله من منتديات السامي "www.alsamy.netMovable forums Commissioner www.alsamy
So many times over the last 6 years the thought has arisen: In all seriousness, what in the hell is wrong with these people?
Such a depressing pain in the ass fighting unrespectable enemies.
It's even more depressing when you realize the people you are fighting FOR are rancid barbaric loony-toons who refuse to do anything to help themselves.
Nahncee: It's even more depressing when you realize the people you are fighting FOR are rancid barbaric loony-toons who refuse to do anything to help themselves.
Then pull the troops out of Baghdad and let the loony-toons reap the consequences of their inaction.
"Sunnis in the Iraqi government "are reconsidering their ties to insurgents" following the bomb attacking against Deputy Prime Minister Salam Al-Zobai of the Accord Front.."
They reap what they sow.
It's interesting that the West saw this coming and fortold the consequences, but the Sunni's involved with the insurgents still somehow convinced themselves that it was the proper thing to do. Heck, the violence and nihilism of the insurgents is one of the very few things the pro- and anti-war segments of the West agree on; it's just that on that specific point, the ones in favor of military actions were in favor because of the damage and depredations of the insurgents, and the ones agianst were against because of the same point. Still, the point is that everyone knew the dangers the insurgents represented to the Iraqis a long time ago.
Not even all the Sunnis elected to involve themselves with the insurgency, but the ones who did were sufficient in number to ruin it for all.
"But it is apparently not only the Sunnis who are having second thoughts about the durability of the "deals" they have cut with "militants". The Shi'ites are having troubles of their own."
"I wonder how long any deal made with Iran and Syria to cover a US disengagement would last?"
To answer that last: That presumes Iran and Syria would make any attempts to hold up their side of the bargin to begin with. It's too easy to just set conditions that the US act first and hammer away at them publicly until they do, then ignore the deal. As shown in your examples above, deals with the Jihadists and their providers aren't honored to begin with, even with their ostensible allies.
karradine isn't a Christian, he's B'hai, I believe. Which brings us to the biggest problem the West faces: who/what are we? Are we Greco/Judeo/Christian (Aristotle, the Ten Commandments, Jesus?) Or, are we Cartesian Moderns (the indeterminancy -- think Free Speech -- of the Applied Science/Democracy paradigm?) It's a 3-legged war we're in, with shifting 2-against-1 combinations. Until we get clear on this point, its highly unlikely we will be able to have enough agreement on the matter to really defend our society. I think the analogy is to the later centuries of the Roman civilization.
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