Domine Quo Vadis?
Here's the full text of Pope Benedict XVI's speech to Muslims on the subject of combating terrorism in the world today. Benedict's verbatim speech should be read because it is almost certain to be misinterpreted and distorted in the coming days to suit competing political agendas. (Speculation alert) Benedict, in giving this speech on his first trip back to his homeland as Pope, may be deliberately reprising John Paul's first visit to his homeland Poland in 1979. On that occasion, as Peggy Noonan writes, John Paul asked the one question which any Communist regime is unwilling to answer or even discuss. But it hung in the air in despite of the commissars, and set the agenda for the coming decade. Eastern Europe was never the same again. And the issue, of course, was whether man had an inherent transcendence and a right to be free.
Is it possible to dismiss Christ and everything which he brought into the annals of the human being? Of course it is possible. The human being is free. The human being can say to God, "No." The human being can say to Christ, "No." But the critical question is: Should he? And in the name of what "should" he? ... You must be strong with love, which is stronger than death. ... Never lose your trust, do not be defeated .... Never lose your spiritual freedom.
The erudite Benedict is certainly aware of the parallel. He asks in turn, 'can we survive, except as brothers?' Whether he has found the fulcrum of history, as John Paul did, remains to be seen. But like his predecessor he has put the unmentionable on the table and must now, as John Paul did, accept the danger that comes to all who do business with serious memes. Although the Pope's speech was delivered to Muslims, his real audience is inevitably going to be the West in general and Christians in particular. Realistically, Benedict's message will reach ordinary Muslims only at third hand in a heavily distorted way; it can hardly be expected to sway them. But the signal it sends to the West, at least to those who look up to him as a moral and religious leader, is that here is something we cannot look away from. Ambiguous though it may be, his message has run the PC blockade.
Some commentators may view Benedict's remarks as inflammatory, akin to mentioning the old feud in a room of Hatfields and McCoys. It may have the opposite effect. Perceptive Muslim leaders will understand that the West is awakening, and that the time to speak clearly is nigh.
Text | Comments |
Dear Muslim Friends!
It gives me great joy to be able to be with you and to offer you my heartfelt greetings. I have come here to meet young people from every part of Europe and the world. Young people are the future of humanity and the hope of the nations. My beloved predecessor, Pope John Paul II, once said to the young Muslims assembled in the stadium at Casablanca (Morocco): “The young can build a better future if they first put their faith in God and if they pledge themselves to build this new world in accordance with God’s plan, with wisdom and trust” (Insegnamenti , VIII/2, 1985, p. 500). It is in this spirit that I turn to you, dear Muslim friends, to share my hopes with you and to let you know of my concerns at these particularly difficult times in our history. |
This is the "pastoral" passage, emphasizing the brotherhood between people of all religions. |
I am certain that I echo your
own thoughts when I bring up as one of our concerns the spread of
terrorism. Terrorist activity is continually recurring in various parts
of the world, sowing death and destruction, and plunging many of our
brothers and sisters into grief and despair. Those who instigate and
plan these attacks evidently wish to poison our relations, making use of
all means, including religion, to oppose every attempt to build a
peaceful, fair and serene life together. Terrorism of any kind is a
perverse and cruel decision which shows contempt for the sacred right to
life and undermines the very foundations of all civil society. If
together we can succeed in eliminating from hearts any trace of rancour,
in resisting every form of intolerance and in opposing every
manifestation of violence, we will turn back the wave of cruel
fanaticism that endangers the lives of so many people and hinders
progress towards world peace. The task is difficult but not impossible.
The believer knows that, despite his weakness, he can count on the
spiritual power of prayer.
Dear friends, I am profoundly convinced that we must not yield to the negative pressures in our midst, but must affirm the values of mutual respect, solidarity and peace. The life of every human being is sacred, both for Christians and for Muslims. There is plenty of scope for us to act together in the service of fundamental moral values. The dignity of the person and the defence of the rights which that dignity confers must represent the goal of every social endeavour and of every effort to bring it to fruition. This message is conveyed to us unmistakably by the quiet but clear voice of conscience. It is a message which must be heeded and communicated to others: should it ever cease to find an echo in peoples’ hearts, the world would be exposed to the darkness of a new barbarism. Only through recognition of the centrality of the person can a common basis for understanding be found, one which enables us to move beyond cultural conflicts and which neutralizes the disruptive power of ideologies. |
Here the Pope depicts terrorism
-- the 'new barbarism' -- as a common threat and suggests that
collective action against it is possible.
"We can succeed in eliminating" ... "There is plenty of scope for us to act together in the service of fundamental moral values." |
During my meeting last April with the delegates of Churches and Christian communities and with representatives of the various religious traditions, I affirmed that “the Church wants to continue building bridges of friendship with the followers of all religions, in order to seek the true good of every person and of society as a whole” (L’Osservatore Romano, 25 April 2005, p. 4). Past experience teaches us that relations between Christians and Muslims have not always been marked by mutual respect and understanding. How many pages of history record battles and even wars that have been waged, with both sides invoking the name of God, as if fighting and killing the enemy could be pleasing to him. The recollection of these sad events should fill us with shame, for we know only too well what atrocities have been committed in the name of religion. The lessons of the past must help us to avoid repeating the same mistakes. We must seek paths of reconciliation and learn to live with respect for each other’s identity. The defence of religious freedom, in this sense, is a permanent imperative and respect for minorities is a clear sign of true civilization. | We get a rare glimpse into how
the Catholic religious bureaucracy works -- through councils,
delegations, meetings, etc. That is the operational way in which the
Pope manages his message.
This paragraph is also an mea culpa for actions of violence the Catholic Church has performed in the past, but interestingly and explosively, it contains the e tu -- "with both sides invoking the name of God". Benedict says, 'we have sinned, but so have you'. Although Benedict is doing nothing more than state an historical fact, this paragraph crosses an invisible line that no head of a major Christian Church has crossed before. It is the mildest of je accuses, tempered by an admission of equal historical guilt. But it is indicative of how charged today's atmosphere is that merely to utter these words is so difficult. |
In this regard, it is always right to recall what the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council said about relations with Muslims. “The Church looks upon Muslims with respect. They worship the one God living and subsistent, merciful and almighty, creator of heaven and earth, who has spoken to humanity and to whose decrees, even the hidden ones, they seek to submit themselves whole-heartedly, just as Abraham, to whom the Islamic faith readily relates itself, submitted to God . . . Although considerable dissensions and enmities between Christians and Muslims may have arisen in the course of the centuries, the Council urges all parties that, forgetting past things, they train themselves towards sincere mutual understanding and together maintain and promote social justice and moral values as well as peace and freedom for all people” (Declaration Nostra Aetate, No. 3). | The Pope proposes that religious enmity between Christian and Muslim become a thing of the past in classic ecclesiastical language. Note in passing the immense historical memories of both Islam and the Catholic Church. When Benedict speaks of the "new barbarism" he is making reference to Attila and Hulagu Khan, not speaking figuratively. |
You, my esteemed friends, represent some Muslim communities from this country where I was born, where I studied and where I lived for a good part of my life. That is why I wanted to meet you. You guide Muslim believers and train them in the Islamic faith. Teaching is the vehicle through which ideas and convictions are transmitted. Words are highly influential in the education of the mind. You, therefore, have a great responsibility for the formation of the younger generation. As Christians and Muslims, we must face together the many challenges of our time. There is no room for apathy and disengagement, and even less for partiality and sectarianism. We must not yield to fear or pessimism. Rather, we must cultivate optimism and hope. Interreligious and intercultural dialogue between Christians and Muslims cannot be reduced to an optional extra. It is in fact a vital necessity, on which in large measure our future depends. Young people from many parts of the world are here in Cologne as living witnesses of solidarity, brotherhood and love. They are the first fruits of a new dawn for humanity. I pray with all my heart, dear Muslim friends, that the merciful and compassionate God may protect you, bless you and enlighten you always. May the God of peace lift up our hearts, nourish our hope and guide our steps on the paths of the world. | Therefore, the Pope seems to say
to the Muslims in the room, survival is in our hands and that means
yours too.
"You guide Muslim believers and train them in the Islamic faith. Teaching is the vehicle through which ideas and convictions are transmitted. Words are highly influential in the education of the mind. You, therefore, have a great responsibility for the formation of the younger generation." |
Throughout history, tyranny breeds terrorism. Freedom breeds peace.
Jibes are the only thing that remain. The movement which once boasted it would rule the world through the vanguard of history calls it a triumph when they can camp out on a Texas field. Or crows when a constitutional convention is postponed for a week. Celebrates when rockets miss an LHA. But the sneers are empty now; the mantle threadbare.
In a way the only power you had was that of cant and obscurantism. People are waking up now, both in the Muslim world and in the West. In the catalogue of human ideas the Left will rate no higher than the Cathars.
"In the catalogue of human ideas the Left will rate no higher than the Cathars."
That's a classic.
90% of today's politics is about intergenerational conflicts, for the most part within states and confessions rather than between them. This is something the US, France and the Arab world for instance have in common.
In the US the generation of the 60's is still close to the zenith of its influence, but also about to be permanently eclipsed as its members die off. In retrospect it will be seen as the generation to which vanity was everything.
Pope doesn't address what to do with the current crop of brainwashed jihadists. I see a lot of calls in Middle East newspapers for a reform of their education system so they quit producing these walking time-bombs. But it seems to me that the bitter reality is either Gitmo or death for most of their young men between the ages of 18 and 35.
I'm wondering, too, about Wretchard's comment that the Pope's message won't reach most Muslims. It seems to me to be equally possible that *his* mantle of authority may be even stronger than the screeching imam they are forced to listen to every Friday. I'll be watching to see both how it's reported (doubtless the Muslims will be claiming victimhood) and what the letters to the editor columns contain.
Yahoo - a simple question for you. What would it take to convince you that you're wrong?
I think that is an excellent speech. But I wonder if it will carry any weight politically with the (theoretically) Catholic nations of the world, many of which have been extremely lackadaisical in this struggle.
I shall be interested in the reaction to this speech and not just in the Islamic world.
Not that it's worth the effort, but a better question might be, what makes the yahoo happy? Sneering at war's lack of peace, mocking peace's lack of war, denying any linkage among war and peace, crime and punishment, justice and power, ignorance and tyranny, what makes the yahoo happy?
That out of my craw, let me compliment the treatment of the Pope's words, Wretchard. Sublime Sunday selection and valuable interpretation. I'm not Catholic, not disciplined enough to've ever dug into any religion to find out why so many so better than I have devoted lives to it.
But I do have sense enough to thank goodness for a fighting Pope. If he intends to fight for the little guy, the little guy is everywhere, and everywhere in need of such a defender.
I think it was Donald Sensing that speculated that Islam's current spasms will create a sizable group of disaffected Muslims ripe for conversion to Christianity. I won't even register an opinion on that, accept to say that, in my humble opinion, a mass Muslim to Christian conversion would be a great joke on history and a giant step forward for civilization.
There is something majestic about compassion and decency that draws the human heart. If only Nixon can go to China, maybe only the Pope can go to Egypt.
Or maybe once more I am being a romantic.
The Pope is (mis)projecting a Christian philisophical perspective on the Muslim world, and it will fall on deaf ears. Muslims know what Islam teaches...and that is why there is virtually no denunciation of radical Islamists by the supposed Moderate Muslims...."
On the contrary, I think the Pope knows exactly what he is talking about. Much of what we are doing in Iraq, what the Israelis are doing in Palestine, and what the Pope is saying is designed to avoid a world wide conflagration which will occur if the West becomes frightened and enraged by further atrocities. Our responses remain measured, but an Islamic nuke, or a successful chemical weapon attack with mass deaths and, while no one can predict in sdvance what will tip us, once it happens we will "Let loose the dogs of war" and the Muslim world will be devastated. (I leave out bio attack because if an infectious disease spreads it will destroy the third world via "blowback" much more than damage us.) No one can truly desire such an outcome and thus we wage war with one hand tied behind our back. It is up to the Islamic world to recognize what they are risking and begin their reformation and join the civilized world. Thus far, the omens do not look good but we need to do all we can to diminish their risk and ours.
Blanknoone, you're right but, 'cultivate optimism' might well involve a deliberate attempt to bleed whatever power out of the past that blocks a better future. Not advocating pangloss or pollyanna, but rather an all-fronts fight against an epidemic psychological disturbance spreading through the human race. By now, the end of the summer of 2005, we've figured out much of what's wrong with us. If we stay here, what will happen to us? If we don't stay here, where will we go?
It no longer matters whether or not we have a choice. It never did matter, really. If we do, then we're using it regardless, if we don't, then all is moot, anyway.
The real question might be, why should we not assume that we do? What's to lose if we're wrong? What's to gain if we're right?
The best Defense is a Strong Offense, Condensed version:
Franz-Xaver Zeiser, who is nine years younger than the 78-year-old pope, said he often would visit the family, since they were his closest neighbors.
Joseph, then a teen, "had a giant teddy bear back then, and he often used it to scare me," recalled Zeiser.
"One day I had enough and decided to get my revenge," so he said he left a large hammer outside the Ratzinger house.
"When Joseph came at me with his teddy bear again, I raced outside and grabbed the hammer. Then we stood, grimly facing each other, me gripping the hammer and him his teddy bear. Eventually we both put down our 'weapons,' and that was the end of that," said Zeiser.
The pope is speaking towards what 99% of the Muslims claim about Islam, that it is really a religion of peace. This gives them another opportunity (not that they haven't already had several thousand!) to put up or shut up. Spiritually and tactically it was a great move.
"The dignity of the person and the defence of the rights which that dignity confers must represent the goal of every social endeavour and of every effort to bring it to fruition."
"When Benedict speaks of the "new barbarism" he is making reference to Attila and Hulagu Khan, not speaking figuratively."
Maybe us old f...., who observed the birth and "life" of the "New Left" have some worthwhile insights into today's problems?
The Prophet: David Horowitz.
The teacher who walks in the shadow of the temple, among his followers, gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and his lovingness.
If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind.
james, h.m.,
My hope is that the Iraqi People are not the Dopes that our left has become.
Watching Truepeers battle Ash yesterday just has to validate the concept that nihilistic sophism contains its own reward. Both Yahoo and Ash have fully identified their own self worth (vide Dr. Sanity, ShrinkWrapped, Neo neo-con, Neurocon et. al). Who are we to argue with them?
The ashcan of history is vast and can easily contain them and the disease they carry. They are the dead past, ambling zombies carrying a bit of contagion but not really worthy of engagement. Let them rest with the Cathars.
B16 (to me) is offering good advice coupled with a subtle warning. I'm unconvinced that it will reach the right ears but it will provide a historical record of an attempt to reach a rational conclusion to the conflict on the part of the RC. In part, at least, he is speaking to future historians.
meme chose said,
"In the US the generation of the 60's is still close to the zenith of its influence, but also about to be permanently eclipsed as its members die off. In retrospect it will be seen as the generation to which vanity was everything"
Harry BeleBannana Bellows at the young reporter,
The young reporter chuckles in response.
The Pope and World Youth Day in Cologne.
"Cologne is also the place where St Ursula and the legendary 11,000 virgins were said to have been martyred by Attila the Hun"
Cologne was also nearly completely flattened by Allied strategic bombing in WWII. Every single building around the Cologne Cathedral was flattened, yet the cathedral itself, a soaring Gothic masterpiece in stone, held upright only by fragile compression in its flying buttresses, was by fortune alone little damaged, standing alone in a vast plain of rubble as the war wore down and sputtered to an end.
I skipped the interchange, having read and regretted reading the ashcan before:
Then the first Ashcan post I read said:
"Pushing Leon Klinghoffer in his wheelchair off the Achille Lauro is Evil therefore bomb Iran.
Vaporizing Iraqi children getting candy from GI's,help me out here;what do you say,evil? Therefore invade Iran.
Beheading western civilians while chanting a medieval dirge:evil! Therefore Occupy Iran.
A bunch of Saudi’s fly planes into WTC, therefore invade and occupy Iraq.
Do I correctly understand your logic? "
I congratulated myself for valuing my time.
Yeo said...
"The problem is that even the very definition of evil has been subverted by the leftists.
Ash seems to be suffering from this malady, and plenty of other people do, too."
Addendum to 9:49:
"And there are those who talk, and without knowledge or forethought reveal a truth which they themselves do not understand."
Some of "us" would refuse to meet them in a church.
Main article: World War II casualties World War II was the single deadliest conflict the world has ever seen, causing many tens of millions of deaths.
In total, almost 60 million people lost their lives in World War II - about 12 million soldiers and 45 million civilians.
Estimates on the precise number vary widely, although most experts calculate the full civilian and combatant losses at 55 million, including the estimated 11 million lives lost due to the Holocaust, consisting of 5.6–5.9 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews made up of Poles, Roma, homosexuals, communists, dissidents, Afro-Germans, the disabled, Soviet prisoners as well as others.
Approximately, Allied forces suffered 14.2 million deaths, and Axis forces 6.8 million deaths of which 5 million were German.
The Soviet Union had the largest death toll, suffering an estimated 20 million civilian casualties along with 8 million Soviet soldiers killed.
The repatriation of two million Russian soldiers previously serving under Germany (pursuant to the terms of the Yalta Conference), who had surrendered to advancing American and British forces, resulted for the most part in their deaths.
Concentration camp inmates during the Holocaust The Holocaust was Nazi Germanys systematic genocide (ethnic cleansing) of various ethnic, religious, national, and secular groups during World War II.
Early elements include the Kristallnacht pogrom and the T-4 Euthanasia Program established by Hitler that killed some 200,000 people. ... The Yalta Conference, sometimes called the Crimea Conference and codenamed the Argonaut Conference, was the wartime meeting from February 4 to 11, 1945 between the heads of government of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union.
Out of the fatalities of the Second World War only about 15 % belonged to the Axis Powers.
C4, congrats on yet another well-fired-at-wrong-target missive. The reason GWB makes rhetorical war on the tactic is because the tactic is the problem. Should the leader of the west come out against Islam (and "radical Islam" is still Islam, until islam itself says it's not), and vastly complicate the wests many friends--as well as the neutrals--within Islam? To what avail?
It will still be the tactic that we have just-war rights against.
I do understand that you are speaking to the problem of maintaining domestic support for the war against the tactic.
So, let's say you write the speech and GWB delivers it. What happens? A few thousand American fence-sitters may have a temporary second thought about something or other, and meanwhile a billion Muslims may conclude that bin Laden was right all along. Sure, let's leap out into space and hope to hell we don't validate the idiotarian story, that the problem with Islam is nothing more than the American loose-cannon crusader right-wing war-monger prez.
In 1940 Churchill made a famous proclamation to the effect that the British would fight to the death against a Nazi invasion, that even if the Island was lost, the British cause would never die. Even if the hour grew very dark, Churchill foresaw the New World proudly donning the mantle, and the burden, of the Old World to keep civilization's promise alive in its stead.
Clement Attlee at this time made an extraordinary statement, often overshadowed by Churchill's stirring tribute. In a single sentence he defined the enemy, not just the who, but the why. As an insight into our current war, I do not know its equal:
"The Germans kill not only men, but ideas."
It was the idea of Britain that men fought and died for, sacrificing their lives that England should live on.
And now a great man is striving to bring life and ideas to the Muslim world, long known for its murder of both. A German man, long ago freed from a murderous ideology by the sacrifice of Allies, is spreading the ideas of physical and spiritual liberation to those who have never known them.
A good reason, if any were needed, to defend liberty and decency as often as we can. The butterfly effect works on man, as well.
What is your solution?
^Above to yahoo.
Yahoo, I honestly don't know if I'm up to the task of fencing with you over the issues you raise in your previous post.
Ten jillion turgid paragraphs have been flung your way over the last few years, and nothing has taken your POV anywhere other than where it began: "There are problems, and you said you'd fix 'em, and you haven't!"
Okay. You're right. Neither GWB nor any of the philosophers of the right have been able to do a damn thing about the core problem of our times: nearly half the voters in the nation which leads the free world, don't want to.
Since we're back to "Dancing With Idiots" territory, I feel free to toss Big Pharaoh post into the hopper. I never thought I would see Mubarak allow opposition. He's definitely a President for Life type (kinda like Roosevelt). Wonder what might have induced him to take his foot off of the oppositions neck? Probably just chance, I guess.
Well, Yahoo, this morning I sat down, logged on, and read the Pope's grand concept speech, and was moved to try to contemplate his encomium to high meanings, for awhile this Sunday. As I said above, I'm not up for playing dueling Googler, pasting position papers, statistics, dates and who said what when where, endlessly with someone who will fault everything this country is trying to do, anyway, regardless. Sorry!
james h.m.,"Muslims might wish to take note that, for reasons both obvious and obscure, freedom of religion and equal rights for women go hand in hand with prosperity and advancing civilizations."
This is one of the terrorist's stated complaints.
Hopefully the Pope's statements will find a resonance with those in the muslim community with clear vision. Their weak response to the Wahabists is troubling.
Well, Yahoo, you've definitely got a point there. Things could turn out unimaginably bad. We could lose. Radical Islam could spread and destroy western culture. The only thing standing in the way of a new Dark Age is the people fighting against it. You couldn't be more right. Maybe GWB loses and Democrats will get the next turn at bat. I'm sure Radical Islam is worried sick about that.
The situation on the ground is not what was so loftily promised.
Wasn't it the Bushies who had all the answers?
And what has the opposition promised? What answers come from the Left, or the fossil that is the far Right? Can you even bring yourself to ask the right questions, or do you only know how to complain?
How sad it must be to no longer be able to see the world, or hear its rhythms, or feel its shifting under your feet. How melancholy existence is when you can no longer taste the sweet joy of victory, or the stinging tears defeat, or the dust that rolls off your words.
How pathetic it is to only be able to speak. Noises are all you have to offer, recitations of representations that were never meaningful in the first, useful only as signs for the still sane to be thankful for what they have retained despite all the castration of honor and nobility that has permeated our culture.
You are meaningful only as contrast, the needed shadow to give the best of our society its shape, and its color.
Enjoy your limited and fruitless condition, as you can.
James H. M.,
Omar at Iraq the Model has a good post up that gives the best evidence I've seen that the democratic process is beginning to take hold in Iraq. The Sunnis are going to have to make common cause with the Kurds and with secular Shi'a in order to block action by the Shi'a religious plurality. It looks as if that concept is beginning to sink in.
People seem to be forgetting that the proposed constitution is subject to a referendum. I doubt that the current draft will be the last draft. Secular Shi'a are thick on the ground around Baghdad and they are definitely bright enough to make common cause with the Sunni Kurds as well as the standard issue Sunni.
It may blow your mind, laddie, but I am proud, immensely proud, of what we have achieved in Iraq already. Whatever comes immediately after, we have moved the entire world forward and have changed all the terms of debate. Even when arguing against it, our enemies now use the language of freedom. The earth is shifting under your feet, though I don't suppose you can feel it.
That might be too nuanced for you, but I did try to use small words.
If we are defeated in creating a liberal democracy, it will be a righteous defeat. Such a lexicon eludes Mr. Yahoo (that means you can't understand the use of the words, yahoo), but it is true nonetheless.
Only great people try to climb the highest mountains. In noble efforts, honor is found even in defeat.
Wretchard, thank you for finding the full text and for your quite capable analysis. Thank you.
I found two points to be quite interesting.
First, the mention of the new barbarism brings up the Mongols who invaded and destroyed the Moslem caliphate at the height of its strength, and the Turks who converted to Islam and launched their own reign of terror over the Moslem world and tried to conquer Christian Europe as well. This new barbarism may refer to current Moslem terrorists, but it also raises the spectre of Western vengeance, which would be vastly more total than anything the Moslem terrorists can manage.
Second, the fact that a Pope spoke to Moslems about religious freedom, terrorism, and bringing the religions together also signals that the "right" of Moslems to prevent free practice of Christianity in their countries or neighborhoods is no longer acceptable. He is warning that Christians will refuse to become dhimmis.
The situation on the ground is more important than the Constitutional Document.
Iraq is in flux.
If, in elections, the people want a Mohammedan Republic, good for them.
We are NOT in conflict with Mohammedans, we are in a struggle with Terrorists.
The are no Wink & Nod Wars.
Bush has said we are not at War with Mohamedans, Radical, Moderate or Secular. BELIEVE him.
We are not going to depopulate the Mohammedan countries, or convert them all to Roman Catholics.
21st century Jeffersonian "Church & State Wall of Seperation" is not a World Standard. Not even in England.
It may not become the Standard in Iraq. If it is not that is okay, the POLICY of the US is to "Support an emerging democratic government". If they democraticly decide on a Sharia influenced government we will have succeeded in achieving our policy goals.
Goals, those the US articulates are achieved.
I think Buddy Larson, in his 10:55 post, hit the mail on the head.
The money quote:
"Okay. You're right. Neither GWB nor any of the philosophers of the right have been able to do a damn thing about the core problem of our times: nearly half the voters in the nation which leads the free world, don't want to."
Yahoo, this would be a trivial exercise with a united West. We'd stroll in, behead the sheiks and imams, and give he followers a choice: convert or die.
But the West's esprit has been gravely, possibly mortally, wounded. I don't have the answer to that, any more than B.Larson does. Yahoo, Ash, Cedrford, et al, I'd like to hear your take on his quote.
Hey Rat,
While I agree with you, it is their choice, but didn't Iran just have an election? Do they conform to your idea of Democracy? If Iraq adopts a constitution that has Islam as the main source of legislation, does that qualify as Democracy and hence a policy success?
Bloodlust? Lessee, I think I became truly anti-Saddam the moment I saw photos of his army invading Kuwait. I think, looking back, it was the hung Kuwaitis, the guys he hung in the streets by throwing a noose over a neck and a tank barrel, and elevating the gun to lift the poor guy off the ground. Then some other things happened for about the next dozen more years, a thousand or so bloody acts of terror against unsuspecting civilians, culminating in 911 only because there hasn't been another incident to over-culminate it, that made going to the center of the terror and toppling the then-currently worst of the terror governments, seem like a matter of little choice, to the point that whatever came afterwards, we were finally at least engaging the enemy.
If we lose the war, we still fought it, at least. Bloodlust is the absent-an-argument charge, as nonsensical as it is easy to throw, and anyone not over there getting shot at feels rotten enough already that kids are getting killed. And you're right, Yahoo, it'd be better if old farts in their 50s like me were patrolling the streets instead of our kids. But the charge that this war is a result of American bloodlust can only be made by people who must think that the last terror incident was always the final one, and that the bad guys must surely have finally gotten it out of their systems with that last train or building or ship bombing, and that now, everything'll be just ducky, so long as we do nothing in response. This widespread de-facto position, among anti-OIF people, is so strange, so anti-historical, that I can't help but wonder what prompts it?
The Iranian election was bogus in that all the candidates had to approved by the Mohammedan Council of Elders. The Elders took control in a Revolution and have never validated their Rule with OPEN elections
Free elections in a one party country are not exactly free choice affairs
In Iraq there will be multiple viewpoints and Parties represented in the electorial mix.
Big difference
Folks, this is a memebot - probably Soros funded for use in the time leading up to ANSWERS big "Days of Sniveling" back to school demonstrations in September.
We'll probably be seeing a few more now and again until the demos fizzle.
Don't forget - Soros got a good deal on these bots due to defective logic chipsets so "ignorant" and "stupid" aren't applicable as responses. They're just time and space wasters so skimming past them is the best thing to do.
Wretchard, regarding the correspondence between Liberals and Cathars, it is actually fairly extensive. The core of Catharism was a gnostic vision of reality, with the material world being the product of an Evil usurping demi-urge, and the method of freeing the Good specks of human spirit being the perfecti's total rejection of the material world. That is exactly the theology upon which contemporary anti-capitalist, self-loathing western "liberalism" rests. It has nothing whatsoever to do with traditional liberalism, but is a dualistic, rejectionist, anti-materialist pacifism run amok.
In other words, it really is the same as Catharism.
I suggest you read this article in WSJ for insights to the negotiations taking place in Iraq, now.
It is to long to cut and paste in it's entirety and needs to read in toto to see the picture.
In the Constitutional Referendum, coming in October, women will be voting. It is my understanding that the if the proposed Constitution is not ratified then Iraq's current constitution, the Transitional Administrative Law will continue in place.
This document guarantees equal rights for all genders. It also places ratification levels required of the Proposed Constitution at pretty high levels.
I suggest you read the WSJ article linked to in an earlier post.
Very informative.
Please listen to President Bush. We ARE NOT at WAR with Islam.
We are not engaged in a Clash of Civilizations.
We are not anti-Sharia
We are at War with Terrorists.
Not Islamists.
He continues to say it, please, please BELIEVE him when he does.
There is NO anti-Islamist Policy promoted by the US Government.
Perhaps there should be, but
Ash, the election in Iran was among candidates pre-approved by the theocracy. It can't be considered a real expression of the will of the people. But if it was such, then, hopefully, the next election will bring someone up who doesn't advocate the obliteration of one of our allies. GWB has been pointedly asked in at least one presser what would be his take on a duly-elected theocracy in Iraq. his answer was along the lines of, the system of popular elections under a constitution is about the best we can do, the most we can offer, and if such took place, then at least it would have to perform according to the will of the people, or suffer being voted back out of office at the next election.
This, GWB believes, and the majority of American voters believes, is an improvement over a Saddam continuing his vast subversion of peace and commerce, and handing over someday to even crueler psychopathic sons with even grander megalomanias.
Yahoo's complaint that "even now Iraqi women are being stripped of their rights" is a little astounding considering that nobody in Saddam Iraq had any rights at all, which wasn't even in the same league with the problem they DID have--the threat of death by torture at the whim of the secret police.
And, "Arab Spring" exists in fact. The spread of democracy--imperfect but magnitudes better than the alternative--over an area from the Baltic Sea to Egypt and Kuwait (whose new women's suffrage law means it can't be voted back out) that had little chance of ever changing any autocracy, oligharcy, or dictatorship except by bloody revolution, is a direct result--according to everyone from Bush supporters to new western ally Ghaddafi of Libya--of OIF. Yes, OIF struggles to institute its goals. For some, that it hasn't been easy, that it will require years of hard work and more fighting, is sufficent reason to throw up our hands--us and the free Iraqis--and declare defeat, and turn the mideast over to Al Qaeda(with AQ's sworn intentions, and all its vast potential to extort the west into pauperhood thru the oil weapon, while continuing apace to demoralize our populations with increasingly depraved acts of terror).
I agree that it is their choice and if they at least choose to govern themselves democractically and constitutionally that will be a definite step forward. There is a risk however that by adopting Islam as the main source of the constitution that Clerics will be elevated to a position vetting all Laws of parliament. An Iranian style theocracy with Cleric approved candidates could result.
We are, however, not even at the point where a constitution is even tabled much less ratified. We are hardly out of the woods yet.
many things COULD happen
Leaving the choice to those that will have to live with the choice.
As Bush is paraphrased, 'It about all we can do'.
It is a question of how much influence will be permited. If not agreeable to a sizable minority the Constitution will not be ratified. Then they will get to go back and try again.
Under the TLA they will still have an emerging democracy, with everyones rights guarenteed, on paper.
Interesting report on the BBC NEWS | UK:
"Muslim leaders 'in denial' claim
Britain's most powerful Islamic body is "in denial" about the prevalence of extreme views among its members, one of its founders has told the BBC.
"The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) pledged to tackle extremism "head on" after the 7 July attacks in London.
"But in a BBC Panorama special, Mehbood Kantharia and other prominent British Muslims question the MCB's commitment to meeting this challenge.
"The MCB has branded the programme "deeply unfair" and a "witch-hunt".
(statements by Sir Iqbal Sacranie denying the charge)
"Mehbood Kantharia was a member of the MCB's central working committee between 1997 and 2004, but has since left the organisation.
"He told Panorama: "It is my personal view that because they are in a state of denial they cannot become real, you know, sort of like, forthright, really forthright about wanting to do something about the kind of extremism that prevails."
Then follow points of fact negating Sacranie's circumlocutions regarding the alleged 'moderation' of the MCB. It seems like progress to see the 'Sacred Sacranie' and the MCB being held to account by the Bilious Beeb, no?
I posted this in a comment over at American Future, as well., seeing as how I can't figure out which is The World's Best Blog.
Look at Iraq's TLA as the Articles of Confederation.
Not perfect, but good enough to get US to a Constitution.
From November 15, 1777, when it was ratified by Congress, until replaced by the United States Constitution on May 23, 1788, when ratified by the 9th state, New Hampshire.
Eleven years to work out our own Constitution.
The TLA will surfice for as long as needed.
Ash, the new document must be ratified by referendum--a two-thirds majority in all 18 districts. Even a single district that does not deliver a two-thirds majority will send the document back to floor debate. This may be exasperating--but it will also put every issue in the nation up for an airing that will in the end expose the flaws in all the positions, and subject every Iraqi to the rigors of compromise. If they can rise to it, the war on terror going forward is much more likely to diminish. If the western left can find a way to help, it would be nice, and in the end better for everyone. We can always let John Kerry be president later. For now, the other guy won, last November, and is the foreign-policy boss until his term ends. That's how it works. 'Spose to, anyway.
I think you've got the constitutional ratification process wrong. The bar is not nearly so high. I'm working from memory here but I think the Parliament must pass it with a simple majority. If 3 of any of the 18 provinces reject it by 2/3 margin then it will be rejected.
Lab Rat--no see, long time, how Houston dese daze?
Ash, I thought I heard a talking head on the TV lay out that rule-set. I shoulda checked it out. Sorry for the crappy bad-fact post.
Islam as Offical Religion
Equal Rights for ALL
Constitution Ratification
Article 7 [State Religion, Freedom of Religion, Arab Nation]
(A) Islam is the official religion of the State and is to be considered a source of legislation. No law that contradicts the universally agreed tenets of Islam, the principles of democracy, or the rights cited in Chapter Two of this Law may be enacted during the transitional period. This Law respects the Islamic identity of the majority of the Iraqi people and guarantees the full religious rights of all individuals to freedom of religious belief and practice.
Article 12 [Equality, Life, Liberty, Personal Security]
All Iraqis are equal in their rights without regard to gender, sect, opinion, belief, nationality, religion, or origin, and they are equal before the law. Discrimination against an Iraqi citizen on the basis of his gender, nationality, religion, or origin is prohibited. Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the security of his person. No one may be deprived of his life or liberty, except in accordance with legal procedures. All are equal before the courts
Article 61 [Deadlines]
(C) The general referendum will be successful and the draft constitution ratified if a majority of the voters in Iraq approve and if two-thirds of the voters in three or more governorates do not reject it.
Iraq - Interim Constitution
Well, back to bloviating meaningless abstract concepts, for MY ass!
from the proposed constitution:
(A) Islam is the official religion of the State and is to be considered a source of legislation.
What is good in this is the article, 'a', e.g. Islam is considered 'a source of legislation'. We USA-Americans are justifiably proud of our 'no-establishment' constitution, but our friends in the UK still have an established Church [of England, right?], and look what that does for them!
This reference to Islam as 'a' i.e. one possible, but not necessarily required source of legislation is a very strong statement when viewed in context. Legislation need not have umma, or sharia sanction to be legitimate: that's good.
The hill country is browner than I've seen it in years, rainfall is way off, I feel like dropping down 71 to I-10 just to see something green. The caliche dust is so thick, I found a hat the other day and when I picked it up there was a cowboy under it. I was digging him out and he said to make it a big hole as he was sittin' on his horse.
another cool constitutional zinger:
Discrimination against an Iraqi citizen on the basis of his gender, nationality, religion, or origin is prohibited. Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the security of his person. No one may be deprived of his life or liberty, except in accordance with legal procedures. All are equal before the courts.
This is explicitly secularist and anti-sharia. Sharia courts give mucho rights to Muslim males and mucho-de-nada to their wimminfolk and even less to X'ns, atheistix, etc.
Getting sharia courts out of Basra might take some doing, of course.
j. fred,
Do you have a link to that? You're right on the money concerning the importance of 'a' versus 'the' but there are other areas I'd like to study.
Desert Rat,
Thanks for the link to the current transitional authority.
Lab Rat,
Nice to hear from you - do memebots bring you out of hiding?
I know, lab rat, I can hear it from here %#@+*&#!
J.fred (Muggs?), that sure does sound like clean language to me. There's some real incentives to the constitution...the oil trust if adopted allocates property share to citizens, and @ $65/bbl, that ain't hay. Civil War means $65/no bbls. I'm optimistic.
The link is for the CURRENT Constitution, not the Proposed one.
This is the "Law" they are operating under NOW
Such as the LAW is.
In a daze, I thought Buddy had finally lost it.
Daze continued, as I tried to imagine Phoenix being hot and wet.
Then considered maybe 'Rat was on sabbatical in Houston, finally, I realized I had the wrong 'Rat in mind!
Welcome back Lab Rat!
Two 'Rats on one thread is quite an honor, thank you!
Half Dead Doug.
(sleep deprived)
"The hill country is browner than I've seen it in years, rainfall is way off,"
With McCain observing melting snow in the summer, plus your observations, global warming is now officially confirmed.
And Nuke Physicist/Climatologist says it is definitely man's activities, so please calm down.
"And Nuke Physicist/Climatologist McCain sez..."
Speaking of horses, do you know what part of hers Madonna fell off of?
James hm, here's a good roundup on that issue, from Instapundit. Wish I knew what to think. I have confidence in Condi, but, you know, as yahoo said, I'm just a cheeleader.
Doug, well, at least she finally got that taste of Olde England!
Now it's Chee, first thing you know he'll be just another cheese eater.
That pork rind feller stole my "r".
Puh-lease. Is that the best you can do now? Asking like an innocent ingenue: "What is your solution?" After creating the biggest clusterfuck imaginable, after creating a strategic blunder of gigantic proportions where Iraq could now easily fall under Iranian sway? Is this what the promise of 2003 was?
Wasn't it the Bushies who had all the answers?
It is good at least that you don't have the chutzpah to deny the obvious. Unlike Buddy, who is still bloviating with big words and noble abstracts, because the hard facts right now are just too hard for him to swallow."
I was serious. What is your solution you Muslim fundamentalism?
How I Do Hate That Hagel!
.Hagel added: "It would bog us down, it would further destabilize the Middle East, it would give Iran more influence, it would hurt Israel, it would put our allies over there in Saudi Arabia and Jordan in a terrible position. It won't be four years. We need to be out."
Yup, everything was just peachy their prior to our arrival.
Stable, a rock.
Iraq, that is.
Great Minds and all.
Buddy, Rick (and selected others! ;-)
Great discussion.
I am beginning to admire the new Papa...
That the Left has nothing but despair to offer is more and more clear.
I'm amazed at how long it took me to see this; perhaps it's because I am a reformed lefty myself!
Jamie Irons
James hm, I hate to admit to being a sheep (on top of a vacuous, big-word-using bloviator who can't swallow), but I figure the top of the administration is paying closer attention to this process than to anything else at the moment. I'm sure of three things, no one can help without knowing what's going on in private, the process is threatening to become byzantine, and the Americans are resisting that and trying to stick to a very short list of clear principles (Bush Doctrine). The people we put into office need a core that will trust them, or their efforts are doomed. Here's a good way to step back for a moment (via Michael Barone thru Instapundit), an essay getting some attention, about what makes a noble cause.
And--no bumps on the crappies yet, tho the catfish have gone to mud.;-)
I have wondered about the option of leaving the Transitional Administrative Law (TAL) in place. Rat's links bring that option back in focus. It could very well be true that the best option is the TAL. But, I sense that TAL has a shelf-life which may not be durable. There are various reasons for this.
I will say the main reason is that it is a "transitional" document with unsolved issues (I don't think there is any death penalty in it - as one example). Another problem is that it may require the US military to stay much longer and play a much greater role than first envisioned. This could be very taxing on our military (but, then we are still in South Korea, Japan, Germany and so forth).
Also, I don't think it has all the infrastructure necessary to run a full judicial system, military system, the ability to wage war, monetary system, or various others systems such as legal ownership of land, intellectual rights, the development of sound Securities laws, budgets and so on. That's not to say those laws could not be developed under the TAL.
If Rat's optimistic assumption that the TAL is durable - then we have no real near term problem with the failure to draft a constitution.
If any of you legal experts care to comment on the possibility of extending the TAL for a decade or so please do.
The Al-Qeada wishlist:
The world and its ideas are so far away from their objectives, that there is simply no reason to negotiate with them. You have to dig them out, I am afraid. Going after the jehadi's from a police/military angle may well be the ostensible way to go about it, but the bigger and long-term fight is to attack this from all angles and mainly target their ideology through making it impossible for them to achieve their objectives.
In any case, Louis Althusser said that, "Ideology has very little to do with "consciousness".... It is profoundly unconscious.,004300140003.htm
Along that line, Sam, the power of belief, One Million Hear Pope.
Yep, looks like Dr. Dasgupta is saying much the same as the Pope.
Jihad lives on in Saudi after Ufi killed:
The killing of Saudi Arabia's Al-Qaeda leader Saleh al-Ufi has dealt a blow to the network's local branch but is unlikely to mark the end of a wave of terror attributed to Islamist militants in the kingdom.
Ufi was shot dead by Saudi security forces in the holy city of Medina Thursday, at the same time as another operation against Al-Qaeda suspects in the capital Riyadh, the latest in a series of gunbattles since militants launched a spate of attacks in the oil-rich Gulf country in May 2003.
I thought that as important as this was historically I should post at least once wearing my atheist hat.
"How many pages of history record battles and even wars that have been waged, with both sides invoking the name of God, as if fighting and killing the enemy could be pleasing to him. The recollection of these sad events should fill us with shame, for we know only too well what atrocities have been committed in the name of religion."
I'm quite impressed by an acting Pope who drops all the normal semantic games, philosophical misdirections, and outright lies that would normally be associated with a discussion about a role religion has played throughout history.
Further, specifically stating that "these sad events should fill us with shame," makes me wonder if he would go as far as describing the lack of shame as a sin.
This isn't at all what I expected from the 'panzer pope.'
I live in interesting times.
IANAL - I interpret the TAL to refer criminal code questions back to the law that was in existence as of June 30, 2004. The code in effect at that time is specfied in the Iraqi constitution of 1969 which provides for capital punishment. Except that CPA directive #7 specfically prohibits the imposition of capital punishment. Clear as mud, like so many other things.
I say, hang Saddam and see if anyone complains.
Actually, that's why Saddams trial continues to be postponed. He won't be tried and hanged until the new constitution is approved through referendum.
Iraq seeks justice in Sharia:
One argument in Iraq is that before applying Sharia, the clerics should first make sure that Iraqis have enough food on the table. An Islamic writer supported this view, saying, "Sharia cannot be implemented on empty stomachs." And sadly, the stomachs in Iraq are empty.
The insurgency, too, will have to stop so that some degree of normalcy can be restored. Over 26,000 Iraqi civilians are reported to have been killed since the US-led invasion. If the insurgency rages the killing will continue, with or without Sharia.
Buddy Larsen said,
"The reason GWB makes rhetorical war on the tactic is because the tactic is the problem."
It should also be obvious that the "War Against Terrorism" is also "a struggle against terrorists" and so calling it a war against a "tactic" is slicing it apart in a way that has little value.
Having said all that I share Cedarfords distaste for what the "WOT' has become, a point of vanity for a President whos oratory skills have never been his strong point.
I heard Ann Coulter say in a recent interview on TV that the terrorist KIA number about 50,000. Don't know if this is since 911, or since OIF, or what.
Jordanian police have detained an undetermined number of Iraqis as well as other foreign Arab suspects in the Friday rocket attack that barely missed a U.S. warship in Aqaba.
"We don't want Jordan to harm a quarter of a million Iraqis (living in Jordan) because of one Iraqi" involved in the Friday attack, Kubba said.
Abakan, my point was that C4's idea for a GWB declaration against "radical Islam" is without a doubt exactly what radical Islam would love to hear. Presently, the prez' position is difficult to misconstrue (in error or by design) as crusader aggression, as it takes such clunky, unpoetic pains to say in effect, "You fellas worship however you want, none of my business, say whatever you want in your madrassas, call me a pig and a monkey to your heart's content--but until you quit the mass-murdering, we will have to try to stop you."
If the west wanted to step-up to a broader level of hostilities and force the whole thing to a conclusion no matter what form that conclusion might take, then GWB's narrowing rhetoric would of course deserve C4's criticism. IMHO. in the meantime we are trying to maintain old and establish new bonds of alliance with many diverse interested Arab and otherwise Muslim parties. Popping off to heat up the home crowd could get Musharref, say, killed. Then what? Oops? I'd say, the stakes demand circumspection, and Americans ought to wise up and quit demanding such cut-and-dried treatment of a fluid situation.
The Maginot line was well-located and a dramatic international statement of pre WWII French resolve. And after the French had invested everything in it, the blitzkreig fired up and simply went outside the margin, leaving the entire doctrine and all the material invested, utterly useless. Worse than useless, as it misled the French, handed over freely the grand opening to the enemy, and caused the fall of France. All because nobody had the guts to talk sense to the French civilian cry for a strong show.
Sunday developments:
_A car bomb exploded near a restaurant in a Shiite district of Baghdad, killing four civilians, police said.
_The U.S. military said it has ordered a criminal investigation into the June death of Mohammed al-Sumaidaie, the 21-year-old cousin of Iraq's ambassador to the United Nations, who alleged that U.S. Marines killed his unarmed relative in cold blood during a raid in western Iraq.
_Residents said hundreds of people from the western town of Rawah have fled their homes after days of clashes between U.S. and Iraqi forces and insurgents.
_A British soldier was wounded by a roadside bomb in Basra, in Iraq's largely Shiite south, Iraqi police said.;_ylt=AiyHR_MsX7iQUYjyKdGZlhes0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ--
To Buddy Larsen,
I agree with you. I also agree with Cedarford in a very precise and narrow fashion.
I actually have no problem with the concepts clearly outlined in the WOT. My problem with the term is that it seems that the real meaning of the term and the concepts that flow from it were not understood by a very large percentage of the English speaking American populus.
So, the term itself has become only a distraction.
So, here's how it worked in my mind.
The struggle against terrorism has many elements one of which is "WAR"
the conditions of which were specifically outlined in the Bush Doctrine. In the actual war we wont have to worry about the name of the enemy.
Locally the terrorists will have 'names' as they are captured, jailed, or killed. By locally, I mean within individual cities all over the world.
In letter, Saddam casts self as martyr:
During Saddam's rule, Palestinian students were exempted from university fees and the government built a housing complex in the Baladiyat neighborhood, about 10 miles east of Baghdad, where hundreds of them lived.
In other areas, the government rented apartments on behalf of the Palestinians paying little money to landlords who did not dare to object.
Mourning "Toy Story" Storyteller
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James, I'd say that having been handed a war with an array of iffy countermeasure options, GWB has opted for an alliance with the ordinary people of the mideast, a trust in their common sense, and the attempt to install a constitutional democracy in place of a butcher dictator megalomaniac is what had to follow, as a natural expression of that policy.
Sure, it was from the get-go an iffy proposition, and yes, fraught with peril, but remembering the options he had on the morning of 9-12-01, and looking at those various attendant risk/reward ratios, this one had promise, and unlike others, was scalable.
And so far, despite the enemy's best efforts, and the drag of the domestic left, it isn't far off the original broad assumptions (the intensity of the insurgency was probably underestimated--but not to the extent that we lack the power to win).
Much has been accomplished. This is Iraq, for crying out loud, having a constitutional convention--and Saddam is in jail, awaiting trial.
Mubarek said yesterday (was it?) that Sharon is the only person who can make peace for Israel. These sort of earthquakes are happening more or less regularly nowadays. Libya, what a turnaround, Lebanon booted Syria.
Many other such pre-OIF unimaginables, have become new facts on the ground.
If we throw it all away now, due to flighty impatience, or boredom, or ennui, or dumbshit partisan domestic politics, then we're fools who weren't heavy enough for the task, and we'll deserve everything that will surely, as sure as God made little green apples, follow.
Hagel Says Iraq War Looking Like Vietnam:
Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss., said the U.S. is winning in Iraq but has "a way to go" before it meets its goals there. Meanwhile, more needs to be done to lay out the strategy, Lott said on NBC's "Meet the Press."
"I do think we, the president, all of us need to do a better job, do more," Lott said, by telling people "why we have made this commitment, what is being done now, what we do expect in the process and, yes, why it's going to take more time."
James, LOL, that was RICH! I run those tests too, clearly. And, glad I was able to not move your position. It wasn't easy!
A rather wolfish dog named Ben just took a number of spirited runs at me, circling closer and closer each time, until I had continued jogging and shouting well past its owner, who was for a while talking obliviously on her cellphone. Since I was thinking about world affairs at the time, if I were superstitious I might take that as an omen.
Seriously now, I was quite impressed with this speech, since it is clearly intended to say, look dear Muslims, we honor your faith for these reasons. Benedict thus implies: If we're wrong about who you are, it's time you said so, inadvertantly or not, by rebutting the head of Catholic Christianity, and then we can come to know what we are really dealing with.
This line stands out:
“The Church looks upon Muslims with respect. They worship the one God living and subsistent, merciful and almighty, creator of heaven and earth, who has spoken to humanity and to whose decrees, even the hidden ones, they seek to submit themselves whole-heartedly, just as Abraham, to whom the Islamic faith readily relates itself, submitted to God"
This is clearly a challenge to Islam to respond by making clear whether or not it is a sacrificial religion. not just because of the Abraham reference. Only people who have moved beyond the search for divinity in sacrificial gestures (e.g. hunting infidels) (and I don't mean the Eucharist, btw) will talk of God as a subsistent being; such terminology requires a mind clear about the difference between the sacred and God. Muslims, who tend to make an idol of their law perhaps don't see this clearly. The Pope is trying to give us a lesson in the finer points of religion.
Truepeers, with such a mind as yours, I'd trust no barking dog to be only a barking dog. ;-) (joke, joke,joke!)
Roger that Buddy,
If we throw it all away now, due to flighty impatience, or boredom, or ennui, or dumbshit partisan domestic politics, then we're fools
We're not throwing it away, it looks like enough of us share a simple common sense that we'll be OK as a voting republic.
Contrary to the MSM, the once and future free country of Iraq is our ally in the heart of the enemy. Just like West Berlin was during JFK's airlift, just like SoKo has been since 53.
Americans are a peace-loving people. We go to war slowly and grudgingly.
But during war, like now, we spool up resources and bring new thinking to the game. For Americans, war is the way back to peace. Therefore, any path, method and hardship that gets us there faster is the way to go.
One nasty attack within the US and we'll have Abrams in Teheran within a month, Trish. Unless we glass it.
There has been too much focus on small unit tactics here over the past couple of months. We are conducting excellent live fire training exercises, we're so deep inside the splodeydopes OODA loop that the Sunni imams are distributing flyers urging everyone to get involved in the elcetion process. If they agree that it's over, it's over.
It's not clean, efficient or pretty but wars seldom are.
Well Buddy, you're right, you just gotta wonder what it is they see in you when they're sizing you up as infidel.
Truepeers, if I weren't trying so hard not to be nasty, I'd say "a forehead?"
because the moslems are who they are and because the europeans are who they are, I view the pope's remarks not so much as a threat but as marker. Its a speach that takes its meaning as a function of the way things go. that is, we won't know what the speach "really means" until events have unfolded in the coming years in a suffiently formed way so as to give the pope's speach "meaning."
Things right now are unformed.
Europe, because it has become so atheistic has lost its memory. But the pope has not lost his memory. What is so striking about the pope's speach is that we are hearing someone speak who has a european memory. There is immense threat in that--to moslems.
As I've mentioned before, if/when the europeans ever return to christianity--their historical memory will also return. When their historical memory returns--there will be no place for the moslems in europe.
The reason I think the speach is a marker however rather than a threat, is because Europe currently is atheistic. so Europe has no memory. And because Europe has no memory they have no understanding of the terms which I think the moslem (clerical) audience and the pope both understood.
so the questions that will determine the actual meanings of the popes words will be not just whether the 1.)moslems reject terrorism but also 2.)whether the europeans return to christianity.
fyi we in the USA cannot be disinterested in this stuff for many reasons. But the formost reason that come to my mind is that if/when the europeans kick out the moslems--those moslems have to be returned to the countries of their ancestors because if they come to the USA they'll want only to murder this country? Why? because they will find this country chaulk full of mortal enemies: christians & jews.
Something is certainly happening, as we speak. And not just in the mideast, but the far east, too.
A marker. Yes, that's exactly it Charles.
An olive branch, handed over with rolled-up sleeves.
I warned you, Buddy:
The Place is destabilized!
Charles, Christianity is growing pretty quickly in Africa. What kind of historical memory will that create? Maybe that's the final battleground between the two faiths?
Rick Ballard brings a very important point on the Transitional Administrative Law (TAL) and the fact there is no death penalty allowed within its framework: "... CPA directive #7 specfically prohibits the imposition of capital punishment... Actually, that's why Saddams trial continues to be postponed. He won't be tried and hanged until the new constitution is approved through referendum..."
This is a travesty. Saddam was a monster and needs to be given his last cigarette (and then dispensed with). Without the death penalty many other terrorists will go unpunished.
The lack of a death penality is probably well known to terrorists - which leads to more car bombs and more dead American troops; Iraqi men, women, and children. The terrorists know when caught they will get a nice cotton and 3 meals a day for their deeds.
Michael Yon noted that the terrorists who was caught before detonating a huge road bomb will got to jail and live in relative comfort. In fact, Yon said many Iraqis would pay 5000 dinar to stay at Abu Ghraib prison receiving good meals, clean water, clean clothes and nice bunk. This soft glove treatment must stop. We need the death penalty in Iraq.
Which brings us back to the TAL and it's short comings (including the lack of the death penalty). If anyone has any other comments on using the TAL as legal constitution for a long period of time speak up.
[Yon describes a terrorist caught red handed]:
One of the terrorists does a double take at the lead Stryker, blowing his cover. The call instantly goes out to "Block left! Lock 'em down! Two pax!" ... When we turn toward them, one man spooks and bolts... He's running so fast that it's freaky to watch... The man is just a cowering heap on the sidewalk. Chris Espindola flex-cuffs him... LT Keneally's voice calls over the radio that when they caught the stripe-shirted man they found an IED radio transmitter in his pocket.
[picture of blue radio with extra key pad]
LTC Kurilla didn't want to leave the bombs buried in the road, so he pulled the Strykers further back, and tried to use the terrorist's radio control to detonate them. He dropped down inside the hatch and asked the terrorist how to use the transmitter. In the most shocking admission of guilt imaginable, the terrorist walked the Commander through the steps: 1) Re-install the AA batteries in the back, 2) Connect the 9-volt battery on the side. 3) Flip the black switch on the side. 4) Press #1 on the weird keypad. 5) Press #7... Kurilla then asked the terrorist where he lived. Without hesitation, he told us. He lived with his mother. She was the only one home when we arrived. It was as if she knew we were coming. Many people saw us capture him; someone must have called on a cell phone to warn her that trouble was brewing. We searched everywhere... She smiled the whole time, as if to say, That's my boy! The translator heard her say to her son, "Don't worry. You will be released soon." She smiled at me.
The most serious terrorists do not fear prison here. Captain Jeff VanAntwerp, who commands Alpha Company, recently told me that Iraqis joke among themselves that they would pay 5,000 dinar per night to stay at Abu Ghraib prison. It's air-conditioned, the showers are good, the food is good, and the water is good. The mother seemed to know this and it curled in contempt behind her smile.
See Jungle Law 40% down
Well if NK really does disarm, then it's official: a barely articulate chump from Texas can have more world historical signifcance that all the gnostic word masters combined. That'll keep em busy re-writing the history books.
Yeah, I thought we were going to give them more oil, grain, nukes, and etc like Brilliant Bill, but what did I know?
I hate to bring down a shower of bricks on my head, but have you noticed how few of those mideast-specialty instant "down-with-America" parades we've been seeing in occupied Iraq? Sure, the little punk shoulda been dispatched, but things have ground down to the quick over there, the fundamental truth is spilling out, those American soldiers are there to help the people, not enslave them, and i can't help but believe that neighborhood moved in our direction just a tad, on that incident. Of course, the IED coulda gone off and killed soldiers, so what I'm saying here is largely a crock of sh*t, I realize.
But still. God love the American soldier, he makes war only in order to repair broken peace (ht Tony).
Sunnis Warn Against Constitution Draft:
A day before the deadline for the new constitution, Sunni Arabs appealed Sunday to the United States and United Nations to prevent Shiites and Kurds from pushing a draft through parliament without their consent, warning it would only worsen the crisis in Iraq.
Leaders of the Sunni Arab, Shiite and Kurdish factions planned final talks on Monday morning according to officials of all three groups. "I am not optimistic," said Kamal Hamdoun, a negotiator for the influential Sunni minority. "We either reach unanimity or not."
Sam, they're all professional traders, playing table stakes poker at a table in the middle of the bazaar. The cards don't count until all the bluffs are wotked through. Iraq has potential to be a wealthy, respectable, leader among the nations of the region. The conferees know this better than anyone. The challenge, the dangers, were in getting the game going. Now that everyone's in and ante'd up and has a big bet going, the hand will play out. It's human nature. Don't do it quite yet, but get ready to pop the champagne cork.
Dear ultimate melons,
please loan me back those first 25 years I wasted carousing and living like a gnostic cathar word-master who didn't know no words.
Buddy, I share your optimism. Just posting some, what I think, are the more interesting articles I come across from time to time. Just make sure that champagne is none of that fancy shmancy French stuff. Heck, how about just tapping the ol' keg of Bud Light?
ha--now yer talkin'! I've been following your hilites, and a biggie that i never saw on google news either, is Scotland Yard's busting an AQ plot to kill Parliament with cyanide. Can you imagine? what is now a story that made neither google nor Sam's Snips, had it succeeded (and it was highly serious, and well-developing), would've been right up there with 911. Or beyond 911, an actual decapitation of a great western nation. Staggers the imagination.
I like marker much better than warning. This is the phrasing that caught my eye:
"The defence of religious freedom, in this sense, is a permanent imperative and respect for minorities is a clear sign of true civilization."
It takes about a week to unpack that one.
Buddy, it was the Cathars who got the "kill them all and let God sort them out" treatment, wasn't it? If you got off with only 25 years, that's, well??? that's some kind of inflation in justice or discounting in coconuts...
eyelids drooping, off to arkansas. chow, all.
Just a bit of the transcript from Sunday's Meet the Press if you didn't catch it:
MR. DAVID GREGORY: Our issues this Sunday: The war in Iraq. And at home, war protesters hold vigils across the country as the debate over prolonged U.S. involvement rages. But first, on Thursday, Senator Feingold became the first senator to call for a specific withdrawal date from Iraq, and he joins us now for his first live interview. Explain why you've taken this step at this point. Why set this target date?
SEN. FEINGOLD: Well, it's been a long time coming. I tried first to simple offer a resolution a couple of months ago to ask the president to give us a sense of his own of how long this will take and give the world a sense of when we might finish what some people call an American occupation.
MR. GREGORY: Do you think that target date is knowable, that a success date is knowable at this point and that the president is simply holding back?
SEN. FEINGOLD: Well, I think it's possible. Why wouldn't you want a vision, an idea of when we can measure success in terms of time and when the American people can know that our brave and courageous men and women can come home?
MR. GREGORY: This target would be December 31 of next year of 2006, but you say it's not a deadline.
SEN. FEINGOLD: No, it's not a deadline. I went to 17 town meetings in Wisconsin this month already in northern Wisconsin. And people said, "You know, if we don't have an idea of how long this thing's going to last, let's just cut and run."
MR. GREGORY: Senator, how do you define success in Iraq?
SEN. FEINGOLD: Well, I define success in Iraq as being what is most consistent with the security of the American people, in general, and that means whatever we do there should be consistent with the fight against these terrorists all around the world. One of the reasons I was opposed to the Iraq War in the first place is it wasn't even on the list that the president and the State Department put out of 45 countries where al-Qaeda was operating. So basically, we have to figure out a way to do as much as we can in a reasonable period of time, without doing too much, to allow these terrorists to promote and train people who are going to try to kill Americans.
MR. GREGORY: There is a violent insurgency that continues to rage. There is even the underpinnings of civil war now in Iraq. If by the end of December 31, 2006, the end of next year, these problems are not solved, the mission is not complete, do you still believe U.S. forces should come home?
SEN. FEINGOLD: I think that we have to make a tough assessment at that point, but I believe that the process is more likely to succeed if we have these guidebooks. Look, we're not going to stay there till the very last insurgent is captured or killed.
MR. GREGORY: But you say "a tough assessment." But if the mission is not complete, if your goals, if the administration's goals are not achieved, you still believe it's time for U.S. troops to come out?
SEN. FEINGOLD: No, there could be flexibility. There could be--look what we're doing with the constitution right now.
MR. GREGORY: But what...
SEN. FEINGOLD: It wasn't achieved by a particular date, so you add a little more time.
MR. GREGORY: Senator, why give the insurgents any kind of road map of our intentions?
SEN. FEINGOLD: Well, of course, I haven't proposed a deadline.
More importantly, let me tell you the conversation I had in the Green Zone from one of the top generals in Iraq when I was there with Senator Clinton and Senator McCain. I said, "Off the record, your own view, would it help if we had a timeline to let the world know that we're not staying here forever?" And this is what he said, verbatim. He said, "Nothing would take the wind out of the sails of the insurgents more than having a timeline in place."
MR. GREGORY: But you yourself said just a couple of minutes ago that if we are not successful by the end of next year, you would agree to extend that deadline.
SEN. FEINGOLD: I said for a limited period. I don't think it's indefinite.
MR. GREGORY: How long would that period be?
SEN. FEINGOLD: It depends on the circumstance.
MR. GREGORY: But it still goes to the bottom line point, which is if the goals are not achieved, if there is still an insurgency, if there is continued sectarian violence, the prospect of civil war, do you then still advocate bringing troops home before their success?
SEN. FEINGOLD: Potentially. There are three different possibilities. One is the success. The second is we get close to success and then we have to have a little more time. A third possibility is that the situation simply has become so inconsistent with our overall goal of fighting terrorists around the world that we may have to say, "Look, we have to come home anyway."
MR. GREGORY: Even if--even if it means effectively...
SEN. FEINGOLD: Potentially.
MR. GREGORY: ...admitting failure?
SEN. FEINGOLD: Yes, because the question here is do we succeed in the fight against al-Qaeda and the extremist elements around the world that are attacking us? That's number one.
MR. GREGORY: Given the American sacrifice in Iraq, the loss of life, do we not owe it to those who have lost their lives to see this mission through to its absolute successful conclusion?
SEN. FEINGOLD: What we owe the brave men and women who have fought in Iraq, especially those, I think, from Wisconsin, is a good policy, a policy that is consistent with fighting the terrorists that attacked us on 9/11, 2001. We owe them that.
MR. GREGORY: Do you believe that the United States is better or worse off with Saddam Hussein out of power?
SEN. FEINGOLD: Well, it's much better to have Saddam Hussein out of power, but we are actually weaker rather than stronger because of the way in which this Iraq operation has been conducted. We have given the terrorists an opportunity to train and recruit terrorists that are being exported all around the world.
MR. GREGORY: Senator, will you be a candidate for the presidency in 2008?
SEN. FEINGOLD: You know, I'm really focusing on these issues right now. This war in Iraq and the need to get us back to the fight against terrorism are the things that are really affecting me personally, as well as in my job.
MR. GREGORY: What you're outlining, though, is a potential platform. Is it something that you're considering?
SEN. FEINGOLD: I'm considering the platform for whoever runs. Whether or not I would run...
MR. GREGORY: Right, but for yourself?
SEN. FEINGOLD: ...whether or not I run or not, I'm going to think about later.
MR. GREGORY: Final question: Can an anti-war Democrat be successful in 2008?
SEN. FEINGOLD: I think a Democrat who cares about national security, who gets this right, a Democrat who says, "Look, this administration has lost its way and gotten away from going after those who attacked us on 9/11" and who is willing to say that the Iraq invasion had some problems and that what's going on now is a problem, I think all of that can be part of a winning candidate.
ha, didn't see those last few--"unpack" is the word ringing me all day long, wrt B16's message. Much indeed to unpack, every chosen syllable. Theocratic language is so careful, as if "in the beginning was the Word" means what it says.
Peers, well, I'm not sure if my accounting is particularly up to audit...coconuts I don't get but it's a damn funny word which ought to be used more. Coconuts!
"Cutler said: "I was serious. What is your solution you Muslim fundamentalism?"
Cutler, keep asking yahoo that question. You won't get an answer because a) it doesn't have one and b) it would have to be positive and that goes against it's basic nihilistic programming."
I know, unfortunately when I was really young I was flying a kite and ran head first into a wall. It explains, among other things, my stubborness in the face of impossibility. [sic]
"Or beyond 911, an actual decapitation of a great western nation. Staggers the imagination."
Sher wood be a lock to be a best seller in Holmes Around the World, though.
The NCAA will be calling about that Coconut Comment.
The rest of you soldiers line up BEHIND the guys from Wisconsin!
"SEN. FEINGOLD: What we owe the brave men and women who have fought in Iraq, especially those, I think, from Wisconsin, is a good policy, a policy that is consistent with fighting the terrorists that attacked us on 9/11, 2001. We owe them that."
Iraqi leaders need to beat draft deadline as Saddam ready to ”sacrifice his soul”:
Iraq's political groups negotiate the future of the Iraqi nation and seek a final draft of the country's first democratic constitution.
In a letter published on Sunday, former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein said that he would sacrifice himself for Arab nationalism and to end foreign occupation.
Speaking of proselytizing by the people of the Cross, the Christian and Catholic churches are doing a fine job in China and Asia as a whole. About 10% of China is already Christian/Catholic, and even the Pope's words are heeded by the non-catholic denominations.
In fifty years, China won't even have to be a rival or an enemy when it's jam packed with christians with low tolerance for islamic fundamentalism, along with a strong desire to align with the West.
If China is the future, then the future is already won. Only the Islamists don't know it.
C4, nice visuals--but I meant something different than what you rebutted. Words. The American president's every tic is mined for meaning, and distorted, by the enemy. Why not let him be our most dovish hawk, and rob the enemy thus of a critical rally point? Operations to proceed apace, of course. The weakness in specifying what is unacceptable behavior, without referring to underlying pathology, is of course what every school principle and workplace supervisor faces daily in the project of maintaining order. Johnny hits his classmates, principle calls parents, sez johnny must quit hitting classmates. parents cooperate maybe. But call parents and tell them that their homelife must really suck, and suddenly you have the kid, the parents, the school board, and maybe a tort lawyer and the local statehouse representative, after yo ass. And, to boot, are perhaps no closer to, but much farther away from, your original goal of restoring order within your sphere of influence.
Granted that narrowing the complaint may not suffice, and after that situation has been proved, you may indeed have to take on the school board.
However, what if your staff, and many of the other parents, are getting the message out that Johnny's homelife sucks? Maybe you get your system order restored, and will have finessed the widened strife that will surely, as you gamble on losing your job and bankrupting yourself in court, have a deleterious effect on your own family?
(sorry for overstretched analogy--but at least I avoided bending spear points with pliers)
WSJ on Iran, this morning
This article explains the Administrations challenge better than most I've read.
"... Wartime presidents must lead their people. In this, Mr. Bush has fallen flat. It's not enough to say we must complete the mission. It's not nearly enough to repeat the truism that our soldiers are performing bravely, with skill and humaneness not seen before in history. As important as those facts are, they pale in comparison to what we aren't told: What is the mission? Who are our enemies, and where are they? How are we going to attack and defeat them? What, specifically, are they trying to do and how are we going to stop them? We know none of those things from the President. To say what he says again and again -- without saying much else -- leaves wartime opinion-making to Vladimir Putin, Russell Feingold, Chuck Hagel and Cindy Sheehan. ..."
"... As the Washington Post reported last Wednesday, "The day after burying their son, parents of a fallen Marine urged President Bush to either send more reinforcements to Iraq or withdraw U.S. troops altogether. 'We feel you either have to fight this war right or get out,' said Rosemary Palmer, mother of Lance Cpl. Edward Schroeder II." What Ms. Palmer says now is precisely what our professional military has said about every war since World War II. They are saying it now but only quietly, in confidence, and almost exclusively to each other. They know that this war needs to be fought -- hard, fast, and effectively -- to be won at the least cost in American lives. They will do that, and win, if they are allowed to do the job as it must be done. If.
In a meeting a couple of weeks ago, a senior DoD official said that in Iraq, "we're not winning yet, but we're holding our own." How can that be, two years into the fight, unless we are hobbling our forces politically? The objective in Iraq is not a Nixonian "peace with honor" but victory. And victory cannot be achieved in Iraq alone. Back in June, I asked another senior DoD official a question that obviously discomfited him. It was simple enough. I began with the fact that we have mensurated (i.e., three dimensional, accurate within a yard or two) targeting coordinates for the terrorist sanctuaries in Syria. (The fact that Syria is a sanctuary for terrorists who kill Americans in Iraq has not been disputable for more than a year.) I asked why, then, weren't we attacking the sanctuaries? He gave an answer that -- from the look on his face -- made him even more uncomfortable than the question. He said, "There are nations with which we don't want to go to war now." And therein lies the rub. President Bush must not write the plans for the GWOT on a palimpsest of Vietnam. ..."
Wartime Leadership is not related to Election Cycles
OT, except connection to comments re vanity of the 60's.
Burned, Baby, Burned.
Watts and the Tragedy of Black America. By John McWhorter.
Don't miss this definitive piece - much more than Watts.
"In teaching poor blacks that picturesque battle poses were an "authentic" substitute for constructive intentions, the "Burn, Baby, Burn" ethos ultimately did more harm than good to a people who had already been through more than enough."
What is it about bending spear points with pliers that's wrong?
The Calculus of the New York Times:
So those Million or so folks that showed up for Benedict, what are they good for?
...about 15 devoted "feminists" showing up to see some 50 plus year old bitter hag "leaders."
""The pope is our enemy, it said. "Due to his uncommon skills and great sense of humor he is dangerous..."
Maybe they thought John Roberts was coming?
(taking a tip from the WaPo)
There are options that we could start with vis a vie Iran, well short of supporting a Kurdish Insurrection or Saturation Bombing
From WSJ OpinionJournal
"... Perhaps it's time to try a different strategy. We aren't referring here to economic sanctions via the U.N. Security Council. China and Russia aren't likely to agree to sanctions, and even if they did (after many months of haggling) Iran may think it can ride them out in a world of $60 oil.
Leaving aside--but not ruling out--the option of military intervention, the Iranian regime is vulnerable to diplomatic pressure from without and even more so to democratic pressure from below. Yet the Bush Administration has given comparatively little support to Iranian pro-democracy groups, and it has made no effort to organize bans on Iranian participation in prestigious international forums or at sporting and cultural events. Patrick Clawson of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy suggests, for starters, barring the Iranian national soccer team from the World Cup.
Perhaps even this is too militant for the likes of Chancellor Schröder. But it would be the beginning of a serious Iran policy. "
In the LA Times a story:
"Coping with Iran's nuclear ambitions"
By Fariborz Mokhtari, a professor at the Near East South Asia Center of the National Defense University in Washington
IRAN'S NUCLEAR POLICY is more about nationalism and pride than weapons and energy. If the United States' policy toward Iran ignores the national pride of the Iranian people, it could cause lasting repercussions that will set back relations between Iran, the United States and U.S. allies for a long time to come. ..."
The Professor explains why yhe Iranians will not be dependent of outsourced fuel for the electical power plants.
Past US belligerance,ie: support for Saddam's Iraq in the Iran/ Iraq war, etc.
LA Times
He closes promoting the Bush Doctrine of Democratic Renewal
"... Rather than threatening Iran, the United States should recognize that the way to change its policy is through soft diplomacy and education. It is crucial to distinguish the Iranian people from their clerical rulers. The people, especially Iranian youth, must be cultivated and persuaded that the best hope for their national ambitions does not lie with the policies of the regime. If the people are persuaded, their rulers will follow, and Iran's policies will change ..."
quite right
Everyone must sumbit to both their God and/or the People that speak for God.
Supreme Imams and the like.
August 22, 2005
Breaking: Agreement Reached Over Iraqi Constitution
Omar at Iraq the Model report this insider scoop:
National Assembly member Bahaa Al-Aaraji just told Al-Iraqia TV that an agreement has finally been reached among the leaders of political bodies on the final draft of the constitution and that disputes over issues like federalism, distribution of resources and the role of Islam have been solved.Via Glenn Reynolds
Dr. Rusty Shackleford at 09:31 AM
I gave you my opinion on Kristan.
Last ot for a while:
. Anyone Care to defend Bush Admin on this?
"Yet the Bush Administration has given comparatively little support to Iranian pro-democracy groups, and it has made no effort to organize bans on Iranian participation in prestigious international forums or at sporting and cultural events."
This is Ledeen's Lament: we continue to act like our dearly departed Kevin:
Iran is a Democracy gradually headed toward reform.
State Dept Nonsense.
A Demoncracy is more like it.
Could the Sunnis be the solution to the problem of al Qaeda in Iraq ?
Recent events have shown that the marriage of convenience between domestic opponents to the new Iraqi government and foreign terrorists seeking to foment a civil war may be headed for annulment.
Want to put more oomph behind USA power & influence?
That's too easy!
(Doug, Accounting Inc.)
Point: next month congress re-convenes, and tax issues are at the front of the agenda. Think, less waste means more RONCE (return on net capital employed, including the human capital of work as well as any assets held anywhere in the system). If you take a look at what flat tax has done for Russia and much of New Europe, it's easy to see the connection between economic dynamism, and a system that looks good to people such as the Iranian youth who apparantly hold the key to evolution vs devolution in the mideast.
If anyone in the administration is thinking likewise about the link between the US economy and our foreign-policy persuasiveness, we may be seeing right now a lean-back away from anything that will distract the coming votes on proposed tax reforms. The initial PR phase--and perhaps a vote or two, will be over with about the time in October the Iraqi Constitution is voted for ratification.
Maybe that's when we can look for a major policy speech on Iran--esp if the subversion of Iraq doesn't tail off as the constitution is ratified. The Bushies are heavy into effective sequencing.
In the meantime, the allies may be being tight-lipped about Iranian sabotage precisely to bait a little more of it, all the while taking names and remembering faces, so that when that major Iran speech comes, it'll contain one of those litanys of offence which presidents find so effective when aiming a heavy counterpunch.
"Rope-a-dope", or just "dope"?
must read for this thread, new Michael Barone:
Great post. Do you know of Schonborn's comments? "Pope Benedict Will Transform Europe, Cardinal Predicts." You can find it at
I think the thoughts are related, especially since Schonborn was one of Ratzinger's students in the early 70's.
I have a running post on WYD and related info. I have linked yours to it, thanks to Hugh.
You can check it out at
Bush at the VTW
Defend Americans at home.
1.$14 Billion in Funding to States
2. Patriot Act
3. Confront threats before they marterialize
No discussion of Border Security
Take fight abroad before they can attack here in US.
Goal = Secure a Peaceful World for Grandchildren
Defeat Evil Ideology
UBL & Z trying to turn Iraq into Talibanian Afghanistan.
Iraqis are key to defeating Terrorists.
Iraqi Constitution will represent values of Iraqi people.
As they stand up, we stand down
Sharon is the man
We look to a return to the Road Map
$50 million will be given to Palis to rebuild GAZA
"We defeated Fascism, we have defeated Communisim and we will defeat the Hateful Ideology of the Terrorists"
That is callin' a Spade a Spade
The greatest threat to my Grandchildren comes from the massed migration from Central America into the United States. This Invasion is the immediate threat to my States Security. Total homicides commited in US by illegal migrants is greater than Twin Towers death toll.(Foxs News, Fox & Friends)
Where is the defense against this Terror, the Evil Ideology of Disregard for Law that the Illegals live by.
"There are over 4,000 murder warrants out, just in the border states, for people who've committed murder and fled to Mexico. You wonder how many more people have to die." said Rep. Tom Tancredo, Colorado Republican.
Washington Times
What if there were an event that was another 911. Would all bets be off?
"eliminating from hearts any trace of rancour, in resisting every form of intolerance and in opposing every manifestation of violence"--Pope
Practice what you preach you sexist homophobe. It's funny how all these idiotic mythologies battle each other, but then when it comes to denying people basic rights, they all join up together. Such as the Christian-Muslim-Seikh coalition in Canada against same sex marriage.
The one dominant trend among contemporary mythology (I guess you lot would call it religion) is to attack freedom, such as women's and gay rights.
Anyone who believes the Pope actually gives a shit about tolerance is probably dumb enough to think the US wants to make Iraq into a free and democratic country.
trish, I hope those holding the reins of power think like you.
IOTM, you're the last person to lecture on tolerance, my resentful gnostic (not Cathar-tic) coconut.
Just happen to have this passage at hand: ""The act of contemplation is the philosophic equivalent to ritual in myth," Voegelin concludes, and the differentiation of the cosmic reality through reason must be "actualized through meditation," or else it can become itself a source of disorder, as the phenomenon of modern rationalism shows. Myth and philosophy are equivalent, and yet they are not the same. What makes them equivalent - a point demonstrated in the concluding part of the text, in which Voegelin offers an extensive discussion of the transition from myth to philosophy as it can be seen in Aristotle's Metaphysics - can be understood only as long as one recognizes that the primary experience of the cosmos is itself a constant. The illusion that the primary experience can be lost or overcome leads to the modern constructions, which Voegelin deals with in "The Eclipse of Reality." (Introduction to Eric Voeglin, What is History?)
-IOTM, the Pope understands the primary experience of the cosmos; and you are on the side of those eclipsing reality. Once you understand this primary experience, you will understand the conservative position on "gay marriage" and women priests, for what it's worth. And then you can make a proper choice and learn to be tolerant of the other side. A little faith might help you get there.
Freedom is a pretty subjective subject. It's pretty obvious--though some still feel the need to remark upon it--that the Pope and the cultural hard left do not have quite the same 'freedom' in mind. Since religious doctrine is all about freeing spirit from tyranny of self, yes, the Pope wants people to restrict themselves in their pursuit of all possible potential behaviors. Alas, in practice this amounts to a general anti-hedonism, but it does get society's work done, families raised intact, living things healthy, fed, watered, and washed, and the futures better secured for the now and future generations. It also creates enough of the necessities of life that society can and does share with those who scorn the sharing, and mock the very things that create the freedom to scorn the freedom. Haters of conservatism and/or religion should take care--if moral coherence matters to them--that they benefit in no way from the sacrifice of selfish pursuits made by the serious diligence of the poor dumb shits who are fooled into living for others, building for the future, and either believing all that religion stuff or having a foolish respect for those who do.
jeez, I was trying to rebut IOTM's bleak, nasty letter. Discovered George only after posting. I guess if IOTM wants to debate homophobia, he/she has found George. I wish them both lotsa luck. ;-)
they certainly deserve each other
a marriage made in heaven
Great Matchmaker in the Sky must have a slightly devilish sense of humor....
Irshad Manji used to be on FoxNews quite a bit. Brilliant and lively and good-looking too. If she's of a lesbian persuasion, all I can say is fooey, my infinitesimal chance just got infinitesimaler.
merlin 12, gay is not a meaningless word I'm happy to say. But if anyone can help, I've always wondered how it got to mean homosexual.
Absent region transformation this thing is going to have a very bloody[ier] ending no matter who wins.
The transformation will be bloody, regardless
Politics are great for grey beards, but the kids will push for action. More Bionic Runners doing combat with Crusaders, a religious duty and politically expedient with the tribe.
Enough of "Stay the Course"
Get tough or get out.
A symbolic first step would be to secure the Airport Road or abandon Baghdad. We've had over two years now, to get that done, that we have not is a failure of GRAND proportions.
I think it came from the 70s, Peers, when the whole pop culture was gay, whether it knew it or not. Go back and look at "Saturday Night Fever"...but not with any sharp objects or loaded guns nearby.
What do you think of this, rat, as an explanation of the administration's "measuredresponse" strategy?
Bush welcomed Israeli’s withdrawal from Gaza as a historic step
August 22, 2005, 10:45 PM (GMT+02:00)
“In the heart of the Middle East a hopeful story is unfolding,” he said. “Peace is within reach in the Holy Land.” that the Jews are leaving...
What Would Jesus Say?
How about this as an alternative strategy?
RAFAH, Gaza Strip - In a military training camp run by the ruling Fatah movement, hundreds of young Palestinians marched in formation Monday and sprinted across a sandy lot. Nearby, hundreds of Islamic Jihad gunmen in black ski masks paraded in the streets, some riding in jeeps, raising AK-47 assault rifles and posing with rocket launchers. Yet a third militant group, Hamas, boasted on its Web site that it has killed more Israelis in more Gaza attacks than any of its rivals � and that it alone deserves credit for Israel's historic pullout from the Mediterranean strip.
peace at last, thank g-d almighty, peace has arrived...
Give up the Israelis a la Czechoslovakia, and still have to put up with a frenzied Muslim world's ravings about The Man in Chechnya, Kashmir, the Phillipines - no thanks.
Give up the Israelis a la Czechoslovakia, and still have to put up with a frenzied Muslim world's ravings about The Man in Chechnya, Kashmir, the Phillipines - no thanks.
3:50 PM
the jews are the canary in the mine.. if they all were murdered tomorrow you will still not have peace...
Ash, Juan Cole is thought by many to be a wool-dyed left-partisan, and he does for a fact have a pretty extensive record of wrong mideast predictions. He seems to be a mite less hyperbolic lately, tho. That's progress--maybe he'll rebuild some credibility.
read that a couple of days ago.
It is a measure of success for the "Bush Doctrine" on a political level. The nations that Barone lists are good positive examples of our 'soft power'.
It is in the application of 'Hard Power' that we have slipped. The results on the ground are dismal. The Airport Road being symbolic of the failure.
We have two challenges,
1. Identify the policies that have allowed Baghdad to remain unsecure for over two years
2. Change to a more productive strategy.
check this prospective out
A hawk's son goes to war
"... But a pundit should not recommend a policy without adequate regard for the ability of those in charge to execute it, and here I stumbled. I could not imagine, for example, that the civilian and military high command would treat "Phase IV" — the post-combat period that has killed far more Americans than the "real" war — as of secondary importance to the planning of Gen. Tommy Franks' blitzkrieg. I never dreamed that Ambassador Paul Bremer and Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the two top civilian and military leaders early in the occupation of Iraq — brave, honorable and committed though they were — would be so unsuited for their tasks. I did not expect that we would begin the occupation with cockamamie schemes of creating an immobile Iraqi army to defend the country's borders rather than maintain internal order, or that the under-planned, under-prepared and in some respects mis-manned Coalition Provisional Authority would seek to rebuild Iraq with big construction contracts awarded under federal acquisition regulations, rather than with small grants aimed at getting angry, bewildered young Iraqi men off the streets and into jobs. ..."
Term of endearment:
Moti Our Gay.
"1. Identify the policies that have allowed Baghdad to remain unsecure for over two years"
Whatever happened to that plan to lockdown the town into regions and tightly control movement w/checkpoints?
(my guess: impractical, would bring city to a standstill.)
What's the theory, we get sucked into gripping acounts of RSS v Atom and feel obligated to buy gift baskets?
When we took the city, doug there were few autos. Many thousands were imported through Jordon. There was no congestion when we arrived, we allowed it to build up. If the community cannot Police itself, lock it down.
That would provide the Security that the people of Iraq want and deserve.
Referencing the "freedom" definition. What we refer to as "freedom" is leavened with responsibility.
With out self disipline, individual or cultural freedom can be quite self destructive.
Medved was talking about the freedom violent rapists have to play video games featuring violence and rape.
Common sense got lost someplace along the way in pursuit of "freedom" and "RIGHTS."
Now I'm a trogdylyte Nazi for dissenting.
A person considered to be reclusive, reactionary, out of date, or brutish.
Pretty close, I guess.
Easy for you.
Look what happens to those who screw around with Pork's people (check the trailer--ya wanna see demonic?):
Buddy, thanks for the trailer. Hadn't heard of this one. Looks pretty good.
You understate the case raymond.
Powerful lady, courageous man, v utterly shameless swine Cole.
This is not the first time:
He did something truly evil w/a lost Air Force man or something.
Let's try not to use him as a source, except as a contrary indicator of the truth.
Comment at raymond's link:
"Cole will dismiss it. He's far too intelligent to worry about things like truth, honour and integrity.
What worries me more is that HIS is the main blog mentioned in MS Encarta under the article on many people or kids worldwide are going to look at his blog now thanks to the free advertising by MS?"
Bush warns against retreat from Iraq:
It was not immediately clear if the main stumbling blocks towards agreeing on the constitution-federalism, sharing of oil wealth, and the role of Islam-had been resolved or left for discussion at a later date.
Bush also warned that Islamist terrorists hoped “to drive nations into retreat so they can topple governments across the Middle East, establish Taleban-like regimes and turn that region into a launching pad for more attacks against our people.”
Oh no. :(
Why does every post in Blogosphere, no matter how unrelated to American politics, degenerate into a GWB-slag-a-thon. Please, gimme a break.
Leave dem trolls alone -- they're secretly wanking themselves at the furour they cause when all attention turns to them.
Going back to the topic at hand, here is a my latest blogpost on Pope Benedict, called:
It's about a visual analysis of World Youth Day.
Tomorrow, I may post a review on the Pope's memoirs, Milestones, so stay tuned.
I will H/T Belmont Club if I use any reference from here.
Hugh is discussing W's post as I write.
Links it at Hugh
Going to read it after break!
What the hell is moti?
Speech by President Bush to Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention:
The generation of men and women who defend our freedom today is taking its rightful place among the heroes of our nation's history. Once again, America has found patriots who are selfless and tireless and unrelenting in the face of danger. Once again, the American people have been steadfast and determined not to lose our nerve. And once again, we have confidence in our cause, because we know that freedom is the future of every nation, and that the side of freedom is the side of victory.
I want to thank you for the example you have set for all who wear our nation's uniform. I want to thank you for your bravery and your decency. May God bless this nation's veterans, and may God continue to bless the United States of America.
MOTI: Ministry of the Interior
Peter Uk came up with MOTI for your friend IOTM.
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