The Battle of Berkeley
Zombietime follows the battle between Code Pink and the Marines in Berkeley. Nothing follows.
The Belmont Club will be moving on Monday, June 23 to this new site.
Zombietime follows the battle between Code Pink and the Marines in Berkeley. Nothing follows.
What fun! The protest groups keep shrinking. Counterprotest groups come on the scene as never before.
Kyrolos El Giheny should follow the example of Don Spark. Their rights to free movement are violated! The Commies and nasty old broads do not have a monopoly on civil rights!
If I were to enter the USMC recruiting office and they laid a hand on me, I would enjoy so much defending my self.
Way to go Don!
Salaam eleikum Y'all!
ahhh where are the protest warrior guys when we need them?
Cut their funding like the Feds do to any other group. Hillsdale College takes no federal money whatsoever, since even students getting federally based scholarships would force the college to submit to many federal rules. Hillsdale avoids Federal $$ as a matter of principle.
What an opportunity! This is what non-lethal wepaons were made for!
Infrasound, RF, ultrasonics, and maybe good old-fashioned Flu Virus.
So our leadership says we can't use these things without testing them on Amercians?
Well, thar ya go....
Activate The Berkeley Test Range!
The solution here is really rather simple: the city of Berkeley can pass it's resolution banning the recruiting center if it agrees to forgo all military assistance in the future in the event of an earthquake or any other event.
What's good for the goose.....
The petition
We, the undersigned condemn the Berkeley City Council’s treasonous attack on US Marine Recruiters stationed in their city. We ask that Congress cut off funds from any and all municipal entity within the confines of the city of Berkeley, California, until such time as the city council withdraws it’s action.
The City Council has voted to tell the Marines their downtown recruiting station is not welcome and “if recruiters choose to stay, they do so as uninvited and unwelcome guests.”
The measure passed last week by a vote of 8-1.
The council also voted to explore enforcing a city anti-discrimination law, focusing on the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.
In a separate item, the council voted, also 8-1, to give the Marxist protest group Code Pink a parking space in front of the recruiting office once a week for six months and a free sound permit for protesting once a week.
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