The Arsenal of Democracy
You may want to read Daniel Bergner's colorful New York Times account of private security contractors in Iraq: The Other Army. (Hat tip: DL) The account is vivid and packed with incident. The author repeatedly refers to the private security contractors as "gunmen", but he is clearly ambivalent about them, repelled by their roughness yet attracted by their ingenuity and enterprise. Describing a meeting with a Triple Canopy company "gunman", Bergner writes:
He had jowls and loose swells of flesh beneath his T-shirt. ''Don't let the package fool you,'' the ex-Delta colonel who introduced us had told me. ''He's a commando from way back.'' After a career in Special Forces, the man said, he hadn't seemed able to survive in the civilian world. Work in construction fell apart. He drank heavily. He took a job as a cashier in a convenience store -- ''till I found out I had to smile at the customers.'' He laughed ruefully at his inability to adapt. ...
And back in the Chicago suburb where I visited the company in May, in its new, sprawling offices (which Triple Canopy would soon be exchanging for a similar setup outside Washington, in order to be closer to its main source of income, the U.S. government), I heard Matt Mann talk exuberantly about ''creating a national asset.'' It would have been easy to be exuberant merely because of the profits he was taking in; it would have been easy to be downright giddy.
But his enthusiasm seemed to come, as well, from other things. He spoke about the waste of Special Operations stars, ''men whose intelligence is equal to the best attorneys, the best doctors,'' men who had survived the harshest training, who had learned to operate on their own in alien cultures, who ''don't know how to fail.'' Their talents, he said, were going unrecognized and unused when they left the military and entered civilian society.
Although Bergner likes to believe the "gunmen" are in it solely for the money he is too intelligent not to see that Mann is telling at least a partial truth: that the hardest thing for a compulsive warrior in civilian life isn't getting a job, but forgetting his sense of specialness. Part of that specialness comes from living in a world of exotic experiences, dealing in things a cashier at a convenience store would strain to understand.
A few months later, (Hendrick) was riding in a convoy, in the back seat of a pickup's cab, escorting an Army Corps of Engineers team to a spot out in the desert, where they would blow up captured munitions. Across the desolate terrain, according to Hendrick and a colleague who was present that day, a white S.U.V. appeared from behind a berm. It was on Hendrick's side, 200 yards away. Hendrick wore a black helmet, tinted goggles and a black shirt, with a kaffiyeh wrapped around his neck and taupe-colored shooting gloves. He leaned out his window clutching a belt-fed light machine gun. The distance kept closing. ''He's coming in! He's coming at us!'' he heard someone on his team call out. He thought, Idiot farmer. He had the best angle; he fired warning shots. He could see the driver dressed all in white. The distance shrank to less than 30 yards. He aimed into the wheels. ''Idiot farmer turned to No, this isn't happening in a fraction of a second,'' he said. All was instinct. He riddled the driver's door and shot into the driver's window. The S.U.V. jerked to the side -- it exploded, ''went from white to a ball of bright orange,'' so close that the blast demolished a vehicle in the convoy, though the men inside weren't hurt. The S.U.V. all but vaporized. It had been packed with explosives -- a suicide bomber. The largest trace left was a scrap of tire. A bit of the bomber's scalp clung to one of the vehicles in the convoy.
Bergner worries about Iraq precisely because it is minting men like Hendrick: "with so many newly created private soldiers unemployed when the market of Iraq finally crashes, aren't some of them likely to accept such jobs -- the work of mercenaries in the chaotic territories of the earth? ... We may know less and less how to feel about a state that is no longer defended by men and women we can perceive as pure", an ironic characterization, if ever there was one, to apply in a theater where unemployed Iraqi thugs are paid thousands of dollars by Wahabi moneymen for every American soldier they kill. The bright side is that "the United Nations will soon hire the companies to guard refugee camps in war zones" instead of the assortment of Zambians and Bangladeshis the press can always portray as pure.
An interesting companion piece to this might be entitled The Other Military-Industrial Complex. A DOD briefing on the newest technologies being deployed to Iraq include items like the MARCBOT made by the Exponent Corporation, the TACMAV folding UAV of ARA and Z-Medica's Quickclot. Numerous items are being supplied by businesses no one would have heard of. Because of the nature of the war a large number of small companies are supplying critical equipment instead of the traditional aerospace contractors. Analysts have long known that the market (e.g. AQ Khan) responds to terrorist demand. It would have been surprising if the market had remained indifferent to the multi-billion dollar US war effort. Bergner's article suggests that official deployments are simply the tip of the iceberg. The US is more deeply mobilized than is evident, its politicians more tentative than its entrepreneurs.
"with so many newly created private soldiers unemployed when the market of Iraq finally crashes, aren't some of them likely to accept such jobs -- the work of mercenaries in the chaotic territories of the earth? ...
It's good to see he's confident.
It is about time the UN realize it needs a professional Piecekeeping Force, not a detachment of incompetents in Uniform to protect the defenseless.
In the Congo today, and Rowanda in the last decade the inability of Piecekeepers to provide Peace is glaring. In Haiti the UN requests US troops because their reputation proceeds them.
I had a freind that worked the Congo in the '60s with CIA covert forces. He claimed the operations were successful.
I think the world will be seeing more of this type of civilian combat specialist, in the 21st century, not less.
There are many unemplyed Gurkhas, they would make for a great core of a proposed UN Peacekeeping force.
In the straights of Mallaca, many ships and shipping companies are turning to private security to battle pirates; something the Malaysian government is more comfortable with than with national soldiers armed under another nations flag (even though, in effect, many of the mercinaries will be from the English-speaking world).
I think the UN's problem that desert rat is homing in on is that the UN forces largely work with conscripts. Sure, the US and Canadians are volunteers, but most UN member states aren't so enlightened.
If the UN used professionals, they'd be a lot more effective. Not just because they'd be volunteers v. conscripts, but becasuse they'd refuse to be political sacrifices. Few men would willingly be witness to the tragedies in Haiti and Africa for a simple paycheck. They'd either ask for the permission to actually solve the problem, or the UN would have to explain to the US and Europe why it can't find any men willing to do the work.
Mercs in Iraq!? No! Surely not! Imagine professionals being able to get a job done with decent pay with minimal paperwork and no hurry up and wait mentality of the armed forces, where common sense and practicality are actually tools to be employed.
A friend of mine just returned from his daughter's gradulation from US Army Basic Training. He was very impressed by the training, which included realistic combat live fire exercises and extended field exercises without so much as a tent to sleep in - and his daughter is going to be a health specialist, not a combat soldier.
This contrasts with another friend's experience with the Army in the early 1970's, in which the entrenched "lifers" were dead set against doing "Cowboys and Indians Stuff", even though the troops loved it. They berated him for even holding such things as armored vehicle recognition classes on his own initiative.
I think it likely that the "special ops" type of training and the associated attitudes is now much closer to the norm.
I thought that one of the few valid reasons for the existence of a central government was its military defense.
Are you guys saying that this is a job best left to the private sector also??
If so, what do you see as the consequences of hiring private hands...besides the ability to work outside the strictures of normal military law?
How do you keep the boundaries?
Anyone following the Able Danger story and the 9/11 Commission coverup?
Dymphna: Debate in the U.S. Military about using "mercenaries" has raged on for some time, if rather quitely to all external appearances. I can recall some senior officers charging that use of a largely contractor workforce to launch military satellites was equivalent to the employment of mercenaries. Of course, taken to its logical conclusion this concept also would brand those contractors who build military airplanes, rockets, and ships as mercenaries as well. The real issue behind the mercenary charge in this case was careerism in the military.
"Where to stop" is a very good question, and the answer varies considerably with the situation. Everyone has his own idea of where to draw the line, and it generally has more to do with how the answer affects him personally than reliance on any basic principles.
In other words "One man's mercenary is another man's job opportunity/vital support contractor."
Hate to see a merc unit taking pay from some source that turned out to be not what the unit thought it was. So, important to keep these guys adjuncts of--and reporting to--the regulars, right?
A career Military man is a Merc. Most do not serve for the Flag alone, no a Career soldier is an employee, working for housing, benefits, salary and retirement.
As buddy so aptly states it all depends on who cuts the check and who hands out the assignments.
Airport screeners, paid by the Federals, are no better at the job than those paid by private firms.
Many contractors would be as motivated by Patriotism and Love of Country as any other Soldier.
Many in the US Armed Forces today see themselves as Mercs. As we all know they are not conscripts, how many are there just because of the employment and post service education benefits.
Two Gurkha Regiments of paid professionals would turn the tide in Sudan or the Congo.
An asset rusting in the shed, when it is still needed in the field.
On the whole, it seems to me that as things stand now in Iraq, there is a place for these hired hands. However, it's also almost certain that there will be further incidents like the guy(s) who were arrested and convicted in Afghanistan of capturing and torturing suspects. And I believe the torture there was a little bit more emphatic than ladies panties placed on someone's head. Although the way things are going, I can't say that I hold torture on someone like Zaqari in the same repugnance as I used to.
The moral dilemma of mercenary forces played itself out in the ‘90s with the meteoric rise and fall of the British concern, Executive Outcomes. The company manned by retired SAS and SADF commandos accepted money and mineral rights to conduct private operations and all out war, first training UNITA in controlled Christian southeastern Angola, then turning against them as their paymasters changed. Their final plunge into obscurity finally occurred in there ill fated coup attempt in Papua New Guinea.
While EO was extremely effective, it was also shown to be difficult to control what side they would end up on when they were ultimately fighting for the cause of the bottom line. A similar botch up occurred implicating a group of ex-commandos including Mark Thatcher (Maggies son) who were convicted for conspiracy to overthrow Equatorial Guinea.
There can be no question that such trained contractors are capable of excellent private security services, but in Iraq, since they operate outside of the command and control of Coalition Forces, they are more likely to get in the way, or be mistaken for Opposition Forces. Perhaps there is a third way.
Most retired Spec Ops personnel mesh well into civilian life, but a pitiful few will end up working as a convenience store clerks, only to man a barstool by night.
here's a collection of links on able danger from free republic
The French foreign legion is still active and units are currently deployed on the Ivory Coast. I have also wondered if the US could make a ‘foreign legion’ out of our burgeoning corp of immigrants. It seems unlikely if it is politically incorrect to demand a pledge of allegiance.
“There are currently some 3300 Gurkhas (effective strength) in the British Army (as at December 2004) organised into the following headquarters and units:”
Better examples, dave, can be drawn from the British experience. Natives composed most of their colonial forces. They may not have always deployed in their home countries, though that was usually the case. The Gurkhas of Napel performed famously for the British. They could be the core of a real international force.
The story of the Battle of Monte Cassino is a Ghurkha glory page. And the Poles, too. Hell, all units on both sides, to tell the truth. Every schoolkid should know it.
Seems like the focus here is on Buddy's 8:48 post, namely who cuts the checks.
I would guess the US Congress (spelled DemocRATS) is the biggest impediment to optimum rational methods?
ie. what are the present opportunities, rules, and also impediments to the contractors being employed by folks we KNOW to the maximum extent possible are with the program?
"... We may know less and less how to feel about a state that is no longer defended by men and women we can perceive as pure", an ironic characterization, if ever there was one"
POV is all important here:
When you work for an outfit as pure as the Times, one can't expect the same perspective as some wretch living in Oz.
Speaking of which:
ex dem asked about a Frank Rich piece of few threads back:
Has anyone read through the entire thing?
I read about 5 lies and decided my health (High BP) was more important than keeping up w/Frank Rich.
The part I read looked like it had been written by MoveOn.
Your view certainly makes a case for a market-driven mercenary force, doesn't it?
Someone asked about the Able Danger situation. Doc Sanity has an excellent post on it with a time line.
RWE: do you know of any publications or discussions available about the use of mercenaries? Didn't we use them in the Revolution?
IOW, I'd like some historical background, too.
Your recent history of Basic Training seems grounds for optimism, for sure:
I guess things got pretty bad between the time I "attended" Ft. Ord post grad and the present day, which sounds pretty much like a return to sanity.
Is PC Careerism on the wane in the US Military?
Desert Rat 0630, Let's not forget that the Head cheese in the u.n. ordered Lt. Gen. Dallaire to stand down while the machetes worked.
I did a post today comparing two points of view on the Gaza withdrawal.
As a Belmont progeny, I'm rather pleased with the outcome -- i.e., I come down on the side of optimism.
See You Next Year in Jerusalem
Always did like Pollyanna.
Thanks, Teach.
Follow up Mike H's post by googling [ Dallaire fax ] ...Kofi wasn't the SecGen then, he had a staff job with the specific "prevent genocide-type things in places like Rwanda". Don't look into it if you have high BP, tho. Some things are so wrong they're not even criminal.
dymphna: Sorry, I don't know of any publications on mercenaries. As for the Revolution, the Bristish used the Hessians, but I don't recall us using any mercenaries.
Doug: Yes, cause for optimism. My friend's daughter reporterd that during basic she had to sit and look straight ahead at her food and if she even looked up from her tray she was forced to throw it all way and do without. That sounds pretty strict, even more so than what I went through. My friend (an Air Force Vietnam Vet) reports that his daughter left home as a pretty messed up weakling 25 year old, and now has got it all together, talks about how much pride she has when she salutes the flag and has more muscle than he has. They even had Iraq-style convoy practice, with pop-up targets that they fired at using live rounds from M-16s and grenade launchers. And urban combat training with pop-up targets, some of which you were NOT supposed to shoot at.
An actual shooting war has a way of focusing people's minds, as Churchill put it. In the early 90's, with 40% of the military being cut under an approach that seemed to have no rhyme nor reason, combined with PC-driven deployments, budget cutbacks, and absurd attitudes in Washington D.C., people were focused primarily on their careers. When the shooting stops ('46, '73, '92) then the military naturally turns to introspective discussions on who gets to stay and how they get promoted. I suspect it is a lot better now, because you have to throw away much of the BS and PC when you want to win.
Talk about an "Arsenal of Democracy": the terrorists may have started soemthing that they and a whole bunch of other people will not like to face.
News Flash: "Captured officer in the George Soros Army admits clandestine assassination of Shite, Sunni leaders was a set-up civil war strategy to support Field Marshal Soros' short positions in Iraqi Dinar, US Dollar"....
This is hardly something that is unknown in our history. We have used "mercenaries" quite often in the past; the privateers of the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, the Indian scouts in the Indian wars, the Indian tribes who fought against the British in the Revolutionary War, and those who fought against the French in the French and Indian Wars. The indigenous troops (montagnards) we armed in Vietnam, the Afghan rebels in the '70s and '80s, and most recently the Afghan warlords and the northern alliance all fit that bill. The only difference is that this case considers the use of American citizens fighting as mercenaries for the American government.
Yes, there is an excellent, growing, and very legitimate use for former special operators.
Officers of the CIA's Clandestine Service were the first on the ground in Afghanistan after 9/11. For years previously, they had established relations with the Northern Alliance, and were vital to preparing the way for the success the U.S. enjoyed there in October and November of 2001. Most of these CIA officers were former U.S. military special operators.
There are tribes and militias throughout the world that are enemies of our enemies. The need for liaison officers, trainers, and suppliers to these allies will be nearly limitless in the years ahead. Former special operators are ideal for this work (indeed, this is the work they most likely did in uniform); they can continue to do it as employees or contractors of the U.S. government and be well-compensated for it. We have argued on our blog that, after the Iraq experience, training, equiping, and leading proxy armies is the only tactic left to the U.S. as it continues with the war on terror. This is what these men will do.
I think one of the best articles on the growth of private military contractors is in the March/April issue of Foreign Affairs found at this link
"Talk about an "Arsenal of Democracy": the terrorists may have started soemthing that they and a whole bunch of other people will not like to face. "
On the homefront, we should have right wing Soros equivalents giving scholarships to augment GI Bill for OIF Vet Applicants screened for the intensity of their political zeal to heal the training grounds of the anti American legions.
"left home as a pretty messed up weakling 25 year old, and now has got it all together"
Another life saved:
Used to be common knowledge, then came the years of the anti heros:
Kinda Hard to see Teddy and Pelosi igniting revolutionary zeal in today's young, however.
"Officers of the CIA's Clandestine Service were the first on the ground in Afghanistan after 9/11. For years previously, they had established relations with the Northern Alliance, and were vital to preparing the way for the success the U.S. enjoyed there in October and November of 2001."
Putting the lie to all the experts, many our UK brothers across the pond, with their predictions of certain failure because of our woeful human intel.
to a great degree, yes most of those Carreer Defense Industry workers fit your first definition.
Without the word 'solely'. I would submit that there a very few individuals in Security situations in it SOLELY for the money. Even Mike Hoare had secondary motivations.
"Officers of the CIA's Clandestine Service were the first on the ground in Afghanistan after 9/11. For years previously, they had established relations with the Northern Alliance, and were vital to preparing the way for the success the U.S. enjoyed there in October and November of 2001."
The interesting fact is is that they were already on the ground and operating before 9/11. If you need to have contacts and operating experiance with indigs, you got to get as early a start as possible.
Able Danger:
What's so crazy about the 9-11 Commission defenders, is their apparent willingness to believe we could know everything about Atta the day after the attacks and NOTHING the day before:
Suspend common sense for the desired outcome.
AJ says:
Check out this breaking news via Jim Geraghty at the North Jersey Media, by Mike Kelly.
an honest lib?
After spending nearly a week torching carbon copy dittoheads, I do have to give some credit to AJ Strata of The Strata-Sphere for now raising some intelligent questions bout what the various intelligence outfits within the government knew about AlQaeda cells within the United States. Strata ably points out that whether Atta was actually named is besides the point if indeed Able Danger indentified a terror cell inside the U.S. […]
Left by Transparent Grid » Blog Archive » Some Conservatives Get More Reasonable .
AJ, something you said is bothering me. It appears that the Commission is saying that they recieved no information about Atta from the Able Danger folks. That was their position at the beginning of the week. That is their position now. Only problem is that in the intervening days between then and now, the Commission came out and admitted to hearing about Able Danger AND Atta. Why does their story keep changing? Has anyone else noticed this?
Left by colin
And I would guess that these Soldiers in Service to our Republic would fit trish's second definition
"...More than 140 military service members who were not U.S. citizens have died in Iraq and Afghanistan. Legal residents who are not citizens have long served in the U.S. military. ..."
These other than Americans KIA equate to about 10% of US deaths.
They were mercenaries, by definition, already in the US Military, I guess.
Then there is this from Zia Mien
"...General Peter Schoomaker, the US army chief of staff told the Senate that "We've got enormous challenges" when it comes to recruitment of new soldiers. The army's goal of 80,000 new recruits for this year "is at serious risk", and next year "may be the toughest recruiting environment ever".
These recruiting problems, he believes, are likely to stretch "well into the future". These problems are despite the enormous incentives now being offered to join the military. There is a joining bonus of $ 90,000 paid over three years, of which $ 20,000 is in cash and $ 70,000 in benefits, along with a cancelling of the loans many a young American must take to afford to go to college. There are reports also that people almost 40 years old are now eligible to join the military, and that the physical and intellectual standards for recruits have been lowered. ..."
"...About 7 per cent of the US military are not citizens. There are about 30,000 foreign soldiers in the US military from more than 100 countries; more than a third are Hispanic. To encourage recruitment, in 2002 the Bush administration made it easier for foreign-born US troops to become naturalised citizens. Now, any legal resident who joins the military can immediately petition for citizenship rather than wait the five years required for civilians to start this process. They do not even have to pay the several hundred dollar fee for this process. As an added incentive, if a foreign-born soldier who is a US citizen dies in the line of duty, the foreign-born members can now seek citizenship, even if they are not legal residents. It is also possible for soldiers to be made citizens after they have died in service and for their families to then become eligible for citizenship. ..."
The link goes on to profile the Military's current recruiting challenge.
The Znet site quotes Max Boot
"...Max Boot, a prominent military commentator, named among "the 500 most influential people in the United States in the field of foreign policy", has offered his solution for the problem of finding people to fight America's wars. In a recent article, Boot proposed that the path to a bigger American army lay in offering a new deal, "Defend America, Become American". Boot has proposed the US should look beyond just US citizens and permanent, legal residents for soldiers to fight in its military.
He has proposed a 'Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act', a DREAM Act, as he puts it, that would offer legal status to the children of illegal immigrants residing in the US and eligibility for citizenship if they can meet a number of conditions, including graduating from high school, and if they go to college or choose to serve in the military. A bill to this effect was introduced in the US Senate but has not been voted on yet. ... Boot asks "Would foreigners sign up to fight for Uncle Sam? I don't see why not, because so many people are desperate to move here. Serving a few years in the military would seem a small price to pay, and it would establish beyond a doubt that they are the kind of motivated, hardworking immigrants we want." The nightmare of war is offered as the prelude to the 'American dream'. ..."
"Your recent history of Basic Training seems grounds for optimism, for sure:
I guess things got pretty bad between the time I "attended" Ft. Ord post grad and the present day, which sounds pretty much like a return to sanity.
Is PC Careerism on the wane in the US Military?"
If it follows prior experience, I'd bet on it. We always water down basic training during peacetime, then quickly find out our folly and reverse course as soon as soldiers send back letters talking about how much more effective their training could have been. The big thing to look at is whether the Army seperates basic training again for women and men, that was the major impetus for relaxing them in the first place.
The idea of a UN Army is a horrible idea. Nothing should be done to strengthen or uplift UN power.
The UN already has the Piecekeepers in place. They are incompetent and poor people die because of it. If these incompetents were replaced by 1st quality professionals. Think of the lives saved and the increased real value we would be recieving for our UN dues.
It is better to keep the current UN efforts in Congo ongoing, but replace the Piecekeepers with Peacekeepers. There is a world of difference. The situation is not hopeless, it is just the the UN Forces are helpless.
Right trish,
People motivated "solely" by money, will be found to be few and far between.
Mr. Hendrick is not in Iraq "SOLELY" for the money. So I'd guess he's not a Merc, either.
Just those brave men that donned our uniform, fighting for a foreign Flag, they do fit your definition.
As does 7% of the US Army
your second definition
"(2) hired for service in a foreign army.
Our Army is a foreign army to THEM.
By any reasoning the non-citizens are mercenaries, hired for sevice in a foreign army.
The US is not their Nation State, they cannot obtain a US passport.
They are Foreign to US.
I'm sure that there are many more foreigners in the World we could utilize. Not just in our Standard Military, we should be developing independent foreign units.
Exactly, when the ICC or other NGA's discuss Mercenaries, just who are they discussing.
The Gurkas were first introduced to British Forces in 1815. Since that time they have participated in every Major British campaign. 200,000 served in WWI and 250,000 served in WWII.
While described as Mercenaries they do not serve for money alone, the Brits are not spend thrifts, and the pay was never especially generous. Some Gurkhas have five generations of family service.
"throwback to the practices ended by the Peace of Westphalia."
Those practices were hardly ended by the treaty of Westphalia. That was in 1648; there has been massive use of mercenaries since then, by both signatories and non-signatories of the treaty. Many examples have been mentioned in some of the previous posts here.
It's All in the Family for Kofi
Inquiries into Kobina Annan are at an early stage and he has not been interviewed. But investigators are understood to suspect that Kobina Annan and Michael Wilson, an African businessman, had a business relationship at the time of the scandal.
A source close to the investigation said:
"We believe Kobina Annan may be involved with Michael Wilson and Kojo Annan. We know there is a connection between Kobina and Wilson."
And surprise, surprise -- Michael Wilson isn't just a "long-standing friend of the Annans" he was a Cotecna vice president.
: The Australian .
. Pardon My English
The Free Market, the Press & Iraq:
Recent news about the state of the American economy has been extremely promising. Unemployment is at all-time lows, incomes have gone up, inflation is low, tax revenues have gone up significantly, both the budget and trade deficits have gone down and the overall economy has grown at a respectable 4+% rate. Yet, the polls all state that Americans by and large rate the economy as not doing nearly so well. This is a little surprising, considering that the Bush Administration's economic numbers for the past two years are on a par with the Clinton Administration's numbers at the same point of time in their term(s), and then, the vast majority of voters rated the economy very highly.
Like Michael Barone I believe this is largely a function of the bias of the Press. In other words, when a Republican is the inhabitant of the White House, good economic numbers are hardly ever given the prominence they would be given if the President wore a "D" behind his name. The New York Times, true to form, went on a desperate hunt for the dark lining around the silver cloud when the latest report on the economy came in, and it turned out, much to the disappointment of the folks at the NYT to be a lot more positive than they believed it should be, especially with a Republican in the Oval Office for a second term. Unable to credit the last Democrat President for the current strength of the economy, and with both Houses of Congress headed by the GOP, the New York Times was reduced to twisting itself into some highly entertaining knots to convince itself that the sky was falling.
Fewer Americans Confident on War on Terror Success:
In his Aug. 13 radio address, U.S. president George W. Bush expressed confidence, saying, "The terrorists will fail. Because we are fighting a murderous ideology with a clear strategy, we’re staying on the offensive in Iraq, Afghanistan and other fronts in the war on terror, fighting terrorists abroad so we do not have to face them here at home. When terrorists spend their days and nights struggling to avoid death or capture, they’re less capable of arming and training and plotting new attacks on America."
Polling Data
Who is winning the war on terror?
Aug. 2005
Jul. 2005
Jun. 2005
U.S. / Allies
Not sure
Source: Rasmussen Reports
Methodology: Telephone interviews to 1,000 American adults, conducted on Aug. 10 and Aug. 11, 2005. Margin of error is 3 per cent.
If you want to know all about able danger check out the quotes and links in this piece by AJ Strata.
Whether Weldon is a kook or not is a red herring:
The only thing between now and getting the truth to be widely known is a full scale blogstorm.
BC'ers do your part!
This is worth a read:
Bell Misses Game for Nephew's Service:
Kansas City Royals manager Buddy Bell missed Monday night's game against the Seattle Mariners to attend services at Arlington National Cemetery for his nephew, a Marine killed in Iraq.
Lance Cpl. Tim Bell Jr. was killed by a roadside bomb this month.
Great read Buddy, thanks.
Why Are Americans Sour About Everything? Iraq:
Americans are in a sour and pessimistic mood.
President George W. Bush's job approval rating is an unimpressive 42 percent, according to the latest Associated Press poll conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs. Attitudes are lousy about just about everything. Only 41 percent of Americans approve of the president's handling of the economy, the same poll shows.
There are only two possibilities. Either Americans see an economic reversal coming that markets have missed, or the data are fine and Americans are upset about something else.
There's been an endless stream of speculation. Al Hubbard, director of the president's National Economic Council, emphasized fuel prices. Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, alluded to the cost of health insurance.
The explanation I favor is that the negative news about Iraq and the failure to stop the attacks in London have overwhelmed the good economic news. It's easy to assert that, but the fact is the data resoundingly support this view. poll data concerning attitudes toward President Bush's foreign policy and his handling of the economy. There is clearly a striking positive (and statistically quite significant) relationship between the two. Even the blips move together.
While correlation is not causality, the strong common down trend during a period of economic expansion convincingly supports the view that the turmoil in Iraq is affecting answers to economic questions. It's hard to imagine the effect going the other way.
Nice comment, Scalpel. I agree, serious optimism is worth a lot. Unserious optimism is almost as ghastly as politically-motivated pessimism. If honest hard-heads and techies can gather and see the road to victory, then, well, that's serious optimism.
Protesting mom's husband wants a divorce:
The husband of Cindy Sheehan, the mother camped outside President Bush's Texas ranch to protest the death of a son in the Iraq war, has filed for divorce, according to court documents.
When Sheehan arrived in Crawford on Aug. 6, her small group started marching to Bush's ranch, then was moved by authorities to a plot of land a few miles away.§ionID=1150
"Though the total financial reward for 12 mos. in country is quite handsome, the arms prohibition makes recruiting difficult."
Warriors for Hazardous Duty in Iraq.
Must be Motivated Gun Control Advocates.
"While correlation is not causality, the strong common down trend during a period of economic expansion convincingly supports the view that the relentless bias against the President and the Military, including promiscuous use of outright lies, is affecting answers to all poll questions."
...but then that is the point of the excercise:
Just ask Frank Rich.
Good news out of Iraq must not go unnoticed:
The White House communications team -- hobbled by institutional bashfulness and a nearly terminal incapacity for self-expression -- must educate Americans and our allies more effectively on what works in Iraq.
While journalists should not whitewash Iraq's mayhem, they should cover the accomplishments of U.S. personnel, soldiers from the 27 other nations with boots on the sand, and the Iraqis who are rebuilding their country -- never mind the evildoers' blasts and billowing smoke.
The keystone has been found ....
.... the wall comes tumbling down.
The Clinton administration missed the boat on the 9/11 attack,
everyone knew it, but couldn't link the unconnected points together.
It now looks like the big missing keystone DOT that the Jersey Girls
were looking for has been found.
It must be remembered that the purpose of the 9/11 commission from the
Democrat perspective was to get Bush before the 2004 election. So the
parts that didn't fit the story the commission wanted was any DOT that
pointed to the Clinton Administration.
The biggest DOT of all has is exposed. PDD-24, China-gate, the
Gorelick wall and Sandy Berger's pants all connect together. Strange
that Richard Clarke didn't know anything about Able Danger.
The Gorelick wall was erected in 1995 with PDD-24 to block the Clinton
Chinagate campaign funds scam from being investigated by the FBI.
Connect the dots. We need an investigation of the investigators to
find out why the American people were lied to.
trangbang in his 6:50 post pretty well seems to put to words what I have been exposed to myself.. Some just have a few more asses that they want to kick before they "call it over" for them, and some just want to dare the devil.. The money is something they can justify what they are doing with .. Till we take the micro-manage out of the military and take the halter off, we are gonna have guys that still have a chip on their shoulder that are going to be wanting something more out of their military time than being targets for terrorists.. I used to be a fairly active bar-hound in my past, and traveled in circles with these folks, and find them to be a lot more commom folk than the likes of what Cindy Sheehan associates with.. I do still have contact with a few, and they aint happy with this "panty-raid" we are having in Iraq.. Some went into the merc's and faded into shadows.. Their fight was always with evil, whether real or perceived.. They operate by a code and an ethic, which is far more than I can say about a lot of ex-Langley protection orgs.. I truely hope you here dont confuse the merc's with the bounty hunters in the Stan refered to here earlier.. I do have to admit that the merc's do posess weapons that the anti-gun folks here in the U.S. would wet their panties over.. I say screw em.. The merc's are doing a thankless job, and are doing it with great professionalism and valor.. Some may retire to the U.S. Homeland and be the Minuteman Patriot that stops the next suitcase nuke from entering the country by the southern border.. Who wants to work at a fuggin 7-11 antyway ??
I think if Americans are upset it's because there are some totally obvious things we think should be done that haven't been:
(1) Build a wall along the Rio Grande, and throw out and KEEP out the illegals we can find here now;
(2) Quit strip-searching grandmothers at the airports and *start* doing full cavity searches of young Arab men travellers;
(3) Crack down on *all* visa and passport issuing; I don't want Frogs to get in just because they're supposed allies;
(4) Dump the UN. Pull our funding out of the UN and then ignore them, except for ...
(5) Go after Kofi and the rest of his band of merry theives Hard and Mean. Make like Al Capone in The Untouchables: I want this guy dead! I want his family dead! I want his house burned to the ground! I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on his ashes!
(6) Nuke Iran. Why are we still pussyfooting around these goons? Why has it been allowed to go this far? Make like Elliott Ness in The Untouchables: You wanna know how you do it? Here's how, they pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That's the Chicago way, and that's how you get Capone! Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that? And that goes for Saudi Arabia, too.
(6) Haul Michael Moore and his little band of buddies up for treason. Start prosecuting, for God's sake, the Ward Clarks and Cindy Sheehans and Ted Kennedys who want to give our country over to the Wahhabi's.
If we're at war, then ACT like we're at war, dammit!
The Afghan Legion.
Bobby of Bobby's World has an interesting post about a paper that he presented at a recent conference at Fort Leavenworth.
Leverage the Afghans: The Case for Building an Afghan Auxiliary Military Force for Expeditionary OperationsMy agenda was pretty straightforward: my background (to establish my "credibility" on the topic), the historical experience of the British Gurkhas (who serve as my model), the composition and details of my proposed Afghan Auxiliary Military Force, why I think the US Army would support this idea, and why I think the Government of Afghanistan would support it as well.
. Alexander the Average.
Now you're gettin' somewhere, gorilla-feller. Riady. Reno. Los Alamos. Loral. Gore drank too much tea. Dot-com financiers busted for ma& pa fleecing, and Richard Holbrooke unable to remember his banking relationships before the investigating congressional hearings. Oil-for-food springing up simultaneously in the Democrat-protected UN. Global takeover by organized crime. Out, out damned spot, damned new administration, damned Florida, damned Supreme Court. The jihad is only a ripple from the splash we didn't want to notice.
Yeah, word warriors, or the other kind, the sentiment is universal.
Well, except for all the PC Flower People.
The more you read about Able Danger, the more covered up do do about
Clinton's Run From Terrortm
you find.
Cleric in terror-tie probe to be deported:
The other men arrested, Hamid Hayat and his father, Umer, are charged in federal court with lying to authorities.
The son is charged with lying to the FBI about attending a terrorism camp in Pakistan in 2003 and 2004. His father is charged with lying when he denied his son had attended such a camp. Both have pleaded not guilty.
Nobody said we HAVE to win.
They figure the suspense will keep us interested.
Now you're gettin' somewhere, gorilla-feller.
Ha! But there's more Mr. Larsen:
Rethinking Prague After Able Danger
Permanent U.S. Bases in Iraq? Experts See a Political Minefield:
The most ominous, and perhaps most likely, possibility is that insurgents and Islamic extremists will wage war against an Iraqi government allied with the United States whether we stay or go.
Permanent U.S. bases might stoke the fire, but it is probably too much to hope that it will burn out without them.,1,6314788.column?coll=la-headlines-nation&ctrack=1&cset=true
1 lawyer in every mess pot would fix that real quick.
Can't pay too many tributes to those like Rick Resorla.
Unfree Under Islam:
In every society where family affairs are regulated according to instructions derived from the Shariah or Islamic law, women are disadvantaged. The injustices these women are exposed to in the name of Islam vary from extreme cruelty (forced marriages; imprisonment or death after rape) to grossly unfair treatment in matters of marriage, divorce and inheritance.
It seems strange to associate the context of Canada with that of Iraq, but a closer look at the arguments used to reassure the demonstrating women in both countries reveals the similar ordeals that Muslim women in both countries must go through to secure their rights. It shows how their legitimate and serious worries are trivialized, and how vulnerable and alone they are.
The draft Iraqi bill of rights favors men in other respects, such as the right to marry up to four wives, and the right to an easy divorce, without the interference of a court, simply by repeating "I divorce you" in the presence of two male witnesses. A wife divorced in such a fashion will receive an allowance for a period of three months to one year, and after that period nothing.
Sam, apparantly some Shia women's groups are getting a hearing in the ongoing Constitutional Convention, and are putting in against the Shia proposal to institute Sharia Law over the Shia parts of Iraq. They don't want to to be under Sharia Law, as they are second-class citizens therein, and are saying so. Democracy in action. Wonder where are the western feminists? Shouldn't they be as vocal in support of Constitutional Iraq as they have been on other issues at other times? What gives, this is a big moment, and ya can hear a pin drop.
Buddy, didn't know about the women's groups getting a hearing. No wonder the delay. Pretty important stuff.
Where are the western feminists on this issue, indeed. Perhaps we can go to this site and ask them.
A Mother And the President:
White House aides say they worry about the precedent, should Bush see Sheehan again. "If the President meets with her, does he have to meet with every protester who camps out in Crawford or in Lafayette Park [in Washington]?" asks a Bush aide. "Does he have a second meeting with every mother or wife who asks for one?"
A fair question. There is a risk, though, that Sheehan's ideas will never stop spreading down the road. In 1965 a group of just 25 antiwar protesters demonstrated outside President Lyndon Johnson's Texas ranch. Within a few years, the handful had turned into a movement.,9171,1093760-1,00.html
trish 8:17
Without the guys with the guns, you aint gonna have reason for translators or intel, counter-intel or analysts.. All you have are hostages or future hostages with beheading film at 11, courtesy of Al Jizz !! The guys with the guns arent miscreants or outcasts,.. Just ask one what they are fighting for and they will tell you, that they just want there to be no more wars.. Almost every one hopes that this will be the last one, and that noone else will be needed to take his place.. The U.S. has extended their age requirement to older applicants of military service.. Dont worry, I'm still too old, dammit !! BUT, if they did tell me I could have my old job back, IN A HEARTBEAT BABY !! Old Sergeants never die, they just fade away .. For my Service, I have a stack of "attaboys" that I can pull out, but for those unsung heroes that Wretchard points out here, I can only hope that they see that we love them and hope for their safety and wish that they come back home to us safe and sound when the mission is accomplished..
Illinois soldier killed by land mine in Iraq:
When Linda Falzone heard about the 14 Marines killed in a roadside bombing in western Iraq earlier this month, she frantically called her brother to ask if there was something they could do to get his son out of there.
"He says 'Donna, he's doing his job. He's a military man who wants to do this,"' Falzone of Highland Park recalled Monday about that conversation with her brother Thomas Giaimo.
The Jihadi Bomb:
To ratchet up the killing with WMD is fully correct, "religiously". In May 2003, dutiful to the conventions of running a holy war, bin Laden secured a fatwa -- a ruling on a point of Islamic law that is given by a recognized authority -- from a Saudi sheik saying al-Qaeda would be justified in using nuclear weapons against America.
The question is will the U.S. government be any more competent at stopping an attack than it was on Sept. 11?
The feminists? Just a bunch of hypocrites. And the link Sam provided shows a very good example of the blinkered, short-sighted female 'champion' in vogue today.
With such friends in our midst, we need no enemies.
i know its too much to expect, but if bush met with her, and persuaded her of the profoundly noble meaning of her son's sacrifice ...
I see Bush having to meet with this raving lunatic and trying to persuade her of ANYthing being the same kind of enforced guilt trip as being told we need to meet with terrorist groups to understand their "root causes".
The terrorists are terrorists and I don't *care* what their root causes are -- kill 'em.
Cindy Sheehan is a nutcase and I don't *care* what she says or thinks -- ignore her.
Nahncee: The REAL Ruut Causes of Terrorism.
The problem is so acute that the U.N. has scheduled a conference on the topic, “Fighting the Scourge of Hypo-Upsilonuria”, to be held in Timbuktu in August of 2006.
But the U.N. will have its work cut out for it, since Arabs in Norway are demanding that restitution be made to them in the form of the letter “v”, as is the custom in Norwegian names. “This will be very difficult for us,” says Gunnar Inqvist, the Norwegian Minister of Immigrant Affairs, “because at the moment there is a severe shortage of v’s in Norway.”
The Welsh are experts in the field, and are sending a team of Vowel Restitution Engineers to the conference in Timbuktu. The team leader, Mr. Kynwyl Llwyd of Llandudno, says, “We have had centuries of vowel deprivation in Wales, due to the cross-border vowel raids conducted by the English from the 13th through the 19th centuries. If anybody can help those poor bloody Arabs, we can.”
Confusing isn't it? It wasn't EO in Equatoria Guinea, it was Sir Mark.
"The coup plot was led by former SAS officer and mercenary Simon Mann, one of Thatcher's friends and former neighbours in Cape Town, where Thatcher has lived since 1995."
The debacle in Papua New Guinea was brought to you by Sandline/Executive Outcomes.
These are the mercenaries who were hired by a previous PNG Prime Minister to put down the rebellion in the North Solomons province.
There are two seperate lines of thought on this thread.
First regards the use of civilians, working in concert with US troops. These individuals seem to be veterans of US military service. While civilian truck drivers and mechanics working hand and glove with US military draws little comment, armed guards, seem to many, a different catagory of worker.
The second line runs to the use of self contained units of military professionals. These units would be used in UN Peacekeeping missions, protecting unarmed civilians from exploitation and death. Congo, Liberia, Sudan, Zimbabwe are examples of countries where these type units could be successfully deployed.
This professionalization of the Peacekeepers, could be one of the positive outcomes of US sponsored UN reform and reorginization
the truth?
the jews stole the u's and are keeping them and torturing them....
i personally have a collection of several thousand u's
all mine!!!!
Cll m n ntSmt, bt ll wrld prblms r csd b Jws stlng r vwls!
Of course this pleading is moot if indeed most Americans, as possibly evinced by the last election, simply here this stuff and are galvanized against it.
See that's the problem right there. MOST Americans vote FOR Bush and therefore FOR the War in the last election. I don't see how anyone can possibly make the claim that Americans were galvanized against anything except, possibly, John Kerry's looking too French. Or had you forgotten that mathematical evidence in the intervening nine months since the election?
As I recall the father of one of the Rangers lost in Somalia met with Clinton, telling him that Clinton did not deserve to be CiC.
At the time the anti-Clinton partison did trumpet the parents disdain for the President.
"... After inviting the families for a moment of quiet reflection in the Oval Office, the president approached Herbert Shughart, the father of one of the two soldiers, and offered his hand.
To his astonishment the handshake was declined. ''You are not fit to be president of the United States,'' said Shughart Senior. ''The blame for my son's death rests with the White House and with you. You are not fit to command.''
Parent's lament
Cll m n ntSmt, bt ll wrld prblms r csd b UUU's!
"stln U's"
We'll retrn all but the U's
Okay with yo, dog?
No one is saying that Sheehan should not be allowed to say what she is saying. The problem is that there is an assumption that being a grieving mother who is against the war gives more credence to her political philosophy.
Hey Devil Dog:
I don't want no _N Mercenary Peacekeeping Force!
Screw _!
If you agree with Ms Sheehan and her feelings about Mr. Bush, her status as grieving mother adds potency to "position".
If you agreed with Mr. Herbert Shughart and his feelings about Mr. Clinton and the Somalian Intervention, which I did, it added potency to the argument.
Both parents are examples of feeling that the 'powers that be' has let down their side.
Wretch is not known to censor:
Any good links or insights would be appreciated.
Be sure to check out my AJ Strata links if you haven't yet.
He's the best I've found.
The two biggest names,
JPod and Gerehty are the most risk averse and jump at the slightest threat of being wrong and open to criticism.
Malkin was sounding skitterish too:
Goes to show what tends to happen with the big names.
I like Dr. Sanity's approach:
Address the doubt, but don't jump ship at the sight of the first wave.
How about if they worked directly for US, on those missions?
Dsrt Rt,
Shughart is Right, Sheehan is Wrong.
Dsrt Rt,
2:32 PM, don't drag me into that mercenary quagmire:
I've labored hard to stay clear so far.
See my
"Alexander the Average"
link above for another opinion.
Hey Verc:
Can you beat that Name?
I put this in the previous thread:
OT, but a great, short read!
VJ day 60 years on
.Forgotten Army gathers. does seem like the folks in power serve a lot less these days than then, even if it is a moveOn mantra:
Not a left right issue I think.
Duke Cunningham's son is a great example.
If by "potent" you mean "effective", I will agree with you to a very limited degree. If by "potent" you mean "viable" then I disagree. The only reason that a grieving parent/relative makes a more effective argument in a case such as this is because no one wants to argue the merits of the case with someone who just lost a loved one.
A Letter of Marque is a grant to do offensive operations. Capture enemy ships or destroy them.
Defensive operations need no specific authorization. Merchantmen are allowed to be armed and use those arms for defence.
Why there will be on Letters of Marque soon and possibly forever:
War as a profit making venture by capturing enemy ships and cargos is going to gather a lot of bad PR.
I'd like some balance.
Where are the Gold Star Mothers on the other side?
Good Queen Bess made great use of just an opportunity, hiring Sir Walter Raleigh to engage all the cutthroat pirates he could find, to pillage enemy (Spanish) shipping, on a share-basis with England, giving the former criminals a little pardon and respectability for awhile there, in the late fifteen-hundreds.
potent as in effective.
I have always believed private security firms can play a useful role in Iraq (exhelodrv does a fair job of explaining the need, as do other posters). As usual, the NY Times (the antitheses of Wretchard's web log) paints them as "hired guns" or loose cannons on the deck. That is not true.
If one closely reads they NY Times article it never actually presents any hard facts supporting their thesis that these private security firms are operating with no restraint and are injuring innocent civilians (the facts are out of context and out of time frames).
Further, the whole NY Times piece is a crafted work of division, confusion and dark Innuendo on the part of the coalitions efforts to secure Iraq (one wonders who the NY Times is working for).
Look, the American Military and its Coalitions partners are at the top of the military pyramid. No private contractor could survive without them.
No private contractor would have the ability to launch military air cover operations and other heavy lifting operations in a pinch. And, most historians will agree that heavy weapons are always needed to win a war.
Contrary to being a loose cannon on the deck, the military contractor is subservant to the US Military. Sure, in certain instances they have less weight in their saddle than the military to performs certain tasks (maybe in the past some guy could fire a "light belted machine gun from a truck window" - if that were true). But, in the final analysis they are depended on heavy military might.
I must agree, the private security firms provide a needed service - yet are dependent on the Military and it's infrastructure to function. It's a mutual service arraignment.
'Rat, coming from you, I knew it didn't have another meaning.
Washington vs. Bush:
More than one person is credited with the quote, "A nation which forgets its past is condemned to repeat it." More dangerous –even- is the idea of rewriting a past because we've forgotten the context in which the events took place.
The Reason for War
GW: "Nothing short of Independence, it appears to me, can possibly do. A peace on other terms would, if I may be allowed the expression, be a peace of War.
GWB: "Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th.
The Greatest Military in the World
GW: "No history, now extant, can furnish an instance of an army's suffering such uncommon hardships as ours have done, and bearing them with the same patience and Fortitude. To see men without Cloat to cover their nakedness.
GWB: "The dangers are real, as our soldiers, and sailors, airmen, and Marines fully understand. Yet, no military has ever been better prepared to meet these challenges.
Fulfilling Their Destiny
GW: "But, as it has been a kind of destiny that has thrown me upon this Service, I shall hope that my undertaking of it, designd to answer some good purpose. You might, and I suppose did perceive, from the Tenor of my letters, that I was apprehensive I could not avoid this appointment, as I did not even pretend to intimate when I should return.
GWB: "We did not ask for this mission, but we will fulfill it. And I pledge to you that America will never relent on this war against terror.
You're either with us or Against us
GW: "It cannot be fairly supposed, that she [France] will hesitate a moment to declare War, if she is given to understand, in a proper manner, that a reunion of the two Countries may be the consequence of procrastination. An European War, and an European alliance would effectually answer our purposes.
GWB: "And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation in every region now has a decision to make.
Intelligence Measures
GW: If possible, I should also suppose it absolutely necessary, to obtain good intelligence from England. Pointing out the true springs of this manuvre of ministry.
Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ): “I feel compelled to point out three obvious facts: One, an intelligence failure is not synonymous with a misuse of intelligence. Two, this intelligence issue does not fundamentally change the case against Saddam Hussein. Three, since Iraq itself had provided documentation to the United Nations on its production of chemical and biological agents, the question is not whether but what happened to the stockpiles."
The Ring must be destroyed
GW: "Men are naturally fond of peace and there are symptoms, which may authorise an opinion, that the people of America, are pretty generally weary of the present war. It is doubtful, whether many of our friends might not incline to an accomodation of the grounds held out, or which may be, rather than persevere in a contest for independance."
GWB: "The only way our enemies can succeed is if we forget the lessons of September the 11th, if we abandon the Iraqi people to men like Zarqawi, and if we yield the future of the Middle East to men like Bin Laden. For the sake of our nation's security, this will not happen on my watch."
Troops Must Come First
GW: "The necessity of putting the Army upon a respectable footing, both as to numbers and constitution, is now become more essential than ever. This will conduce to inspire the Country with confidence.
Congressman Harold Ford: "More than two years after the start of the war in Iraq, it is distressing to hear yet again that our troops, who are risking their lives on behalf of American security and freedom, lack the basic equipment needed to carry out their mission.
Volunteer Army
GW: "I refer you to my Letter to yourself & Colo. Lee, which accompanies this, upon the subject of money for such of the old Virginia Troops, as have or may reinlist. In respect to the Volunteer plan, I scarce know what opinion to give at this time.
Col. Oliver North: "Current reenlistment rates indicate that those who are serving today -- and those who are volunteering to serve tomorrow -- still believe that this country is worth defending. Thankfully, in this war where every American is a terrorist target, there are still enough bright, tough, young Americans willing to stand up and fight."
Fifth Column
GW: The Enemy are beginning to play a game, more dangerous than their efforts by arms, tho these will not be remitted in the smallest degree, and which threatens a fatal blow to American independence, and to her liberties of course: They are endeavouring to ensnare the people by specious allurements of peace.
Knight Ridder Newspapers : "Bedeviled by the mounting casualties in Iraq and increasingly confused by the mixed messages emanating from war leaders, Americans in large numbers are losing confidence in the mission. New polls report that for the first time, a majority of Americans reject President Bush's contention that the war over there is making us safer over here.
GWB: They fight because they know that the survival of their hateful ideology is at stake. They know that as freedom takes root in Iraq, it will inspire millions across the Middle East to claim their liberty, as well.
People who buy into revisionist history -which teaches us that the founders of our country were not virtuous or to be honored for their courage and tremendous foresight, are likelier to believe President Bush responsible for putting our military and citizenry in harms way. Most assuredly, if George Washington were alive today, he would affirm it is exactly this kind of thinking that will lead to our demise.
Your Most Obedient Humble Servant, GW
trish: "Grieving parents of soldiers are allowed to say whatever the hell they want to say, no matter how mistaken or fruity."
Last I checked everybody in this country was extended that courtesy, by the Constitution, no less.
Sheehan's right to speak is not in question. Sheehan's right to demand a second audience with the President is not even in question. What's in question is whether the substance of her daily diatribes should be listened to and trumpeted around the globe by patsy fellow-travelers bored by the August news slowdown. What's in question is whether every left-leaning club, newspaper, and website is behaving ethically by using Sheehan's grief as a bludgeon on the American people, exploiting her "moral authority" to avoid critical argument so the Leftist opportunists can advance their subversive agenda of pacifism, socialism, and anti-semitism.
Sheehan has an almost absolute right of speech, and she has an absolute right to be wrong. She is currently exercising both.
Critics of Clinton focused on the Tactical Decisions he and his underlings made concerning the Somolian Operation.
Critics of Bush claim both the Strategic and Tactical Decisions have been faulty, in Iraq.
To focus upon the opinions of the Parents of a dead troopers is an error. They are anything but objective observers.
Red State Peltast-If you read Machiavelli REALLY carefully, you'll find what he actually meant was to 'convert' mercenaries into national troops by playing upon their leadership and suborning their loyalties. The examples he used in those chapters bear this out very clearly. IIRC, Cesare Borgia's rise to power was the example he used.
For the mercenaries in Iraq, most of them are probably still very pro-west and patriotic at heart, so while their working title is 'mercenary', in many other ways they can be considered 'national' troops.
A Paen to Sheehan .
Version 2
. They've got the fever.
"Egad, aristides. That sounds positively HUAC-ish."
Egad! Aristedes:
That sounds like the FACTS!
Officer Says Military Blocked Sharing of Files on Terrorists .
The officer, Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, said military lawyers later blocked the team from sharing any of its information with the bureau.
Colonel Shaffer said in an interview on Monday night that the small, highly classified intelligence program, known as Able Danger, had identified the terrorist ringleader, Mohamed Atta, and three other future hijackers by name by mid-2000, and tried to arrange a meeting that summer with agents of the Washington field office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to share its information.
Clinton Ignored 1996 Warning On AQ?
Posted by AJStrata on August 17th, 2005
While we are realing from the Able Danger blockbuster news, Clinton decides to come out trying to claim he wished he had better information on the USS Cole bombing so he could have acted on Bin Laden. So one has to wonder about this news out from the Dept of State saying they tried to warn Clinton about Bin Laden in 1996, only to be rebuffed:
State Department analysts warned the Clinton administration in July 1996 that Osama bin Laden’s move to Afghanistan would give him an even more dangerous haven as he sought to expand radical Islam “well beyond the Middle East,” but the government chose not to deter the move, newly declassified documents show.
In what would prove a prescient warning, the State Department intelligence analysts said in a top-secret assessment on Mr. bin Laden that summer that “his prolonged stay in Afghanistan - where hundreds of ‘Arab mujahedeen’ receive terrorist training and key extremist leaders often congregate - could prove more dangerous to U.S. interests in the long run than his three-year liaison with Khartoum,” in Sudan. _____AJ Strata_____
Lowlife Scumbag Demos Again:
"Monday, Aug. 15, 2005 10:41 p.m. EDT
Clinton: I Would Have Attacked bin Laden.
Ex-president Bill Clinton now says he would have taken out Osama bin Laden before the 9/11 attacks – if only the FBI and CIA had been able to prove the al-Qaida mastermind was behind the attack on the U.S.S. Cole.
"I desperately wish that I had been president when the FBI and CIA finally confirmed, officially, that bin Laden was responsible for the attack on the U.S.S. Cole," Clinton tells New York magazine this week. "Then we could have launched an attack on Afghanistan early."
"I don’t know if it would have prevented 9/11," he added. "But it certainly would have complicated it.”
Despite his failure to launch such an attack, Clinton said he saw the danger posed by bin Laden much more clearly than did President Bush.
"I always thought that bin Laden was a bigger threat than the Bush administration did," he told New York magazine."
. _____The Jerk_____
He still gives three or four paid speeches per month, at anywhere from $150,000 to $250,000 a pop, though his aides say the money he receives from poorer . countries goes into his foundation.
. the money he receives from poorer countries
right to demand.
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