Thursday, October 19, 2006

The best of all possible worlds

Cato-at-liberty describes the best anyone can hope for from government

IMHO, this is a fitting symbol of the GOP’s administration of the federal government.  When the Republicans took control of the Congress in 1995, there was talk of abolishing the ATF for its appalling role in the Waco incident. (For background, read this and/or watch this).  But the GOP “grew in office” as they say, and steadily expanded the budget of the ATF and then approved the construction of a fancy new headquarters.  There is still oversight, mind you.  The ATF director wanted a $65,000 conference table and the Bush administration put a stop to that.  Bush’s people cracked down and said “You guys have to make do with a $33,000 table!”

As Glenn Reynolds pointed out. That's a saving of nearly 50%. Wow. Tom Blankley at Real Clear Politics recently argued that just because people are ticked off at Republicans is no reason to vote Democrat on the principle that if you thing the GOP is bad, just wait till you get the alternative.

I have heard it put around that the Republicans need a couple of years in the wilderness to regain their conservative bearings. While turning over the Congress to the Pelosi/Kennedy mob for even two years would be recklessly irresponsible -- particularly during a dangerous war-- there is no assurance the wilderness years would last only 24 months.

I suppose Blankley's correct from a logical point of view. And the doctor's correct as well when he tells a severe diabetic he has to saw off his leg to save his life.


Blogger Teresita said...

While turning over the Congress to the Pelosi/Kennedy mob for even two years would be recklessly irresponsible -- particularly during a dangerous war-- there is no assurance the wilderness years would last only 24 months.

Rest assured, Wretchard, there won't be a Global War On Terrorism after the Democrats get in there, it will resolve into a series of international law enforcement actions. The boys will be brought home, and if the GOP campaigns on sending them back to die for the Iraqi people, the wilderness years will indeed be longer than two years.

10/19/2006 06:10:00 PM  

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