A tale of two academics
The Washington Post has further details on the resignation of Larry Summers from the presidency of Harvard.
The marathon power struggle with the powerful Faculty of Arts and Sciences -- which runs the undergraduate program -- has been closely watched by institutions of higher learning as a case study in the ability of college presidents to exercise management control in a historically collegial and decentralized environment. ...
"It says that one group of faculty managed a coup d'etat not only against Summers but against the whole Harvard community," said Alan M. Dershowitz, longtime law professor at Harvard and a Summers ally. "He is widely supported among students and in the graduate schools."
David Gergen, an adviser to presidents who now teaches at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, likened the effort to oust Summers to a negative political campaign. "There were people quite determined that he should leave, and they pursued a long campaign to realize this goal," said Gergen, a friend of Summers.
By a 3 to 1 margin, undergraduates polled online by the Harvard Crimson newspaper this week did not think Summers should resign, with only 19 percent supporting his departure.
From the website of DEFEND (Dissent and Critical Thinking on Campus)
The Churchill case is not an isolated incident but a concentrated example of a well-orchestrated campaign launched in the name of “academic freedom” and “balance” which in fact aims to purge the universities of more radical thinkers and oppositional thought generally, and to create a climate of intimidation. While the right-wing claim that the universities are “left-wing dictatorships” is specious beyond belief, it is unfortunately true that the campus remains one of the few surviving refuges of critical thinking and dissent in this country. This is something to defend and strengthen.
On Feb 22nd, Lawrence Summers announced his resignation as president of Harvard but remains a faculty member. On January 31, 2005, Churchill resigned as chairman of the Ethnic Studies department at the University of Colorado, but remains a tenured professor.
Shortly before Summers' resignation, the Harvard Crimson conducted a poll on the subject of whether Larry Summers should quit his post as university president.
By a three-to-one margin, undergraduates do not think that Lawrence H. Summers should resign his post as University president, according to a poll conducted by The Crimson this past weekend. Just 19 percent of undergraduates in the survey said that Summers should resign, while about 57 percent said he should not. The online survey polled 424 students and carried a margin of error of approximately 4.6 percent.
In the spring of 2005, Ward Churchill won a teaching award (in the 25-75 class size category), receiving 54 votes among the 2,085 students at the University of Colorado at Boulder who voted for its annual Teaching Recognition Award. The University of Colorado Alumni Association, which sponsors the award, announced that they would withhold the award from Churchill until the investigation on the charges that he committed research misconduct had been concluded. Given annually for 44 years, this is the first time the award was withheld from its winner.
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"Specious [&] Beyond Belief"
-proof that "critical thinking" is here a ritualistic gesture. So, maybe, yes indeed, the universities are the last asylum of "the critical"? And the poor guys have never been allowed out. It's, like...Palestine in there. Elitist Anxious Tyrannical Mood Evocation
'Peers, just for Ward, I came up with this:
Elitist Anxiety Terrorism related Phobic Undiagnosed Dhimmitude.
From Previous Thread:
Karridine said...
4 decades ago, when I wrote an article for the FIRST underground newspaper in California, I didn't suppose it would all come to this!
Talk about butterflies and typhoons!
Wretchard is the tease, reminding us of old Wardo. What more can one say?
I always thought Cambridge should be a free fire zone.
Not quite in Summer and Dershowitz' League.
...not to mention Sowell, Horowitz, Terry Eastland, and etc.
Don't know if it made the headlines a day or two ago, since I was not keeping up, but Michael Crichton got a private meeting w/GWB - that's a good thing!
3 to 1 eh?
Looks like most of those undergrads still have some indoctrination to complete!
Chrichton's private meeting with Bush was kept hush-hush, apparently out of fear of giving offense to the usual lefty crowd. From Frank Barnes' book Rebel in Chief: "The visit was not made public for fear of outraging environmentalists all the more."
So I'm confused. Churchill is reported to have plagerized, Summers is not. On that alone there need be no further comparison.
If it was proven, Churchill should have been hounded out of the profession by all corners of academia. And his horse should not be entered in this race.
Get used to the new truths of the left.
Up is down down is up. A normal person walking into that environment must be like the main character in the song Lola "Now I'm not dumb but I can't understand why she look like a woman but talk like a man" and the kicker "Girls will be boys and boys will be girls It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world..." and THAT is the world the whacky left lives in.
He was the Summer of their discontent.
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